The next day.

Luo Jiu originally planned to go out to sea, but there were no ships in the town, so he wanted to try his luck in the Goa Kingdom.

When he heard that Luo Jiu was going to the Goa Kingdom to buy a ship, Sabo said that he knew the location of the shipyard.

Sabo was originally from a noble family in the Goa Kingdom. He had been trained as a noble before running away from home. He knew more about the Goa Kingdom than Luo Jiu.

After breakfast, Luo Jiu and the other three went to the Goa Kingdom.

At noon, they finally arrived at the Goa Kingdom. After crossing the central street, Luo Jiu and the others finally saw the shipyard.

The shipyard has various ships parked at the dock, and there are signs next to the ships to indicate the prices.

Except for Luo Jiu, Luffy's eyes were wide open.

"So cool~, so many boats, I want one to go out to sea in the future!"

Ace and Sabo also secretly decided to buy a big boat to go out to sea, although now they can't even afford the cheapest sailboat.

Luo Jiu would never buy a single-person boat, the single-person boat he bought before was scrapped.

Others can get from the Grand Line to the East China Sea with a raft, but he���Thinking that if the enemy goes, so can I go, but in the end I overestimated myself. A storm came and the single-person boat was almost scrapped.

Luo Jiu took a fancy to a boat with a triangular sail on the back mast like the Merry, but the price was a little expensive, costing 79 million Baileys.

"Uncle, that boat is a bit expensive, can you make it cheaper?" Luo Jiu pointed at the sailboat and said to the staff.

When the staff heard that it was expensive, they said sarcastically,:

"What's expensive?"

"It has been this price for so many years, don't talk nonsense with your eyes open~"

"The shipyard is difficult."

"Sometimes you should look for your own reasons. Has your salary increased over the years? Have you worked hard?"

Facing the uncle, Luo Jiu only replied with one word:"6~"

The uncle became more and more excited, and a series of moves made Luo Jiu speechless. Is this small boat worth so much money?

The price must have increased more than ten times. How dare you rip off customers like this! Not only do you not treat customers as gods, but you also want to treat customers as suckers. This is too much.

Luo Jiu didn't want to be a sucker, so he left the shipyard directly, and the three brats followed him.

The problem of the ship was not solved again. Sabo thought it was his fault. After all, he introduced this shipyard.

"Sorry, Luo Jiu, I didn't expect them to be so treacherous."

""That's right, what a profiteer!" Luffy also shouted.

Ace was a ruthless man who didn't talk much. He was about to go to the shipyard to cause damage, but was pulled back by Luo Jiu.

"Ace, I know you're anxious, but...can you use your brain before you wreak havoc?"

"If you are caught, you will be fined."

Ace couldn't break free from Luo Jiu, so he could only retort fiercely:"You have to be caught first."

This time, he didn't gain anything, and his stomach was rumbling again, so Luo Jiu had to fill his stomach first.

Speaking of eating, Luffy, Ace and Sabo got a set of black robes from somewhere, and the three of them got in and pretended to be adults.

Luo Jiu looked at the black robe swaying from side to side and asked:"What are you doing?"

The voices of three people came from the black robe.

"Aren't we going to eat? You can get in if you dress like this."

"No need to pay, hehehe"

"Hush, Luffy, don't talk, I can't stand up straight."

It seems that the three of them ate too much.

In this case, Luo Jiu, the elder brother, is also responsible. He didn't teach them well.

"With a"hiss", Luo Jiu tore off the black robe.:

"Come out and stand still!"

Luo Jiu punched them all, very fair.

"Eating a free meal is not a good habit"

"Think about it, if someone steals your food, will you be angry?"

Luffy looked very angry and waved his fist:"If someone steals my food, I will punch him away!"

"I'll hit you first!" Luo Jiu punched Luffy on the head again, and Ace and Sabo held back their words.

Luo Jiu just asked them to imagine that their things were robbed, and their reaction was like this. It is conceivable that the boss was in a state of mind when they ate a free meal.

The boss of the restaurant saw Luffy and the other two and thought they wanted to eat a free meal again, so he pretended to get a broom and wanted to drive them out.

"Sorry~! We will never eat free meals again!"X3.

The boss thought they were deliberately deceiving him and taking advantage of his sympathy. After all, he was fooled last time.

"I don't need your apology, just don't come to my restaurant in the future!"

""Leave now, don't force me to do it. Don't think I won't do it just because you are children."

The boss took the broom in his hand, as if he was going to sweep the three people out.

At this time, Luo Jiu came forward and apologized to the boss, saying that his brother had caused trouble for the boss, and compensated the boss twice as much as before.

"Boss, it’s time for dinner. Can we eat here?"

"Yes, yes, yes! That's great. Please take a seat first. I'll prepare the signature dishes. This time, I'll treat you."

"This is so embarrassing, I should just pay normally..."Luo Jiu didn't want to eat a free meal.

"It's okay, it's okay. I said I'll treat you, and you're not giving me face if you keep saying that."After that, the boss went down to arrange for people to start cooking.

Now in the boss's view, Luffy and the others are just more naughty than ordinary children, and it's definitely not because Luo Jiu gave them too much.

Taking advantage of this time, Luo Jiu began to educate Luffy and the others.

"Even if you want to be a pirate in the future, you must have basic manners."

"A pirate without manners can only be a low-level pirate!

"Eating and wasting food is extremely impolite"

"Do you want to be the Pirate King, or a low-level pirate? Answer me!"

Luffy and the others said in unison:"Of course the Pirate King."

Under Luo Jiu's verbal and physical education, Luffy and the others got rid of the good habit of eating free meals... I think so.

Seeing Luo Jiu and the others eating table after table, the boss was completely dumbfounded. He didn't know that Luo Jiu and the others could eat so much.

After the meal, looking at the boss who was hesitant to speak, Luo Jiu knew that he had not eaten the withdrawal fruit, and said first:"Boss, this meal? You see……"

Luo Jiu had said before that he would pay, but it was the boss who insisted on bragging. However, he didn't expect that this meal would cost more than all the previous free meals combined, so the boss could only suffer the loss in silence.

The boss gritted his teeth and said,"This meal! It's on me!"

It is estimated that the boss will only accept the mode of paying first and eating later in the future. This time it was such a fucking loss, the boss's heart was bleeding!

On the way back, they heard someone calling Sabo.

Ace pointed at the man on the street and asked Sabo,"Sabo, it seems that the man is calling you, do you know him?"

Sabo looked back, quickly turned his head to look ahead, and said,"It's irrelevant, it's irrelevant, let's go."

Although he knew that the man was Sabo's father, Luo Jiu didn't intend to say it, because Sabo himself didn't say it.

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