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Another problem is that this big guy consumes too much energy. The first-level main battle cannon and propulsion system use a special highly concentrated energy crystal, which must be produced by specialized refining and processing equipment, and The purity requirements for the raw crystal ore are extremely high, and even a difference of one ten thousandth of a percentage point is not enough.

Out of long-term thinking, the Miriams only delivered a batch of energy crystals when delivering the doomsday fortress, and then refused to supply any more. They only sold several sets of large-scale smelting and processing equipment to the Imperial Party at sky-high prices. , which means to let the empire figure out its own methods to obtain energy.

For this reason, the logistics department of the Strategic Command had to urgently conduct an inventory of all energy crystal mineral deposits across the country. After many difficulties, they finally screened out a batch of mineral veins that met the requirements, and then immediately organized a commando team to mine them manually.

It's a pity that this thing is too difficult to process, and the scrap rate is extremely high. According to experts' estimates, the current one-day output is not enough to cover the loss of one firing of the main battle cannon of the Doomsday Fortress. When the energy reserve is used up, this big thing will also It becomes a toothless tiger with no big use.

Moreover, in order to ensure control of the Doomsday Fortress, the Miriams only gave Ulionov V the second-level control authority, which meant that many important functional modules of the fortress were not open to him. The functionality is less than 50%.

In other words, the real power that this thing can exert is currently only stronger than the Kilizako asteroid, but it is far from its true limit.

Therefore, Ulionov V decided to temporarily suspend the truce and have a private chat with the Daomang Empire.

At this time, the alliance, whose destruction was imminent, was also thinking hard about its own future.

The Tongyun universe area is the temporary residence of the alliance army.

"Your Majesty the Pope, have you really decided to do this?"

In the "Qianhui" interstellar fortress, Tabesha asked embarrassedly and uneasily:

"The army of the Dao Mang Empire has already gathered on the border. However, with their strength, they may not be able to stop that fatal big thing. If I surrender to you now, I can only say that I can live a few more years. It’s just heaven”.

Innocent VIII smiled bitterly and said: "If not, what can we do? Apart from this empire, do we have a second choice?".

"In the end, the fierce fighting power of the Daomang Empire is far better than us. It can even fight against the Yanwei race. Maybe they really have the means. Maybe Ulionov V estimates that he will become the master of the entire human world, and he may not be able to do so. It’s that easy.”

"However, it still depends on whether His Majesty Ye Qingyuan is willing to accept us. Even if it passes, our status...maybe it won't be too high," Tabeisha sighed.

"Dear Archon, the matter has come to this, and we don't have much bargaining capital at hand." The Pope shook his head slowly and said,

"The only thing we can do now is to find a way out for the people around us and find a place to live. Otherwise, facing the wolf-like and tiger-like army of the Gnerslok Empire, we may not even be able to survive. Can you take care of many others?"

Tabesa gritted her teeth and said that if she had known earlier that the situation would develop to this point, she might as well have directly sought to merge into the Dao Mang Empire. At that time, the high-level leaders of the two countries would have naturally gained more benefits. many.

But now, with their country subjugated, it is no longer possible for them to gain any stable status in the Daomang Empire. The best and safest outcome is to temporarily relinquish all power from now on and be content with being idle and powerful.

At that moment, the two former top leaders discussed for several hours and decided to jointly send a special envoy to the border of the Daomang Empire to meet with the top commander of the local garrison, requesting that the other side allow the remaining legions of the alliance to enter the empire for refuge and be willing to discuss surrender matters with the empire's senior officials. .

Inside the "Tenchu" fortress.

Ye Qingyuan sat at the top, and after quietly listening to the statement of Alliance Special Envoy Slosen, he slowly asked:

"I can understand your request to be merged into the empire. However, why would the empire risk angering the Gnaslok Empire to accept you?"

"Dear Your Majesty the Emperor, the wolfish ambitions of the Gnaslok Empire are well known to the world. After the fall of the alliance, they will definitely attack the Daomang Empire. I believe you are not unclear about the truth behind the death of lips and teeth." Slosen was respectful but not satisfied. Lost resolutely.

"Although the alliance has less than 500 universes left, it still has millions of elite fleets. As long as your majesty is willing to agree to our conditions, the command of these legions can be transferred to the empire. I hope your majesty can send troops as soon as possible to contain the enemy. Nasrok Empire's offensive."

Tian Xuanhao on the side said disapprovingly: "Millions of elite fleets? It seems that the empire does not lack this kind of troops at the moment. I guess if I can help you to block such a huge unnecessary trouble, such a small benefit will not be enough."

Ye Qingyuan coughed lightly and said displeasedly: "Tian Qing..."

"Your Majesty, I made a mistake." Tian Xuanhao quickly bowed and apologized.

The emperor glared at him, then smiled and said to Slossen:

"General Tian is a warrior, and his words are inevitably a bit excessive. I hope the special envoy will not mind. However, sending troops is too important. Without enough reasons, it is difficult for me to convince everyone in the court. And as you know, the empire is currently engaged in the war in the southwest star sea. It’s not over yet, the battle is going on on two fronts, and the pressure on the empire is too great.”

Slosen helplessly watched the "double act" performed by the emperor and his ministers, knowing that the emperor would never let go without heavy bleeding.

I originally understood that the exchanges between countries, the so-called friendship, peace, benevolence and morality, are just high-sounding slogans. Forget it, only interests are the eternal theme. No matter whether the two empires will eventually go to war, However, it is estimated that in order to give the alliance's top leaders a way out, they must turn to the emperor for help at this moment.

"His Majesty's Foreign Minister has brought a joint letter from His Majesty the Pope and the Supreme Consul. I believe there will be a satisfactory explanation for your doubts about the empire's ruling and opposition parties," Slossen said with a slightly helpless expression.

A palace guard came over and took the letter in his hand. After checking it carefully, he forwarded it to Ye Qingyuan.

He opened it and browsed it quickly. He did not express his opinion immediately, but fell into deep thought.

The reaction of the alliance has actually been expected by the emperor and ministers of the empire. In today's human world, there will soon be only two political powers left. Apart from the Daomang Empire, the alliance has no other choice.

However, for the empire, accepting this batch of "old and young" from the alliance does not actually have much benefit. On the contrary, it may become a cause of instability and bring some minor redundancies to the imperial government. In the final analysis, it is a religious power with a democratic regime, and their domestic elites will not agree with everything about the empire.

Therefore, some radical generals suggested that they should ignore the fate of these guys and simply let the Gnaslok Empire destroy them. The empire would then send troops to start a war with Ulionov V to avoid possible disasters in the future. Hidden dangers affect the political stability of the empire.

Pope Innocent VIII had foreseen this possibility. Because of this, his attitude in the letter was extremely humble and he expressed his willingness to hand over all the wealth in the treasury of the two major countries to the empire in exchange for the status of a legal citizen of the empire.

Attached to the letter is a long list of supplies. Both in terms of quality and quantity, it is really surprising. However, for the current emperor, he is nothing at all. He has seen many treasures of the ghost race. It really doesn’t matter. Nothing more than that, even if it contains wealth that is immeasurable to others.

Of course, regardless of whether they agree or not, there will be a showdown between the Gnaslok Empire and the Daomang Empire sooner or later. Now that the battle for unification has reached this point, there is no reason for both sides to reveal their secrets for the time being.

"Although your suggestion is not of much help to the empire, the Genaslok Empire colludes with foreign races and attempts to hand over the fate of the entire human race to the control of foreign races. Such behavior will never be accepted by the empire. "" After pondering for a long time, Ye Qingyuan finally said:

"You have been committed to resisting the invasion of foreign races in the past few years. You have never thought of compromising and surrendering. Perhaps this makes me admire you very much. Therefore, regarding your suggestions, I have decided to think about it again. Next time, let me Your pope has come to talk to me in detail about Lord Slosson, you can go back now."

After sending away the special envoy, the smile on Ye Qingyuan's face disappeared.

"My lords, do you feel that we are currently at war with the Gnaslok Empire? What can we do to maximize our interests?" He asked in a deep voice.

Luo Qingyue said cautiously: "I think we should follow the previous plan and let the alliance spend a while with them. We can only send troops after all five hundred cosmic areas have fallen."

As she said that, she sent several documents to Ye Qingyuan and explained: "This is the important information that the people I'm waiting for took great risks to send back from there, including information about the doomsday fortress. Some key messages."

He was slightly frightened, and quickly took it and read through it, his expression slowly changing.

"You all should take a look." He asked the female officer to forward the document to Tian Xuanhao, and then more than a dozen high-ranking generals looked at it one by one.

The contents of the file are quite consistent with the advance analysis of the Wise Group. There are indeed some problems with the big guys' situation. Even the status of their fleet is not as expected. If you wait half a month, the knife will If the Mang Empire sends troops again, even if the doomsday fortress is defeated, the empire's losses can be reduced to an acceptable level.

"I finally know why Ulionov V didn't expect to send someone a message before, vaguely indicating that he wanted to have a chat," Ye Qingyuan said with a smile.

Tian Xuanhao said: "Your Majesty, even if the negotiation is feasible, before that, we must fight with them first and then both sides can sit down and talk with peace of mind."

After some thought, the generals all understood what he meant.

From the standpoint of the human species, I believe that the human world really should not continue to suffer from internal strife, at least until those alien civilizations are sorted out, there should be no more large-scale internal strife.

Therefore, based on this belief, Ulionov V secretly joined forces with the Daomang Empire to plot against other races. However, the Gnaslok Empire was, after all, a fiercely fighting force, at least they themselves were. Thinking so, it is completely foreseeable to make excessive demands during negotiations.

In order to prevent this situation from occurring, the Daomang Empire must use corresponding methods to prove that its fierce combat effectiveness is not inferior to that of the other side, and that it is fully qualified to be on an equal footing with them. Only then can the negotiations be guaranteed to proceed smoothly, and until the subsequent conclusion of the the impartiality of the secret treaty.

Only those who can fight can make peace. This is a truth proven by countless examples over thousands of years.


Due to His Majesty the Emperor's intentional delay in the negotiations between the alliance's top leaders and the empire, the results did not come out until more than a week later. By this time, the army of the Gnaslok Empire had already approached the border of the Daomang Empire.

On August 27th, the alliance's remaining five million fleets, more than three hundred supernatural legions, and tens of millions of upper-class elites all evacuated to the empire.

Ye Qingyuan finally relaxed, mainly because he thought that most of these elites were worth a lot of money. After they became imperial citizens, they would inevitably invest their huge assets, which would objectively benefit the economic development of the empire. The vast majority of the wealth in the treasury of the Upper Alliance has gone to the empire. After reaping enough benefits, it is not easy to break one's promise to enrich oneself.

After a tense reorganization and acceptance process, two days later, a guard fleet of the Daomang Empire encountered a patrol fleet of the Gnaslok Empire while carrying out a patrol mission on the border. When the two sides disagreed, they fought.

After a brief but fierce exchange of fire, more than three hundred warships of various types on the other side were destroyed, and the Daomang Empire lost seven and a half hundred warships of various types_Pao\u0026amp;amp;Book\u0026amp;amp;amp; News As the situation spread, a general from the Gnaslok Empire was unconvinced and asked Shuyuan to immediately send two additional fleets to chase after him, hoping to regain the ground.

As a result, the Daomang Empire was not to be outdone, and three imperial fleets attacked. The two sides fought fiercely and increased their troops several times, with almost mutual success or failure.

Then things got worse and worse, and finally alerted the senior officials of the Imperial Regiment. Tian Xuanhao personally commanded the main guard army to attack. With his extremely powerful and precise strike tactics, in just a few hours, he almost crippled the two legions on the other side. , and two legions suffered excessive losses and had to withdraw from the fierce battle.

As a result, the two sides really broke up with each other and began to mobilize their troops and generals, and gathered enough strength to prepare for a big battle.

"I heard that the guy opposite is called Tian Xuanhao?"

In the "Ice Rock" interstellar fortress, Admiral Yegor, the commander of the Eastern Attack Group of the Empire, was drinking strong drinks while asking the adjutant next to him.

"Yes, General," the adjutant responded after saluting.

"That general is young and promising. He is the number one general under Ye Qingyuan. He currently holds the important position of Minister of Daomang Imperial Affairs."

"Young and promising?" The admiral snorted coldly and said disdainfully:

"He's just a young man with no hair. Do you really think he's capable? Look at why I taught him to fight well today."

"Sir General, as the saying goes, 'There is no good person under a great reputation.' Since the other party has today's reputation and status, I guess it must have some real ability. We should be more cautious," the adjutant persuaded tactfully.

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