"These are the rare breeds that the empire is famous for, and they are hard to find! Brother, I just got them a few days ago, and you are lucky enough to reimburse them all at once!" Yuhuang Xingyan knew that there was nothing he could do with her. He sighed helplessly. Bi%qu%gewww.biqu

"Brother, you seem a little unhappy?" Ming Yue threw the bouquet away, put a pair of small hands around his neck, and stared at him intently with her dark eyes.

Yuhuang Xingyan said casually: "No! What am I unhappy about?"

Ming Yue snorted and said, "I can feel it when there is something on your mind. You can't fool me!"

"...It's really nothing. You probably overestimated it!" He felt a little guilty.

"Let's not expose it for now, anyway, you always like to coax people like this!" She let go of her hand unhappily, turned away and stopped looking at him.

Yuhuang Xingyan was very depressed. For the first time, she began to complain that Blomberg's technology was too powerful. Forget about fine-tuning genes and repairing defects, she didn't expect that her IQ would be adjusted to such a high level. The present is so difficult to fool, and if things continue like this, her future self will probably not be much different from being completely transparent in front of her!

Sure enough, if a woman is too wise, as a man, life will really be very painful! If she had been so shrewd back then, Your Majesty might not be able to take over this empire even today! He roughly figured it out in his mind.

"Baby, there's nothing wrong with me, I'm just worried about you!" He sighed softly, held her in his arms, and said softly:

"His Majesty the Emperor will be back soon. I still don't know why I should tell him, so I'm a little embarrassed!"

"I know!" Ming Yue said gloomily, "I'm just a clone. Once people outside know my existence, they will capture me and recycle me!"

"If I had known this, why would you let me come to this world again?"

Yuhuang Xingyan felt a pain in her heart and couldn't help hugging her tightly: "Baby, don't worry! My brother will definitely protect you. No matter what the cost, I will never abandon you again!"

"Really?" Mingyue stared at him.

"Yes! Of course it's true!" Yuhuang Xingyan said seriously,

"Even if I don't serve as an official anymore, I will definitely protect you! If the emperor doesn't agree, then I will leave the imperial capital with you, find a place where no one knows where I am waiting, and live incognito for the rest of my life!"

She turned her anger into joy: "Then it's settled! Every word you say will be remembered, and you won't be allowed to leave it alone!"

Yuhuang Xingyan smiled and said: "Of course, as long as my brother is here, I will never let you be wronged again!"

After all, I am His Majesty's loyal minister. With his moral character that always values ​​friendship, I guess it won't embarrass myself too much, right? However, in another year and a half, this girl will grow up to be an adult, and he has no idea how to deal with the relationship by then! We can only take one step at a time!

The sixth planet.

In a dark and lightless underground secret room in an inconspicuous building.

The interior furnishings are bland, with just a few rows of sofas and a table.

It's unclear when the photon computer on the table was started, and a black humanoid afterimage quietly appeared on the front sofa, sitting quietly and silently.

Then, several more humanoid afterimages appeared one after another, also silent.

They are all three-dimensional images.

The leader, a man in black, looked at Wu Zhou and said softly: "Everyone is here! Let's start the discussion!"

A hoarse, deep voice sounded:

"What's there to discuss? His Majesty's camp is half a month away from the imperial capital. At this time, what can we discuss? What can we change?"

The leader of the men in black said awkwardly: "Then we can't do nothing, right? Are you really willing to put aside your past power and glory for the time being?"

"Hmph! Who can expose it temporarily?" Another gloomy voice sounded,

"But now, the situation is stronger than the people. His Majesty's luck is at its peak, his reputation is at the sky, and his martial arts are rare in ancient and modern times! Who has the ability to change easily at this time?"

Everyone was silent.

All major departments in the imperial capital and the ministers' families have received the news that His Majesty the Emperor will return from camp in mid-June, and all ministers will be there to greet him.

Counting the time, it has been a full year since His Majesty led his army to conquer the Prison Soul Star Sea in June last year! The results have been so rich that it is unbelievable!

The Prison Soul Star Sea has more than 5,000 cosmic areas with a total population of more than 900 billion. It has all kinds of rare resources that have been discovered in the human world, including a large number of giant crystal core mineral veins; the Northeast Star Sea has more than 1,300 cosmic areas with a total population of 20,000 More than billions, countless natural resources of various kinds! All have been brought under the effective control and coordination of the empire!

At this point, the Daomang Empire already owns one-third of the territory of the human world, nearly half of the population, and a complete range of almost unlimited natural resource reserves! It has become the well-deserved most powerful country in the Star Sea!

Leng Zhuo had roughly estimated before that the fierce combat power possessed by the empire now was enough to rival any of the five established alien civilizations!

Although these alien races have fierce fighting capabilities, because the number of individuals of each race is too small, their advantages over the human world are not as great as the outside world estimates!

The Bojiang Empire, the Yanwei Tribal Alliance, and the ghost race each have a population of only 100 billion. Only the Miriam Empire has a larger number, but it does not exceed 500 billion! The combined population of the five races is less than a fraction of the human world!

The number of elephants is so huge that it is beyond estimation, and their development speed is dizzying. These are the two main reasons why human civilization is most fearful and even terrifying for them!

The day when the human world is unified is the beginning of the history of civilizations of different races!

But now, this terrible omen has appeared!

For His Majesty the Emperor, who is about to complete this great feat, who else can challenge his authority head-on?

A mature and steady voice said unhurriedly:

"No matter what, it's just for the sake of our family's race and our descendants! We have to find ways to compete. Although His Majesty is powerful, he doesn't just look for weaknesses! We don't have no chance at all!"

The man in black couldn't help but feel refreshed: "What methods do you have? Why don't you tell me?"

"What do you think of the current situation in the court?" The voice was not in a hurry to answer, but asked rhetorically.

"Is this..." the man in black muttered,

"Those who hold the most important weapons of the country are almost all those who follow His Majesty to conquer the country! The power and influence of the upper-ranking families and the old ministers of the former dynasty are much less than before, and they are also loyal to Your Majesty! Therefore, it is estimated that we will make plans in this regard , it’s really too difficult!”

"It seems a bit difficult at the moment, but soon it won't be that difficult!" the voice said cheerfully,

"His Majesty the Emperor will directly push them to our side! At that time, our strength will become stronger, and we can try some things that are impossible to achieve!"

"He can conquer this country, but the only one who can manage it well is me!"

The man in black was silent for a moment and said: "His majesty is now in great prestige, and everyone inside and outside the empire will obey his orders! Although those high-ranking families are being ignored, they can't see clearly the current situation! What do you mean? Will they be willing to risk confiscation of their homes and genocide to come to my side?"

"Furthermore, although His Majesty is young, his mind is not sloppy! Even if he refuses to reuse those superiors, he cannot destroy his foundation and push them out, right?"

The gloomy voice sounded again: "Isn't it possible? He is already doing this!"

"You mean, Your Majesty, he..." The man in black was a little unclear about what Dao Bifang meant.

The mature voice explained with a smile:

"Although this emperor comes from the direct line of the Yun family, because he grew up among the people and was too young, his actions are somewhat irrational! From now on, he still refuses to forgive his grandfather and refuses to acknowledge Yun Just looking at his royal status, it can be seen that he is not a sufficiently rational monarch!"

"That's because the Yun family used to have an irresolvable grudge against him!" Another voice said hesitantly.

"Yes, Cheng Guiyun's lineage, plus the other five direct lineages, really have hatred against the previous family leader Yun Tianqi's lineage! However, since he came to the imperial capital, hasn't his grandfather changed his position and been trying to make amends? Him? He even sacrificed millions of people from these five direct descendants for this!" The mature voice said slowly and authentically,

"Needless to mention the three major families that have been slaughtered, the remaining three families and races, in order to please His Majesty, not only sacrificed all the hard-line faction members, but also handed over 70% of their property and half of their Territory and population, all previous privileges have been cancelled, and there are still a lot of restrictive clauses!"

"Why did the three family heads make such a decision under tremendous pressure within their race? In addition to His Majesty's fierce fighting power, they also really estimated that they would move closer to the royal family and improve their relationship with His Majesty! I was slightly unhappy. What’s strange is that although His Majesty knows their sincerity, there has been no substantive response!”

"What does this mean?" the man in black asked.

"It means that His Majesty is narrow-minded and intolerant! In other words, he is overconfident! He thinks that he can sit on the throne without relying on the power of anyone in authority!" The other side responded,

"Why doesn't he look at it? Since he can't even forgive his own race, how can outsiders really believe in the political promises he made? Those high-ranking aristocratic families who are forced to temporarily side with him due to the situation You guys, maybe you’re not so confident about him, right?”

"Unless his great cause will never be thwarted, as long as there is an opportunity, these senior members of the aristocratic families who have been deliberately neglected by him will collectively attack, and even the Yun family will not support him anymore!"

The man in black thought for a moment and agreed: "Yes, your analysis makes sense! Judging from His Majesty's past actions alone, he is not nearly a qualified leader or a qualified politician! In fact, He is already pushing out the upper-ranking members of the family! That time someone suggested that he select women from the upper-ranking families to enrich his harem, but he flatly rejected it, which is an obvious political signal!"

"Since the superiors can't get what they estimate they want from the emperor, and they can't even guarantee a sense of security! Then they will definitely turn to other ways to satisfy their demands! Therefore, we are waiting for the opportunity It’s coming!”

Everyone agrees with this view.

Another voice said: "In fact, there is still a power that can be used by us! Those foreign superiors who have newly submitted to Your Majesty, they have just arrived, and they may be in a worse situation than us for a long time. Coupled with His Majesty's deliberate indifference, he will definitely try to find a way out! If I wait until this time to come forward..."

The voice of the man in black was obviously much more relaxed: "That's it! You can all take action separately. I believe that within a short time, our power will be greatly enhanced! When the time is right, I will give your Majesty a big boost. Of 'joy'!"

Everyone discussed for a while and then dispersed, leaving only the image of the man in black still there.

He looked at the empty secret room and sighed quietly: "Your Majesty, the empire's elite family group is getting smaller and smaller. I am really heartbroken!"

"Since you became the master of the imperial capital, three of the six major families have been exterminated, and the remaining three families have been seriously injured and are barely surviving! There are also countless other high-ranking people who have been killed! For the birth of you, the emperor , too many lives have been lost!"

"I just don't know when you will die to make up for your sins..."

"Sister, why did you come to visit me when you have time today?"

In the bedroom, Leng Zhuo stopped the embroidery at hand and asked Su Qinghan, who came in not long ago, slightly surprised.

"I have been busy in the past few days, but now that I have some free time, I just walked around!" She said with a smile and sat down opposite.

Leng Zhuo casually ordered the maid to serve tea, and then said: "That's okay. I'll find Shuyuanwww.zhaoshuyuan.com. You haven't been here for a long time, so just talk to me! I heard that you have been closed for the past year and a half. It’s just that His Majesty can’t even see you, so what happened?”

Su Qinghan blushed and smiled unnaturally: "It's nothing! I'm busy designing a new piece of equipment and can't be distracted, so that's why it's like this!"

After pondering for a moment, she asked casually, "Has Your Majesty been with you these days?"

"Yes! Why?" Leng Zhuoxiao asked.

"He..." Su Qinghan hesitated for a moment, but in the end he still couldn't ask what he was guessing. He took out a box from the void ring and said:

"This is a piece of inner armor designed by someone else. The main processes have been completed, but some details have not been perfected yet. Therefore, I am thinking of unnecessary things. Sister, please help me take a look. I think you can give more reasonable suggestions!"

Leng Zhuo smiled and nodded gently. He took it and opened it. There was a piece of dark black soft armor. The thin and tough armor leaves were engraved with simple yet beautiful energy lines. Under the reflection of the light, The bottom is shining with soft luster, and the workmanship is extremely exquisite!

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