Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 951 Continuous fighting


There were waves of low tremors in his mind, and then, the strange fish each selected a place, and their huge bodies suddenly tensed up. After a breath, they all shot out the bone spurs on their heads, and rushed in at a dizzying speed. Deep in the Imperial Fleet camp!

The bone spur is not a bomb, nor is it a parasitic life form. Even if it is hit by a light cannon and the bone spur explodes, no abnormal reaction will occur! As if it was really just an ordinary bone spur!

Just when the imperial officers and soldiers were confused, something shocking happened!

A strange magnetic field burst out from the bone spur, and spread to a size of tens of kilometers in an instant! Within this range, the void was like a sponge that was suddenly compressed. It was instantly twisted and compressed to the extreme by a huge force, and then returned to its original state!

The imperial fleet that was suddenly attacked was defenseless, and hundreds of balls of flames exploded! Almost none of the officers and soldiers there survived!

In an instant, tens of thousands of warships of all kinds were destroyed by dozens of extremely strange bone spurs! The vast starry sky is filled with huge fireballs caused by the explosion of various warships!

"This strong force is very effective!" Mudgram said with satisfaction.

"No matter how powerful the human fleet is, it is impossible to withstand the power of this void tide! Even if there are tens of millions of fleets, it will be easy for them to be completely annihilated!"

Arililos said proudly: "Don't say it's them! Even the legions of the Eridano Empire will not do anything to take the super mothership like me in front of them! Huh! Once these annoying humans are dealt with, my race Let’s go and compete with them again to see what else they are capable of!”

"How much profit we lost in order to cease the war, this time we will get back the capital and profits!"

"That's what it should be!" Mudgram agreed, "Of course we have to deal with the human fleet in front of us as soon as possible!"

"No problem. In addition to the 'Chapter of Disorder', we have more ways to serve them!" She said with a sinister smile.

Before the Imperial Regiment could react, the super-grade mothership changed again. Circles of blue-black brilliance emitted from the interior of the mothership, spreading slowly to the five surroundings, covering thousands of miles in the blink of an eye. Vast airspace!

At that moment, time seemed to stand still!

Within the scope of the brilliance, all electronic instruments on various warships were scrapped at the same time, and even ammunition depots and energy reactors were affected! Many warships of various types were blown to pieces by accidentally detonated ammunition! Even the energy shields of various "Kunluo" warships cannot block this powerful attack!

Immediately afterwards, another wave of blows followed!

Thousands of white light groups shot out from the inside of the mothership, and then surrounded the mothership. After a rapid trembling, the light ball body suddenly split open, turning into shuttle-shaped light gates!

Then, thousands of pale pink cocoons poured out of the caves on the surface of the mothership like a tide. The strange fish that rushed out of the cocoons rushed to shoot the bone spurs on their heads into those light doors!

The bone spur disappeared into the light gate, and suddenly appeared deep in the distant empire fleet camp! All of a sudden, there was quite a bit of chaos!

Those interstellar fortresses that are huge and have strong enough energy barriers don't feel it yet, but those ordinary warships are different. They seem to be squeezed by huge forces from different directions, and their extremely hard hulls are like plasticine. A large amount of distortion and deformation has occurred!

In a moment, I didn’t expect that nine thousand warships of various types were attacked!

"This is a short-distance teleportation stargate. Damn it, there are thousands of them as soon as they come out! How can the mothership have such a powerful ability?" Yu Xinzhe cursed and issued an order for the nearby fleet to retreat to avoid the twisted magnetic field. The scope of use!

Ye Qingyuan sighed softly and said: "Perhaps, I thought I was retreating! For such a powerful mothership, conventional methods should not be used to deal with it!"

Since the super mothership has the ability to create a large number of temporary short-range void star gates, it means that any attack on it by the imperial fleet no longer has room for evasion and defense! As long as the other side is willing, it can throw thousands of strange and extremely strange species in front of you in an instant, but you can't even escape!

It’s not impossible to continue consuming it, but the price paid is too high! It is conservatively estimated that all the fleets present will have to fight it off to deal with it!

"Let the 'Fire Phoenix Guard' fleet continue to attack, and the remaining legions will retreat!" Ye Qingyuan ordered.

Nowadays, only this kind of warships that have been modified by Lan Yu can resist the mothership's endless methods and pose a threat to it!

"Lord Daqianzhe, although this method is powerful, the loss of energy is too great!" Mudgram said,

"In this round of attacks, another five percent of the energy was lost! The burden on the mothership is a bit unbearable!"

"Compared with the results achieved, such losses are completely worth it!" Irelilos smiled,

"Having eliminated nine thousand warships of all kinds at once, do we still suffer a loss? As long as we send out enough 'Soul Devouring Predators' to collect energy, we can completely make up for the loss of the mothership itself!"

"Having said that, we need time to wait!" Mudgram said.

The leader said: "Don't worry! As long as we launch eleven more waves of such attacks, it will be enough to eliminate at least half of their fleet. By then, their morale will collapse and they will not dare to fight. We can rest and recover slowly." !”

Considering the special nature of the super mothership, it must retain 40% of its energy at all times to maintain its general physiological functions! Therefore, the energy they can use cannot exceed 70% at most!

"But then again, destroying their fleet is not enough. We still have to figure out the means to kill the emperor!" Mudgram said.

Arililos thought for a moment and said confidently, "No problem, I have already arranged it, I just need you to take action in person!"

"Your Highness, how are you doing now?" Feng Jing asked nervously in the void gap.

"How else can we explain it? Of course the two families should work together to clean it up!" Princess Qi stared at the super-grade mothership, and there was no trace of contempt on her pretty face:

"Such a weapon should not appear in the current star sea world! Because it destroys the balance of power among various races! Therefore, it must be eliminated!"

"Go and notify Ye Qingyuan and ask him to ask us for help in the name of the Dao Mang Empire! Then we will send troops! Let's work together to solve it!"

Ye Qingyuan gave an order, and all fleets present immediately retreated at full speed to avoid the attack of the super mothership! Only the "Teng Yuan" palace and three thousand "Fire Phoenix Guard" warships were left on the scene. .

The palace has special protective measures, and those various warships can seem to be invisible to the attack methods that the super mothership has displayed. Because of this, they can continue to stay on the battlefield and besiege! .

Moreover, the most important thing is to attract the attention of the top leaders of the Yanwei race and prevent them from attacking the evacuated fleets, because compared to annihilating millions of fleets, the emperor's own life is obviously more valuable. Attractive!

Arililos stared intently at the palace in the distance. On it, a dazzling silver-blue sword light was quietly resting on the dome of the palace. She could even feel the young emperor there. The gaze projected towards me.

"Your Majesty the Emperor..." she said softly,

"Your fleet has retreated, but you didn't expect to leave. Should I admire your courage! Or should I laugh at your arrogance? Do you think that the power of just three thousand ships is not satisfactory? Can all kinds of warships defeat my race’s race-suppressing artifact?”

If Ye Qingyuan really concealed her whereabouts and evacuated separately among the numerous fleets, then she would really have no good means for a while! She is not particularly familiar with the many energy efficiencies of the super mothership, so it is impossible to catch up with any group of imperial warships that are determined to retreat!

At that time, she can at most destroy part of the fleet, which can be considered a victory in this war, but it will not have a fundamental impact on the fierce combat effectiveness of the Daomang Empire!

However, since Ye Qingyuan had no intention of leaving, of course she would not be polite and made a decision immediately!

"Lord Daqianzhe, please select forty powerful sages with fierce fighting ability. After taking the dry liquid, take action to kill the emperor!" She said to Mudgram politely.

"Don't worry, I will do my part for the future of my race!" He agreed happily.

Soon, forty Venerable Yanwei, whose fierce fighting power was at least fifteen stars and had considerable fighting experience, was summoned by it!

Forty-one pure golden liquid spheres of various sizes quietly emerged from the weird wall of the main control room! Then she distributed them one by one. The venerable sages with quite arrogant and arrogant expressions all became submissive at this moment and respectfully obeyed the arrangements of the great master!

The dry liquid produced by using the original energy of the biological chemical mothership is one of the most precious specialties of the Yanwei race! It has the miraculous effect of assisting cultivation, and when necessary, it can temporarily increase the fierce fighting power of the awakened person. It can last for several hours without any side effects. The only disadvantage is that its output is too small!

That time Ye Qingyuan dared to spy on the mothership alone, but in the end, Arili Rose used this method, and his fierce combat power instantly increased by one star! From this, he showed great power, forcing the emperor to use some unknown trump cards to escape!

But this time, the quality of the dry liquid produced by the upgraded mothership has become even better, and can even increase the fierce combat effectiveness of some venerables by more than two stars!

"Eridano Empire? Want to support us?"

After receiving the message from Feng Jing, Fang Yuqing in the palace said with some humor:

"You want me to bring it up directly? That sister of mine is really calculating! Does she think that without their support, we can't do this?"

"Go and reply to her and say that we are really determined to get rid of the mothership. However, I cannot be the master of agreeing to such a major issue. It still depends on His Majesty's decision!"

Feng Jing advised tactfully: "Your Majesty the Queen, the power of the Yanwei people's biological chemical mothership is far beyond what you and I can estimate. The fierce combat power of the Dao Mang Empire alone will never be able to solve it! This is a heaven-defying matter. The sharp weapon has threatened the stability of the entire Star Sea World, and because of this, it must be eliminated!"

"The Eridanus Empire is willing to join hands with you to jointly eliminate this hidden danger that threatens the peace of the Star Sea world. This is something that is beneficial to both of us, isn't it?"

Fang Yuqing said calmly: "I can agree with the idea of ​​joint action, but those additional terms! It's better not to mention them! Speaking of which, the fierce combat effectiveness of the Daomang Empire has been qualitatively improved, far beyond the previous Shuofeng Empire. It can be compared! Both parties should cooperate in an equal sense, rather than one party's allegiance and surrender to the other!"

Feng Jing frowned slightly, expecting to have an attack. She almost took into account Fang Fang's identity and suppressed her anger: "Your Majesty, your mother is the great empress of the Bojiang Empire. You have my race in your body." Your noble bloodline, the interests of both parties are actually common. Since the empire is willing to help you solve your problems, it is natural to receive some rewards!"

"It is estimated that the Daomang Empire will continue to develop. From now on, there will be many places where it will need to rely on the Bojiang Empire. Therefore, the two sides should form a closer alliance to ensure each other's interests! What do you think?"

Fang Yuqing gently twitched the corners of her eyes and said: "You can't say that. The diplomatic purpose of the Daomang Empire has always been the principle of equal coexistence and reciprocal exchange! The empire will never bow to any foreign force, no matter its fierceness. What a powerful fighting force!”

"Aren't you from the Bojiang race?" Fengjing finally got a little angry and asked Shuyuan coldly.

The queen's face looked a little sad, and she was silent for a moment before saying:

"I also have human blood, and I am currently the queen of the Dao Mang Empire. However, as for my mother, she has never regarded me as her own blood, she only uses me. Therefore, from now on, you Just stop talking about this!"

"You..." Fengjing gritted her teeth and said bitterly:

"Very good! It seems that you really regard yourself as a human being! I just don't know if others will think so too! I just hope... that you won't regret it because of this in the future!"

With that said, she angrily turned off the video.

Fang Yuqing stared at the darkened monitor and sighed deeply.

"Your Majesty the Queen, you..." Yan Mengbing looked at her worriedly.

"I'm fine, don't think too much about it!" she said calmly. "Let's wait and see how His Majesty deals with that mothership! The success or failure of this battle will depend on this!"

In the vast starry sky, the battle between the two sides is still going on!

After all, the power of the three thousand "Fire Phoenix Guard" warships is not overwhelming. Under their continuous attacks, the energy barrier of the super-grade mothership will collapse every five minutes or so, despite the continuous attacks. A new barrier is formed, but the energy loss is real!

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