Looking at the two little devils drooling, the black bear felt underestimated. Who is the prey?

The black bear roared and rushed towards Luo Jiu.


The black bear quickly approached Luo Jiu and slapped him with its big paw.

"Just in time! Take my blow! Boom!"

Luo Jiu jumped to the left and hit the black bear with a water pipe, knocking its face crooked.

The black bear felt pain, and did not expect that this little human could burst out such a huge force.

"Ace! Attack it from the right!" Without waiting for the black bear to react, Luo Jiu immediately arranged his tactics.

"I know it without you telling me!" Ace quickly jumped to the right side of the black bear, and the pincer attack was ready.

The black bear was not hit by Ace, and thought that Ace might be easier to bully, so he stood up and attacked Ace.

Ace dodged quickly, and Luo Jiu seized the opportunity and poked him with the water pipe.

"Good opportunity!"

The water pipe head seemed to be coated with a light black film, and it stabbed into the black bear's waist directly, and the black bear fell to the ground.

Yes, that black film was the armed color domineering, but Luo Jiu was not proficient, and using domineering consumed too much physical strength.

"Ace! Poke it in the eye!���

Hearing Luo Jiu's command, Ace poked the black bear's eye with a water pipe, and the black bear roared in pain. The black bear was frightened by the blinding effect of having its eye poked, and it hurriedly ran away, running around everywhere, and several trees fell down.

"Hurry up and catch up, don’t let dinner get away!"

At this time, a magical scene was taking place in the forest, two children were chasing an adult black bear.

Feeling the black bear’s growing fear, Luo Jiu decided to scare it again.

""Little bear, don't run away. Just be my dinner, hahaha~"

Hearing the devil's voice coming from behind, the black bear ran even harder.

Luo Jiu faintly heard the black bear say,"Don't come over here~!"

Luo Jiu became even more excited, and in his mind he imagined several ways to eat bear paws, steamed bear paws, braised bear paws, etc.

"Luo Jiu, there is someone in front"

"Kid in front, get out of the way!"

"Hmm? Someone?" Luo Jiu was brought back to reality by Ace's voice.

As expected, he found a little kid with yellow hair and a black hat in the direction where Black Bear was heading.

Black Bear was also angry. Someone dared to block the way. If I can't beat the two behind me, can I beat you? He roared and accelerated to knock the little guy away.


Sabo looked at the black bear running towards him, jumped on its head, and inserted the water pipe into the other intact eye of the black bear.

Luo Jiu quickly added a fatal blow, holding the black water pipe and directly piercing the black bear's head.

The black bear first felt black eyes, then something pierced its head, and finally its huge body fell to the ground.

"You did a great job!" Luo Jiu pulled out the water pipe and praised the child who appeared out of nowhere.

"I thought he would be killed by a black bear. I didn't expect this guy to be so powerful. By the way, what's your name?"Ace also said

"Sabo, my name is Sabo, I grew up in a garbage mountain, what about you?"

"My name is Ace, that guy is Luo Jiu, we live in the home of a group of bandits"

""Hmm," Luo Jiu responded simply.

"Bandits? Compared to pirates, who is more powerful?"The most common stories Sabo heard in the garbage mountain were about pirates. This was the first time he heard about bandits.

"Of course the pirates are more powerful, don't you think? Luo Jiu."

After hearing Ace's question, Luo Jiu responded:"Of course"

"Luo Jiu, what are you thinking about? Why do you seem strange today?"Ace touched his chin.

"Nothing, just thinking about how to eat this bear, haha."

Luo Jiu thought he was still dreaming before, but five years later, he had to accept the reality. He was looking forward to adventure at sea, but it was too early.

Luo Jiu shook off his fantasy, then took out a knife and cut off a large piece of bear meat.

"Sabo, this is yours, I can't let you help me for nothing"

"Me, I have a share too? Thank you, Luo Jiu."Sabo pointed at his nose.

"It's getting late. Let's go hunting together next time. Sabo, Ace, come and help."

Sabo held a large piece of meat and watched Luo Jiu and Ace dragging the black bear away.

He shouted:"Ace! Luo Jiu! Next time we go hunting, just find me at the uncertain terminal. We have an agreement!""

"Sabo! Don't worry! We won't forget it!"Luo Jiu and Ace waved goodbye.

At this time, Dadan's family.

Dadan looked worried and smoked a cigarette."Aren't those two little ghosts coming back? It's getting dark."

"Boss Dadan, are you worried about them?"

"Dogula, how could I possibly worry about them! Those two brats, I'll be at peace if they die outside, who would care about them!"

Although Dadan said he didn't care, he actually looked out the window worriedly many times.

When it got dark, the two brothers Luo Jiu and Ace finally came back.

"Dadan, we are back!" Luo Jiu shouted into the house habitually.

"Why are you still standing there? Go cook!"

Dadan arranged for someone to cook first, then picked up Luo Jiu and Ace and threw them into the bath room.

"You two little brats, take a shower first, and don’t come out until we count to ten thousand!"

""Bang!" Dadan slammed the door shut, clenched his fists, and then took a sip of tea:"What a troublesome kid, it's all the fault of that bastard Karp, next time I will definitely blow his dog head off."

"Da... Dadan boss, you... behind you……"

Looking at her shocked subordinates, Dadan felt puzzled."What happened behind me?"

Dadan turned around and found a person standing outside the door. She looked closely and was frightened.

"Ka... Kapu! ? ? Poof~"

Dadan spat the tea he hadn't finished drinking directly onto Kapu's face.

"Dadan? I heard someone was going to blow my head off. Was it you?"

"Mr. Kap, please listen to my explanation." Dadan was shocked and sweating profusely.

"Explain to my fist! Iron Fist of Love!!"

Dadan's eyes turned around, a big bump appeared on his head, and he fell to the ground.

Garp looked around and didn't find Luo Jiu and Ace, so he caught Dogula and asked

"What about the two little guys?"

"Ka...Mr. Kap, they are taking a shower and should be out soon. Mr. Kap, would you like to stay for dinner?"

"You said, I'm hungry again"

""Okay... OK, Mr. Karp, please take a seat."

Dadan woke up at this time, and as soon as he woke up, he heard Karp wanted to stay for dinner. The bear, who could have eaten for two days, could only eat one meal.

"Deal with the whole bear."

When Luo Jiu finished bathing Ace, he found Garp eating the bear's paw.

"Damn it! Old man Garp, that's mine!" Ace flew over and bit the bear's paw.

"What do you mean by yours? It's mine in my hand, open your mouth!" Garp shook Ace.

"Iron Fist of Love!"

Garp only punched Ace, who rolled on the ground holding his head.

"Ace, you are still too young."

Luo Jiu sat down next to Garp silently, grabbed a large piece of meat on the table and ate it. He did not dare to snatch food from Garp's mouth.

"Old man Garp, you come to eat for free again."

Although Garp was not very white at this time, with only a few white hairs, Luo Jiu had already gotten used to calling Garp"old man".

"What do you mean by freeloading? Are you not welcome? I see you want to eat my iron fist too."

"Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything." Luo Jiu didn't say anything. It really hurt when old man Garp hit people.

Dadan called Luo Jiu in a low voice:"Hey, Luo Jiu, come over here quickly."

"What's up?"

"I know you like bear paws the most, so I specially reserved two for you." Dadan took out two bear paws and gave them to Luo Jiu.

"Wow! Thank you, Dadan.

Luo Jiu threw one to Ace.

""Ace, catch it!"

Ace caught it immediately and ate it in a few bites, muttering something like"wait until I grow up".

After a pleasant meal, almost everyone in Dadan's house went to bed with snot bubbles on their faces.

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