"However, the current Dao Mang Empire has enough fierce fighting power!" Lord Bess firmly~щww~~lā

"Really, the current fierce fighting power of the Daomang Empire is strong enough! It can be seen from the defeat of the main army of the Yanwei race! But then again, if the emperor plans to attack the tribe of my race, By mobilizing millions of fleets and a large number of superpowers, we can succeed! However, such a big movement cannot be detected by my race!" Dinogli explained calmly,

"To say that they can silently eliminate more than ten tribes of my race in such a long time without any news coming out! It is simply impossible! The tribes of my race all possess extremely advanced void technology. Even if we are defeated, the people of the same race will not have time to escape!"

"This shows that the attacker has another owner!"

It sounds like this analysis is not unreasonable, and many venerables believe it in their hearts!

These volleyball boys are extremely confident in their race’s profound attainments in the void field! Those tribal settlements all have huge and complete dimensional void defense systems. If a human empire can quietly rush in to kill people, set fire and steal wealth, and do it neatly and neatly more than ten times in a row! This is really incredible!

"Don't you feel that the Bojiang Empire is more suspicious?" Another venerable person suddenly said,

"They have enough high-star awakened people, and they also have many extremely superb technical means. As long as they conduct careful investigation in advance, and then carefully lay out, and send out a large number of powerful people in a sudden attack! They can completely achieve a reasonable attack. Effect!"

Lord Bass was suffocated for a moment and asked in a low voice: "What's the motive? Theoretically, they have this ability, but why do they do it? What's the benefit to them?"

"Benefits? Is there any point in asking?" Bian Fang snorted coldly,

"The wealth of my race is famous in the Star Sea World! Every tribe with a long history has a lot of wealth, which is an irresistible temptation for any kind of intelligent life! The Bojiang people are no exception!"

"Their ambitions have never been small. It is said that the Dao Mang Empire's attack on the Southwest Star Sea was secretly instigated by them! Maybe they used this as a cover to act secretly! Then they pushed everything to the Dao Mang Empire! Otherwise, how to explain The main army of the Yanwei race was destroyed without any reason?"

"These two races have always been at odds with each other! As for the Yanwei people's tragic defeat this time, they did not do anything secretly. Even if they were beaten to death, I would not believe it!"

There was silence in the main hall. The venerables thought for a long time and then turned their attention to their king.

King Zhanying sighed softly and said: "If we could still use that artifact, everything would be clear! But now..."

"Forget it, let's think they did it! However, we can't let go of other clues! For this reason, I have two suggestions. One is to order all tribes in the wild space areas to strengthen patrols in remote galaxies. Monitor and see if it is true that an unknown intelligent race has entered this starry sky recently!"

This opinion is reasonable and reasonable, and many patriarchs have passed it without any meaning!

Then it continued: "Second, the main purpose of the attackers is the crystal core wealth accumulated in each tribe for many years! For the sake of the safety of the ethnic people, I suggest that the wealth of all tribes be concentrated in the Wang Ting, and the Wang Ting will The elite forces will be kept in a unified manner until the crisis is over before they are returned to the tribes. I don’t know what the race leaders think?”

As soon as this suggestion came out, there was an instant silence in the hall, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop! Even the tribal chiefs who were most loyal to the royal court remained silent!

Who doesn't know clearly that the crystal core is the lifeblood of the tribal chiefs? It would be strange if this was handed over to Wang Ting and could be taken back!

The purpose of King Zhanying's suggestion is to strengthen the actual control over the tribes of Zhanying's race! As long as you hold all the wealth of the major tribes in your hands, it is like holding their lifeblood in your hands. From now on, you will not be afraid of them not obeying!

For many years, the Zhanying race has been in such a state of fragmentation. The number of individuals of the entire race is not large to begin with, and they are divided into hundreds of tribes. The so-called royal court is composed of the ten most powerful tribes, and it only has the power to rule the entire race in name only! Not much power actually possessed! .

Such a situation is obviously not conducive to the development of the entire race! In fact, among the five old heterogeneous civilizations, Zhanying Royal Court is the government with the least power and the lowest prestige! Even the Yanwei Tribal Alliance Tianyu Tiangong has much greater power than them! Not to mention the Miriam Empire and the Eridanus Empire!

Because of this, although the ghost race is the richest civilization, it is not the most powerful civilization! Except for a small part of the wealth collected through hard work, which was reinvested and used to make money, most of it was locked into the treasure houses of their respective tribes and treasured by these guys, and has not been seen for thousands of years. Days!

To put it bluntly, these tribal leaders who are stuck in their own ways and follow the old ways are just a bunch of misers!

This generation of Zhanying King has always been ambitious and has been trying to change this situation for many years. However, the fierce fighting power of Wang Ting is limited. If this move is to go against the conservative forces of the entire race, it is estimated that it will not be more difficult to get what he wants. Make it easier for the ghost race to unify the star sea!

However, now the situation in the Star Sea has changed drastically. There is a vague trend of unification in the human world. In addition, more than a dozen tribes have been attacked this time, which has caused concerns among many tribes. So it took this opportunity to tentatively put forward this suggestion.

In its view, the Zhanying race should have been integrated into a truly unified political system long ago!

Just as many elites in the human world want to unify, it also wants the ghost race to unify from the bottom of its heart!

Only the completely unified ghost race has the capital to truly rise and dominate the star sea!

Chief Dinogli hesitated for a moment and finally said:

"Great Your Majesty! Your suggestion is almost entirely reasonable. However, you also know that many tribes of my race are spread throughout the Star Sea World! The distance to the royal court is too far. If all the wealth of the race is transported to the royal court for unification Save, this... it’s really hard to guarantee safety on the road! Therefore, I think it’s better to consider this matter in the long term!”

If these words reached the hearts of the race chiefs, all of a sudden, the race chiefs of the tribes below also agreed!

"Very good! Since you all feel something is wrong, let's put this matter aside for the time being!" King Zhanying said calmly, but he snorted coldly in his heart:

These guys are stubborn, short-sighted, and only know how to make small calculations. The current situation cannot attract enough attention from you, right? That's fine. After a while, there will be dozens more tribes involved in the accident! I wonder if you are afraid?

King Zhanying is a strong man who is good at seizing opportunities and taking advantage of them! From its standpoint, it is certainly worrying that the unknown powerful force does such a thing, but as long as it is used properly and exploited, it may not be an excellent opportunity! An opportunity to truly knead the scattered ghost race into one piece!

From this perspective, it hopes that the mysterious force can make a bigger move! It would be best to annihilate another group of tribes, so that the chiefs of the remaining tribes will feel the real fatal threat, change their original stance, and maintain unity with the royal court!

Tianhua universe area.

The luxury ship, all covered in jet black, slowly landed on the tarmac in front of the mansion. A group of maids immediately came to greet a girl about twelve or thirteen years old, with skin as bright as snow and as beautiful as jade.

"Brother, are you back?" She smiled and said to Yuhuang Xingyan who walked out of the cabin not long ago.

When he first saw her, the Minister of the Interior's face suddenly changed wildly, and then he suppressed it and calmly ordered to the escorts beside him:

"Let's all go away! Just do whatever you need to do. If there is anything important, you can inform me directly!!"

After the ship left, he took Zhu Mingyue into the inner house, his face suddenly darkened, and he angrily scolded the maids:

"Who asked you to take her out? Didn't I tell you before not to let others see her? It seems that I was too used to you before, but you didn't take my words seriously at all. thing!"

"Sir, we never dare to forget your instructions! However, the lady insists on going out for a walk, and there is no way to stop her!" the life chemistry housekeeper said in fear.

This master used to be kind to them and rarely get angry, but this was the first time they saw him so angry. All the maids were immediately panicked and hurriedly admitted their mistakes and apologized.

Zhu Mingyue said unhappily: "Brother, this is my own decision, why do you need to get angry at them? They just went out for a walk and waited for you to come back at the door! What's the big deal?"

"You...hey!" Yuhuang Xingyan shook her head, waved away the group of maids, pulled her into the inner room, and then said helplessly:

"Have you forgotten everything I told you before? Your current appearance cannot be seen by others. If you want others to recognize you, there will be a lot of unnecessary trouble!"

"Then you can't keep people locked up here all their lives, right?" Zhu Mingyue pouted and said, "Although this place is big enough, I'm tired of looking at it every day! Can't we leave it for a while to get some fresh air?"

"This..." Yuhuang Xingyan shrugged and finally said:

"Okay! It's the weekend in two days. If you feel really bored, I can take you to the resort on the seventh planet!"

"Really?" When Zhu Mingyue heard this, she was overjoyed, but also a little doubtful.

"Of course it's true, but when the time comes, you have to listen to your brother in everything!" Yuhuang Xingyan said.

She nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "Yeah! As long as you can leave for a while to play! There are only two days, so don't forget it!"

Yuhuang Xingyan smiled and made another promise, she was really beaming like this. The two had dinner together, then watched a movie on the photon computer for a while, then got up to take a bath and rest.

The girl followed him into the bathroom as a habit and played with him in the ridiculously large luxurious bath, which made him a little embarrassed!

At first, this girl was still young and didn't feel anything. But now, as time goes by, her body has gradually begun to grow, her chest is slightly bulging, and her soft waist and slender long legs have already shown a greenish look. curve! Combined with that charming face, you can completely see the prototype of a stunning beauty!

However, in another year and a half, when she matures, she will be so beautiful! He said in his heart that he was not looking forward to it, but that was a lie!

However, it was really difficult for him to deal with the relationship between himself and her at that time! And why did His Majesty pass that test? He was not even sure at all! We can only tell then!

After bathing, Zhu Mingyue changed into a translucent gauze nightgown, climbed onto his bed quickly, put her head in his arms and fell asleep.

With a slight sigh in his heart, he turned on his professional top-secret photon computer again and began to browse the various major events that happened inside and outside the empire that day!

This is homework that needs to be done every day. As the number one figure in the internal affairs department of the largest power in Xinghai, he has a lot of things to deal with! Before going to bed every night, he is used to summarizing the things of the day so that he can deal with them the next day!

Fifteen minutes later, he turned off the photon computer, gently hugged the girl in his arms and planned to rest.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the emergency contact prompt on the photon computer suddenly rang, indicating that there was an extremely important matter that needed to be handled immediately!

He had to open his eyes that he had closed not long ago, and looked for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. cocom took a look at the photon computer with some confusion, and his face suddenly turned pale as paper!

Capital of the Salestine Alliance, Reluoga Universe Area

In the Central Grand Palace, His Majesty the Pope's exclusive reception room, Innocent VIII and Teresa Karenina, the supreme consul of the Republic of Suria, sat opposite each other, with several high-ranking attendants beside them.

Although the living room is warm and pleasant, the layout is extremely luxurious and comfortable, and the snacks and drinks in front of you are also extremely delicious, none of this can make the faces of the big shots attending the meeting look any better.

"It's a scene that only appears in nightmares," Taibeisha's pretty face turned pale as she whispered.

Innocent VIII took a long breath and sighed bitterly:

"Great and omnipotent God, have you abandoned your lamb? Over the past few years, in order to spread your glory, how many believers have fought bloody battles and fought one after another. Unexpectedly, the fierce fighting power of those red-skinned demons It’s actually so powerful.”

In the center of the living room, a large three-dimensional projection star map was unfolded, showing the status of the star defense system near the capital.

Since the Northeast Xinghai was pacified by Ye Qingyuan, the territory of Daomang Empire has been directly bordered by the two major powers. And because of the alliance between the two parties, various aids from the empire have increased significantly, and huge transport fleets are running back and forth. between the two countries, and it never ends for a moment

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