"No. 1, what do you think of the recent situation?" He asked the afterimage of a humanoid wearing a lion's head mask on the sofa on his left. ???www??w?. ?

The humanoid afterimage called Number One responded in a low voice: "No. Zero, it's very bad! Your Majesty, and the group of important ministers who control the government are not easy to mess with! Some of the peripheral members we are waiting for have already It has attracted the attention of the Imperial Intelligence Department!”

The man in black nodded softly and said, "Yes! Those three guys from the intelligence system are all His Majesty's besties! As long as they get the slightest hint of the news, they will definitely get to the bottom of it without any scruples!"

Another sinister voice sounded: "There is also that country guy Zhao Zhixiong, who is also a guy who can't get enough of oil and salt! That time I sent someone to explore his mouth and planned to pull him over, but he didn't expect it. He actually captured my men! If you had reacted quickly and dealt with the chess piece in time, maybe he would have actually found out something from his interrogation! This bastard who doesn’t know whether he is a good guy or a delinquent, is a shameless bastard! "

No. 1 sighed: "Let's expose it for now! No. 5! Whoever you want to bribe from now on, you have to look at the other party's background before making a decision. It's almost easy for others to say, but the group of ministers who followed His Majesty's rebellion , will never agree with our ideas and values!"

"Even from a profit perspective, they have gained enough from His Majesty! Your Majesty has always been extremely generous when it comes to these old ministers, and we are obviously just offering more attractive terms!"

No. 5 said somewhat depressedly: "What you said makes sense. However, except for this group of people, the rest of the guys who agree with us generally don't have much power at hand, but they are just some grassroots who are looking for help. They are recruited here. What’s the use?”

A feminine voice interjected: "We can start with those foreign superiors. They are quite a powerful force! As long as we can bring over a few dukes, our plan has hope of success!"

The man in black twitched his eyes gently: "It's not used, No. 5! This idea was almost feasible before. However, it was not clear who convinced His Majesty later. He unexpectedly agreed to the draft again! There are girls from the dukes' families who have entered the palace, and they have become relatives of the emperor. Will they bother to come to my side?"

"Is this unnecessary?" The soft voice raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

"Do you think so? However, in my opinion, this is not another way out? A wise and qualified head of the family will never put the safety of the family and race on the emperor's mood! This person Your Majesty is still young, no one knows what he will be like in the future!"

"Therefore, out of self-protection, these foreign superiors will not absolutely refuse to stand with us!"

No. 1 said slowly: "That's what I say, but if the risk of arranging this retreat is too great, then it is not a retreat for them, but a potentially fatal time bomb at any time!"

"That's right! However, we don't plan to do anything at the moment, so even if His Majesty finds out, he won't do anything to those in high positions, right?" No. 5 said confidently.

The man in black thought for a while and said: "The current political situation in the empire is stable, the monarch and his ministers are united, and the energy is booming. It is really not suitable for making any big moves! However, this is only temporary!"

"Your Majesty will soon send troops to the Southwest Star Sea, and many important ministers will also accompany him. As soon as they leave the imperial capital, the situation here will relax! Then the opportunity I have been waiting for will come!"

No. 5 said: "That's not necessarily the case. Once your majesty leaves, the two empresses and the prime minister will supervise the country's governance, and forget about the other two. The problem is that Fang Yuqing woke up not long ago. She is just a master who can't get rid of the dirt in her eyes." ! As early as when she was in power, we suffered a lot! Now that she is in charge of the imperial capital, we still can’t be too defenseless! "

"However, according to the information I obtained, she will leave with His Majesty this time!" No. 5 said.

Everyone's spirits were lifted. The man in black asked, "Is the news reliable? Is that woman really not going to stay in the imperial capital?"

"Of course, this is coming from the person beside His Majesty, it's unlikely to be fake!" He said with certainty.

The man in black breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good. It seems that God is still looking after me! Now, let me wait and discuss the details of the plan..."

Three days later, His Majesty the Emperor's camp set off!

Ye Qingyuan transferred Guo Qiuxian to the Northeast Xinghai as the commander of the garrison there, and replaced Tian Xuanhao back. He commanded a fleet of up to fifteen main legions in the imperial capital, serving as a strategic mobile force to respond to various parts of the empire at any time!

Marshal Gurungs still controls the five main legions and is responsible for guarding the imperial capital! In addition, Queen Xiao also controls several imperial guard legions to tightly defend the entire imperial capital and several important nearby provinces!

The army in the direction of the Prison Soul Star Sea consists of a total of twenty main fleets, eight hundred supernatural forces, and hundreds of interstellar fortresses. They are led by Liu Xiangyun and have already set off half a month in advance! After going south to join Cameron's troops, we will decide whether to launch an attack in advance based on the situation on the front line! In order to contain the main military strength of the Tiloan Empire, it can reduce the pressure on the army in the southwest.

General Ye Qingyuan personally led 20 elite main legions, including the Imperial Guards, as an attack group in the southwest, to wipe out the isolation zone transformed by small and medium-sized countries, and then invaded the Tyroa Empire!

"After I leave this time, the safety of the imperial capital will be entrusted to you two!" In the palace, the emperor said to Ziyuan Lan and Yuhuang Xingyan in front of him.

Ziyuan Lan said: "Your Majesty, please rest assured, your ministers are waiting for you. Those young people in the imperial capital will never have any chance to cause trouble!"

Ye Qingyuan smiled and said: "Of course I can trust you. I just understand that you should not relax about the clues I discovered some time ago. I always feel that this pool of water may be deeper than estimated, and it may not be possible. Find out some big shots!"

"I will definitely use all my power to investigate this matter! I will never let you down!" Yuhuang Xingyan solemnly promised.

At the space port, Permir Augustin watched His Majesty the Emperor's palace leave surrounded by a large number of warships of all kinds, heading towards the void tunnel thousands of light seconds away. I sighed quietly in my heart.

"Old friend, what are you speculating on?" Lang Hao asked with a smile. .

"It's nothing!" He twitched the corners of his eyes, paused, and then asked softly:

"Do you think His Majesty's expedition this time will be as enjoyable as before? The opponents this time are not as good as before. There are three super powers in the southwest star sea!"

Yun Tianqian said disapprovingly: "If there were three great powers in their heyday, they would have had some superfluous affairs. However, at present, two of the three are half-dead and one is fighting a civil war. What can they do?"

"I understand that the empire's military strength is not what it used to be. Nowadays, tens of millions of fleets are out on a large-scale expedition. Even if those countries unite together, they can't even hope to intercept the imperial regiment!" Yun Linjie agreed with a smile. .

Lang Hao nodded lightly and sighed: "Actually, the fate of the southwest star sea has been determined long before the troops were sent out! At most, by this time next year, the starry sky will be filled with the flags of the empire!"

Song Guangyu suddenly asked: "Do you think that His Majesty, whom I am waiting for, can really unify the entire star sea in the near future?"

The family heads were silent for a while, and then Yuntian Qian slowly said: "For now, there should be a 50% chance!"

"Only 50%?" Yun Linjie whispered.

Lang Hao smiled casually: "It's quite good to be 50% sure. It's much higher than what I expected! In this situation, even if there is only a 10% chance, it is worth betting on the fate of the country!"

"Your Highness, why do you think it's a 50% probability instead of more or less?" A hearty laugh rang in my ears. Paul and Rudolf, the two leaders of the Tianxi Commando Organization, walked hand in hand. Come over.

Yun Tianqian said calmly: "Dear Your Highness Paul, in my opinion, the power of human nations is no longer a match for the empire! What our Majesty really wants to think now is interference from alien civilizations! At present, only Only with them can we be qualified to be His Majesty’s opponent!”

Paul pondered for a while and nodded gently: "Yes, Your Highness! Your point of view is very reasonable. This time His Majesty goes on an expedition, he will definitely encounter direct interference from foreign civilizations, or even start a war!"

"That's right, that's what I thought too!" Yun Tianqing said,

"Therefore, the main target of the empire's expedition is not the Southwest Star Sea, but the Yanwei Tribal Alliance! Maybe there will also be a ghost race. As long as their interference attempts are defeated, the Southwest Star Sea will naturally be included in the empire's territory!"

Rudolf smiled and said: "Although the alien race is powerful, the fierce fighting power of the empire is not bad! Most of the power we have is in the hands of His Majesty! He has never let us down before, I guess. It won’t happen this time, right?”

"But I hope so!" Everyone said in unison.

Regardless of their previous relationship, these dukes are now ministers of the empire, and their rise and fall, honor and disgrace have been linked to the empire. Naturally, they hope that the war can be won smoothly, which is also beneficial to them!

In the distance, Chen Yan glanced at the family heads here, a faint smile appeared on her charming face, and said to Qin Yuanyuan beside her:

"Sister, let me go back. I still have a lot of things to do! Your Majesty is not here, so I have to take care of this home!"

"Yeah! I know!" She nodded gently and followed her into the ship.

Then, the high-ranking officials who came to serve His Majesty also started to leave one after another.

On October 10, interstellar year 7950, the war machine of the Dao Mang Empire finally started again after several months of silence, and this time the target was the three superpowers in the southwest of the Star Sea World!

The huge fleet of tens of millions of people marched southward, instantly attracting the attention of almost all the major forces in the star sea! Everyone knows that His Majesty is determined to win the Southwest Star Sea this time!

The one who feels most uneasy is not the Tyroya Empire who bears the brunt, but the top leaders of the alien civilizations!

According to the covenant between the five races to carve up the human world, the Southwest Star Sea should belong to the Yanwei Tribal Alliance. This move by the Daomang Empire has undoubtedly violated their face and bottom line!

The Miriam civilization and the Bojiang race have not responded yet, but the Yanwei Tribal Alliance is very angry. The three guardians of Tianyu Tiangong immediately jointly issued an ultimatum to the Daomang Empire, demanding that the empire abide by interstellar peace. Treaty, immediately pull back from the brink and stop dangerous behavior of playing with fire! Otherwise, you will face extremely serious consequences!

The same ultimatum was also sent to the Eridano Empire. Of course, the Queen did not pay attention to it at all. She just made a few indifferent statements, saying that according to the covenant signed by the five races, no race should directly interfere with the human world. civil war, so I hope that the Yanwei race can exercise restraint and try to resolve this matter with gentle means!

And the monarchs and ministers of the Daomang Empire who have already made up their minds will not take such false threats to heart! Anyway, the main goal of sending troops this time is to clean up those half-human, half-snake guys. Taking the Southwest Star Sea is just a side goal!

If they just swallow their anger and give up, it will make things difficult for the monarchs and ministers of the empire, now? It can be said to be exactly what you want!

"How do you think these guys will interfere with our actions?"

In the meeting hall of the palace, Ye Qingyuan asked the officials with a smile.

Wu Hongbin said: "Your Majesty, it is certain that the Yanwei race will send troops to intervene. However, given the arrogance and arrogance of this race, the number of troops sent out for the first time may not be too many. As long as we deal with it carefully, we can definitely eat them up." Lose!"

"Their territory is far away from the human world. From the time they decide to send troops to the time when their troops are deployed on the battlefield, it takes at least more than a month! We have enough time to plan the layout calmly, and we don't need to worry too much!"

Ye Qingyuan said: "They are right to be arrogant. However, since the other side has suffered losses at our hands more than once, we cannot expect them to make the same mistake again! The scale of this military intervention must be large!"

Fang Yuqing smiled and said: "However, in the past adventures, these guys have lost too much power! Even if they come out in full force, they may not be able to gather much decent power. Our current fierce fighting power can completely overwhelm them!"

"Well! However, in order to reduce casualties, I feel it is necessary to adjust the established battle plan!" Leng Zhuo said,

"Liu Xiangyun's troops in the Prison Soul Star Sea can stay put for the time being, while I, along the way, can step up the offensive and attract their attention!"

Ye Qingyuan thought for a moment and nodded slightly in agreement. During this expedition, many of the empire's special equipment and secret forces are mainly concentrated here. In addition, I can also fight in person if necessary. Because of this, I can more easily deal with their offensive!

Even if Liu Xiangyun does nothing, relying on the abundant power at hand, it is enough to contain the millions of imperial elites on the other side of the defense line, led by Tudinan himself, from daring to move rashly!

In mid-October, the emperor's camp left the imperial border and entered the buffer zone between the two empires, a buffer zone lined with small and medium-sized countries. Wherever he went, the local royal family and heads of government all turned their backs and surrendered all their rights. ! (To be continued...)

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