Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 944: Who’s the biggest worry?

"The Dao Mang Empire is already a serious problem for us. If we don't defeat her, our race will not be able to obtain the entire southwest star sea! Therefore, this battle must be fought!"

Arililos nodded gently, with a look of determination in her eyes: "Very good! For the future of my race, we will do our best!"

"Good job!" In the palace, Ye Qingyuan looked at the battle report sent back from the void tunnel and said with satisfaction:

"In the first round, we were victorious! Those guys suffered such huge losses, it's really heartbreaking!"

Leng Zhuo sighed: "It's a pity that we don't have more 'Yuguang Zhi', otherwise how could this battle be so troublesome?"

"This thing is not a popular commodity. I guess you can get it as much as you want! We are lucky enough to be able to make such a semi-finished product by chance!" Ye Qingyuan said with a smile.

He had long wanted to copy this thing, but the precious materials needed for it were only gathered after he robbed the tribes of three ghost races! With the help of several divine product creators organized by Su Qinghan and the Cangling Commando, after many failed experiments, they came up with such a thing! For this reason, as many as 90% of the negative energy beads he obtained from the second Yuangu base were consumed!

Now it seems that although the losses are so huge, compared with the results achieved, it is still a good deal! Before the official decisive battle, one-seventh of the other party's family was wiped out without any effort. If it were a head-on confrontation, I don't know how much it would cost to achieve the same effect!

"Okay, now let's take a look at the second feast we have prepared for the Yanwei people!" Leng Zhuo smiled softly, "I hope their effects will not disappoint us!"

Yu Xinzhe nodded lightly and immediately began to issue a series of orders in an orderly manner.

After careful reconnaissance, the Yanwei Legion, which had left the entrance of the Void Tunnel, had discovered the location of the main legion of the Dao Mang Empire. In an instant, it suddenly pounced over like a hungry wolf after seeing blood!

After suffering such a heavy loss, the whole army was filled with anger. Now that the rightful owner was finally found, how could there be any reason not to rush forward and risk one's life?

The fleets of both sides are in the same space area at the moment. The distance between them is such that as long as the fleets run at full speed for more than an hour, they can catch up with the other side and have face-to-face contact!

Seeing the other side rushing over, the fleet of the Daomang Empire had no intention of fighting, but maintained a tight formation and slowly retreated!

"They didn't expect to retreat without a fight?" A venerable man said in confusion, "Are they trying to cheat again?"

Arililos said coldly:

"This bunch of shameless and cunning humans, there is nothing they can't do! However, the current situation is no different than before. They lack the cover of the void tunnel entrance. In this endless starry sky, there will no longer be any terrain for them. Let’s use it! They probably won’t be able to do it without a decisive battle!”

"Order the whole army to turn on all detection instruments to the maximum power and pay close attention to the movements of the surrounding starry sky! Then look at the direction of their main force of the Chinese army and advance steadily! I don't believe that we can't deal with them!"

The order was resolutely implemented, but at this time, she still had some dangerous premonitions in her heart.

As the distance was almost reached, the huge fleet slightly reduced its marching speed! Start preparing for the big battle!

Half an hour later.

"Why haven't you caught up yet?" Irelilos frowned and asked,

"Although they are retreating, their speed is not very fast! I waited and went at full speed. Why is this distance..."

On the star map, the distance between the two fleets did not shorten as they expected, on the contrary, it expanded! This makes the venerables a little confused!

"Is it some unknown void technology? Can it extend and distort the universe on a large scale so that we and the other two parties are never able to contact us?" A distinguished person judged.

"This is impossible. To influence and interfere with such a large area of ​​void, the energy required is already so high that it is difficult to estimate. Even the ghost race does not have such a loss of wealth!" Mudgram flatly denied it. the opinion of,

Arililos said with a pretty face: "Go! Send a few venerables to check and find out the cause as soon as possible!"

Several sages who were good at technology took the order and left, and after a while, they finally found the culprit.

"Lord Daganzhe, everything is normal in the universe outside, but the fleet we are waiting for has slowed down!" A distinguished man came over to report.

"It was fine before, but why do all kinds of warships slow down for no reason?" Irelilos asked angrily.

His Holiness forwarded the inspection results to the display. It was the tail engine of a mothership. The thick engine nozzle was covered with black smoke-like substances. The composite metal-ceramic surface that was originally shiny and new had been corroded into pits. ,variegated!

The entire fleet has millions of various warships, mechanical nests, and interstellar fortresses, and more or less black smoke like this appears on their engine nozzles!

Under the influence of this strange and extremely strange substance, the physical strength of the nozzles dropped by almost a certain amount. As a result, they were no longer able to withstand the severe test of nozzle energy efficiency during long-term marches at full speed and high-temperature plasma tail flames! In order to avoid accidents, the shipboard main control photon computer automatically reduced the reactor operating power injection, which resulted in an overall decrease in the speed of the fleet!

"Ancestral God, what the hell is this?" Irelilos asked angrily.

His Holiness responded carefully: “After our analysis, this is a strange fungus-like life form produced within the high-intensity magnetic field of neutron stars. It has survived and reproduced in extreme environments for tens of thousands of years, and is then extracted from its mature body. Out of matter!”

"Its characteristic is that it can accelerate the decay reaction of all materials. It is named 'Zhou Ji Sand' in ancient classics! As long as the amount is enough, a brand new warship of various types, under the power of this thing, can survive in a few hours. With just a little effort, it can turn into scrap metal! It’s as if it has been corroded by thousands of years!”

"How damaged is the fleet we are waiting for?" Muldgram asked.

His Holiness checked the portable photon computer and responded with a wry smile:

"According to the latest results, 50% of the engine nozzles of various warships are all scrapped and need to be replaced immediately! About 20% of the engine nozzles have been damaged to varying degrees. Therefore, we can no longer pursue the enemy! The only thing The good news is that due to the special structure of the biological chemical mothership, they will not be greatly affected!"

Arielle Rose asked with a livid face: "When did such a deadly thing appear? Why wasn't it discovered beforehand? What are you guys doing?"

The Venerable said tremblingly: "Master Da Ganzhe, it's not that we are incompetent, but humans are just too cunning!"

"According to the analysis of my subordinates, they mixed several inert substances into the 'Zouji Sand' that can shield detection, and have special adsorption effects on high-temperature energy sources! Then they diluted this stuff and spread it in the void Near the tunnel, when the fleet I am waiting for passes, these things will be automatically attracted to the engine nozzles of various warships! There will be no abnormalities in a short period of time, and it will only be noticeable after an hour or two! "

"Hey... you guys are useless!" Ireli Rose sighed softly, "Okay! Suspend the pursuit and rest the entire fleet in place! But I hope nothing happens again!"

The main force of the Yanwei race was plotted by the Daomang Empire. Most of the warships had problems with their engine nozzles, making it impossible to march at the first level of speed! After trying to break her scalp, Irelilos had no choice but to announce a suspension of pursuit of the enemy fleet and stop for emergency rest. .

"Master Daganzhe, we are currently on a battlefield. If the fleet stops somewhere and those cunning humans take this opportunity to surround us, what will we do?" Mudgram asked. .

On the battlefield, a fleet that has lost its ability to maneuver is no different from a living target. No matter how powerful it was before, it will only be beaten by its opponent's fighter jets!

Therefore, the Daganzhe's order is equivalent to pushing the entire legion into an extremely dangerous situation! The humans who are watching eagerly from a distance still don’t know how many vicious methods are waiting to serve them!

Arililos said helplessly:

"I also know that such an approach is inappropriate. However, more than half of the fleet's engines are no longer able to operate normally. If they do not do this, their maneuverability will undoubtedly be greatly reduced! It will become a burden that drags down the entire military's operations! In the end, it will not happen Are humans taking advantage?"

Now there are only two ways in front of the Yanwei Army. One is to immediately stop chasing the enemy, find a place to rest, and replace the damaged engine nozzle; the other is to reduce the marching speed, withdraw from the battlefield first, and then return after resting. Choose an opportunity for a decisive battle with the human fleet!

Speaking of which, there is no essential difference in the results of the two choices, but the difference is just death early and death later! The human side will never give them a chance to recover, and will definitely pursue them and fight them fiercely!

At this time, Venerable Yanwei, a female at the bottom of the room, said: "Two great masters, I have an idea, which can almost solve the current dilemma!"

Arililos became energetic and said quickly: "Venerable Rila Toli Ye, if you have any opinions, please tell me quickly!"

A Yanwei woman named Ruila Toliye said:

"Among the legions of my race, the most powerful ones are the biological chemical motherships. They are the foundation of my race, and they were not damaged this time! Therefore, I suggest that all the biological chemical motherships and those It’s relatively easy. All kinds of warships are dispatched to pursue the enemy! The remaining fleet can find a place to rest!”

Arililos frowned and said: "Although the strategy of dividing the troops is feasible, the fierce combat effectiveness we can exert will be greatly reduced! Besides, the number of human fleets is far greater than ours. If they wait for our lives, After the chemical carrier leaves, how do we dispatch a large army to besiege the various damaged warships?"

"According to common sense, there is such a possibility!" Ruila Toliye said with a smile,

"However, as long as we choose a suitable resting place, for example, one of their administrative planets, and use a large number of human civilians as hostages, will they still dare to attack us unscrupulously?"

Mudgram's eyes lit up, and he immediately agreed: "What a great idea! I guess no matter how ruthless the king who came to the Dao Mang Empire is, he won't be able to take the lives of his own race lightly, right?"

"Okay! Let's just do this!" Irelilos said, "Which is the closest human administrative planet to us?"

An honorable person responded: "It's Minghua Star, the capital of the Chiyang Universe region. It has a population of more than 200 million! It's currently more than 5,000 light seconds away from me!"

"Very good! That's it!" Da Ganzhe said coldly,

"Let the fleet go over to rest first and replace the engine! After the matter is over, kill all the humans and other life forms on it. Our life form chemical mothership has lost a lot of energy before, and it is easy to obtain their flesh and blood. Come and make up for the losses!”

"What are they doing?"

Ye Qingyuan looked at the new movements of the Yanwei Legion on the projection sand table and asked with some confusion.

Yu Xinzhe said: "Your Majesty! It seems that the arrangement we are waiting for at the entrance of the void tunnel has begun to come into use! Their current marching speed has been much lower, which shows that there are many warships of various types being attacked!"

"That is to say, they are planning to find a place to rest, right?" Ye Qingyuan said, "That direction is the capital planet of the Chiyang universe!"

Leng Zhuo changed his face slightly and said: "Your Majesty! The situation is not good. Find Shuyuan They are obviously planning to use the population of the planet as a shield to make me wait for the rat to be turned away!"

Ye Qingyuan couldn't help but be horrified in his heart, and said: "It seems that this is indeed their plan! However, now that we know it, how can we let them get their wish?"

In this era, during the conquests between human nations, as long as the superiors are not crazy or have compelling reasons, they will generally not directly attack civilians on the surface of the planet!

However, this is only suitable for internal wars in the human world. In wars with foreign races, both sides have always used all possible means, and cruel behaviors such as massacres of civilians on the other side's territory will often occur!

This kind of racial war has always been about life and death, and there is no moral bottom line at all! No matter how advanced and developed the intelligent civilization is, when faced with the crisis of survival and resources, they have not sacrificed themselves to help other races!

Since the Yanwei people have such an idea, the Daomang Empire will naturally not be polite!

Liu Xiangyun immediately said: "Your Majesty! It seems that we have to make some adjustments to our plan. We must dispatch a fleet to intercept them immediately. The scheduled decisive battle may be advanced because of this!"

"The decisive battle? It will come sooner or later! Let's do it in advance!" Ye Qingyuan thought for a while and finally made up his mind:

"In this case, Yu Qing, you will lead a fleet of three million to intercept them, and I will act with you! No matter what, we cannot let them break through the blockade and go to Minghua Planet to harm the people of the empire! In addition..."

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