Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 909: Some people are happy and some are worried

Regardless of whether the ministers understood what His Majesty the Emperor meant, the first hereditary prince of the Daomang Empire was born!

Of course, compared with the previous eight aristocratic families, although the current prince's fiefdom is much larger, some important rights and benefits are still greatly restricted or even cancelled! .

For example, the private army owned by the prince is limited to thousands of warships of various types and twenty supernatural legions. ?????? w?w?w?. ?And without the emperor's permission, the prince's private army must not easily leave the feudal country.

Moreover, the central government still has a series of important powers such as administrative jurisdiction, judicial power, supervision power, etc. over the feudal country! In addition to financial benefits, the prince himself is involved in domestic affairs, and there are not many people who can directly intervene! It can't be compared with the eight great aristocratic families back then!

Such an arrangement has been legislated by the Superior Court and has become custom-made from now on! Even if a new king appears in the future, this will still be the case. The reason is of course to prevent the emergence of separatist forces that threaten the stability of the central government in the country! Although as long as Ye Qing is far away, there is no worry that such a thing will happen, but we cannot leave such a hidden danger to future generations!

Moreover, at the canonization ceremony the next day, Ye Qingyuan also announced in public that from now on, whoever can make sufficient contributions to the empire, whether they are of the imperial race or officials with foreign surnames, will be eligible to be crowned a king!

The promise made by the emperor himself naturally aroused great repercussions in the government and the public. Now that the situation in Xinghai is turbulent, the empire may launch a new round of external expansion at any time, and there are many opportunities to make meritorious deeds! Therefore, many high-ranking generals who think they are qualified to give it a try are secretly holding back all their strength!

Many people are already speculating privately about who the next hereditary prince of the empire is most likely to be!

At night, in the queen's palace.

Chen Yan in front of the dressing table gently untied her bun, and let the silky black silk hair, which is enough to show the afterimage of the human figure, to be draped on her bulging chest, revealing her emerald green face and pierced breasts. Against the backdrop of the palace lantern, the skin is cast in a shallow, soft halo as warm as jade, making it look particularly alluring!

"Sister is even more beautiful!" Ye Qingyuan, who was on the bed, dropped the book in his hand, turned sideways and admired her beautiful manner when putting on makeup, and admired sincerely.

She turned her head away and gave him a charming smile: "Are you still willing to call me sister? I thought you had forgotten those things back then!"

"Why maybe? Do you think I am the kind of person who is unsympathetic and unjust?" Ye Qingyuan smiled softly.

Chen Yan Yingying stood up, walked elegantly to the bedside, hugged him and kissed him gently, and said in a sweet voice: "It's okay if it's not! The world says that men are fickle, and sister doesn't want you to become that cold-hearted person one day. Bo, a king who only knows intrigues and schemes for profit!"

Ye Qingyuan gently stroked her smooth and plump legs and asked gently: "Are you still unhappy about that matter?"

Chen Yan pondered for a moment and said, "That's not the case. Sister just feels that... your decision may be a little hasty!"

"Looking at your tone, I know you have a knot in your heart!" Ye Qingyuan tightened her waist and explained with a smile:

"Zixia is my younger brother. He grew up under the same roof. Now he is the prime minister of the empire. He is almost my right-hand man! Today's empire occupies one-third of the star sea and more than 7,000 cosmic areas. Is it possible? Can’t you afford a prince? Besides, the royal family’s bloodline is weak, Siyun is still underage, and I am away from home all year round, so I have to take precautions for some things!”

Chen Yan sighed softly and said: "This sister can understand. I only understand that it is not easy for the courtiers to understand and accept your approach!"

"After all, it's just that my sister didn't use it and couldn't give birth to more children for you!"

"You must not make such assumptions!" Ye Qingyuan said quickly, "It is not easy for high-star awakened people to have children. This is a problem that has not been solved in the star sea for hundreds of years! It is not your responsibility!"

"But it's not a good idea to continue like this," she said worriedly, "You are already a divine powerhouse, and I'm afraid you will have to be promoted in the future. This huge empire will not have only one heir, right?"

Ye Qingyuan smiled softly and said: "This is the price of gaining power. God's will is like this and cannot be changed by human beings! What can you and I do?"

High-star awakened people above Qianxing generally have few heirs, and quite a few of them fail to leave a single descendant throughout their lives! Just like his grandfather Yun Tianqian, he had hundreds of women, but in the end he only gave birth to one child, Yun Yuxi. Cheng Guiyun also had many women, but in the end he only had two children.

However, as for himself, if he hadn't had that fateful relationship with Chen Yan when he was still weak in the fierce battle, and gave birth to Siyun, the empire today would be facing the embarrassing situation of having no successor!

Chen Yan hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "A few days ago, a group of high-ranking officials led by Yuntian Qian jointly submitted a letter requesting the restoration of the draft system of the previous court, and they have... agreed!"

Ye Qingyuan stared at her for a while, and said slowly: "It seems that the Xiao family's situation in the imperial capital is really unnecessary! Otherwise, how could you make such a decision?"

"Yes!" she said with a wry smile.

"Despite the care of you as the emperor, as the saying goes: The king of hell is easy to mess with, but the devil is difficult to deal with! As an outsider, it is impossible not to be squeezed out by the local forces! Those upper-level figures will not take action, but the following Those high-ranking officials are causing trouble for you overtly and covertly, so it’s not like they can mobilize troops and mobilize people for trivial matters without scruples to pursue them, right?"

With this view, Ye Qingyuan naturally knew in his heart that in order to gain the goodwill and acceptance of the local superiors in the empire, even the queen had to make absolute concessions for the sake of her family and race.

"It's okay, I can understand your difficulties!" He said calmly,

"So this matter is up to them. However, it's almost like a draft. As long as I don't let go, they can't expect to send women from my race to this palace! I guess these people don't dare to threaten me. Emperor, right?"

When Chen Yan saw that he was not angry, she tactfully persuaded him: "I am doing this not only for the sake of my family's race, but more importantly to solve the problem of the empire's heir! As long as there are more women in the palace, it will be enough." …”

Ye Qingyuan frowned and said: "Then you don't have to choose among the upper-class families, right? Isn't it the same as choosing among the people?"

From a man's standpoint, it's not that he doesn't like women, nor does he object to having more women around him. However, if this causes the upper-ranking families to stretch their hands too far and interfere with the stability of the government, then the gains outweigh the losses!

"You don't know why," she sighed softly.

"Although these high-ranking people do not currently hold much power, they still have considerable influence in the upper class society of the empire. These people control a surprising amount of wealth and resources, and they can play a significant role in the great cause of the empire. It’s also a big help!”

"Now, because of some of your past actions, they are still not at ease with you as the emperor. If you can agree to the draft and marry more high-ranking women, you can make them feel at ease and support you with all your strength from now on, right?"

"I know this too," Ye Qingyuan said somewhat depressedly.

"However, I always feel that political marriage is a thing that, although it cannot be said that it has no use at all, is generally unreliable at key moments! Marrying a daughter thinks that one can be at the top without worries, such an idiot head of the family It shouldn’t exist, right?”

Chen Yan shook her head and said: "You can't say that. Although marriage is just a formality, it is the most obvious and intuitive way to form an alliance. It is also a signal for you to win the trust of those in power! Only in this way will they truly feel at ease. !”

"Isn't there a better way to solve the problem than marriage?" He said with a headache.

"Yes, but in order to win the trust of those in higher positions, it means that you have to pay more substantial benefits to them. Are you willing?" Chen Yanxiao asked.

Nonsense, of course it is absolutely impossible!

"If we really choose some more women to come in, the structure of this harem will completely change!" Ye Qingyuan sighed,

"They may not all know things as well as you. Once something makes the harem uneasy, how should you deal with it?"

The current ladies have accompanied him in his battles across the Star Sea, and have walked all the way through the flames of war. Their affection is unparalleled by others! However, he really doesn't have high expectations for the character of those pampered and superior women!

Chen Yan patted her chest and said in assurance: "Don't worry, my sister will definitely take care of this harem for you!"

Looking at the serious expression on her face, Ye Qingyuan smiled appreciatively: "Aren't you jealous, sister, that you are so eager to find a woman for me? I remember you weren't so generous before, right?"

"You think I'm happy?" Chen Yan said angrily,

"When I was still on the Blue Algae Planet, why didn't I expect that you would achieve what you have today! If I had known that you would have so many women, I should have found a place where no one was around to keep you in custody. Get up and save others from making up your mind!"

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but curl her lips slightly.

Ye Qingyuan was a little moved in his heart, hugged her tightly and said:

"Don't worry! I will never become the profit animal you said before! No matter what, I will never forget your affection!"

"Well, that's good if you know!" Chen Yan said gently, "It's getting late, let me rest!"

His hands touched her waist, and he gently pulled open the silk belt. The tulle nightgown slipped silently, revealing the ups and downs of her seductive breasts...

At the court meeting the next day, the Zhanying Royal Court envoys who had already arrived in the imperial capital formally requested to meet the emperor and submitted their credentials. They also requested in-depth and detailed talks on certain economic and trade issues of common concern between the two countries, and received the request at night. Qingyuan agreed.

The three top leaders of the Tianxi Commando Organization came to visit at the same time to discuss comprehensive cooperation matters, and naturally they were received by Ye Qingyuan with the highest standards!

There are also envoys from the Miriam Civilization, the Yanwei Tribal Alliance, the Rockefeller Empire, the Yuanshuo Commando Organization, etc., all arriving in the next few days!

In the Void Fault, Princess Eridano's car was hurriedly on its way.

"The Yilong Empire is finally over!"

Princess Qi on the throne stretched her body lazily and said with a smile:.

"This Ye Qingyuan's performance is really satisfactory! Are the old guys from the two races now speechless?"

Feng Jing said: "According to the news from the country, Her Majesty the Queen has secretly made preparations. She will move within the next two days to give them a good look!"

Qi Leng snorted: "This is what it should be. I waited and warned them in advance. Who made them unclear about life and death? Unexpectedly, they refused to expose it at the last moment and still sent a large number of elites from the family to leave. For a while, you want to save their agent?”

"It's so good that they, who have suffered heavy losses, can't expect to recover in a short time! We can definitely take this opportunity to give them a hard blow. It's best to kick these two disobedient races out of the empire. Ting Council! Let’s see who dares to go against mother after this?”

"Your Highness is wise!" Feng Jing flattered obediently,

"However, how should we respond to what is happening in the Tianhua Universe area now? I heard that the Zhanying Royal Court's envoys had a very unpleasant quarrel with Ye Qingyuan because of some issues with the terms of the agreement!"

Qi lazily leaned back on the throne and said disapprovingly: "How do you introduce it? Of course you are speaking for the people I am waiting for! Those greedy volleyball players have not exerted even half of their strength. They think that they can draw up such an agreement. To take away such a huge piece of cake from us for free? Huh, it’s really weird!”

"Ye Qingyuan refuses their request and goes to Shuyuan Very good! I just hope that his attitude can be tougher. It is best that those volleyball players can't get a single copper! Daomang Empire, however, I will wait. territory, when will it be their turn to make decisions?”

Two days ago, after the envoys from the Zhanying Royal Court met with Ye Qingyuan, they put forward a lot of extremely harsh conditions, such as: From now on, any goods sold by the ghost race in the empire do not need to be submitted to the imperial authorities. Pay any taxes; any goods purchased by the ghost race in the empire must be settled at cost price; the ghost race must have priority in opening all rare resource planets within the empire; various important industries related to the lifeline of the empire, the ghost race All have the right to obtain controlling shares and so on!

Of course, the most important clause is that the empire is not allowed to conduct any research on the field of multi-dimensional void technology from now on! All scientific research projects must be terminated, corresponding research institutions must be closed, and relevant equipment and materials must be destroyed! From now on, research in this area can no longer be carried out. All void technologies and products can only be purchased from the ghost race at high prices!

The ultimate goal of various terms is to maintain the ghost race's absolute monopoly in this field and control the lifeblood of the empire! So that it can no longer transform into potential threats to them! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to () to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to m. to read.)

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