After integrating the light ball, Luo Jiu learned some tricks about the power of time and space, and also got information about the giant dragon.

That bizarre space is called the Land of Crossing. It is simple and crude. As long as you find the corresponding timeline, you can travel through it. The premise is that the power of time must be strong enough, otherwise some things may be lost.

The giant dragon, whose full name is Long Batian and nickname is Xiao Hei, is Luo Jiu's pet. Although it is big, it is only a few hundred years old now, which is equivalent to a few years old in human years.

When Luo Jiu found it in the body of a sea king, it was still an egg. Later, Luo Jiu put the egg into a space in the Land of Crossing and used the power of time and space to hatch it.

Luo Jiu practiced in this space and maxed out his fruit ability, domineering and swordsmanship.

"Xiao Hei, come here, Xiao Hei."Luo Jiu called the dragon gently.

Xiao Hei looked like he had no desires and was lying on the ground.

This Xiao Hei was too timid, no wonder Luo Jiu didn't let him participate in the battle.

In his memory, Luo Jiu was sure that Luo Jiu was just using it as a training equipment.

For example, when practicing the Conqueror's Haki, he would stun it. Practicing swordsmanship was even simpler. He could just chop it and then use the power of time and space to go back, so that the fruit ability could also be trained.

In this way, Luo Jiu made progress, and Xiao Hei's spirit and body were also trained. It was a direct way to kill two birds with one stone, which was very convenient. It was just a little training. I don't know what happened to Xiao Hei, but he actually had a psychological shadow.

""Xiao Hei, have you eaten? If not, take my punch."

Xiao Hei was about to raise his head, but when he heard the next sentence, his whole dragon wilts and foams at the mouth.

"No? Why are you so listless? I was just joking." Luo Jiu took Xiao Hei back to the time before he fainted and piled food on the ground:"Eat, eat."

Xiao Hei thought it was the last meal before execution, so he held back his saliva and hesitated to eat.

"Eat! Why don't you eat?"

Under Luo Jiu's coercion, Xiao Hei finished the food with tears in his eyes. Why were there tears in his eyes? Maybe he was very moved.

Luo Jiu tried Xiao Hei's defense and attacked him with a few moves of domineering color. Xiao Hei didn't make any sound and just slept peacefully.

"Wow! It feels surprisingly good!"Luo Jiu praised Xiao Hei.

As expected, the sandbag chosen by Luo Jiu was really durable.

Xiao Hei was restored by Luo Jiu. He thought he would have to endure inhuman torture again, so he knelt down and begged Luo Jiu.:

"Boss! Xiao Hei’s life is also a life! Please let him go!"

"I kowtow to you~" The little black head kowtowed to the ground, shaking the space

"Don't be afraid, if you do this, others will think I'm a demon." Luo Jiu comforted Xiao Hei.

Instead of letting Xiao Hei fall into dust in this space, it's better to let him go out with Luo Jiu to shine.

"Get up quickly, it's time for us to leave, come with me on an adventure!"

Xiao Hei was ecstatic, it could finally leave this damn place, all the injuries on its body turned into a yearning for a better life at this moment.

Xiao Hei's body became smaller, lying on Luo Jiu's shoulder, at this time Xiao Hei looked more like a lizard.

Luo Jiu opened the portal and returned to the real world.

They appeared on the nameless island, one man and one dragon. Luo Jiu activated his observation Haki and found that Carl and Clo were being chased by a group of wild beasts.

Although they were in a mess, their speed had obviously reached the level of shaving.

The footsteps floated in the air, Luo Jiu did not stop them, because Luo Jiu felt that they were almost able to master the"Moon Step".

Carl had practiced shaving a long time ago, and Clo had silent steps and a foundation. After being chased like this, learning to shave would not be a big deal.

Suddenly, a monkey flew in the sky, pretending to hit Luo Jiu.

"Where did the monkey come from? It messed up my business!"

When the black and red domineering aura of the overlord came out, the time around seemed to stop.

The rioting beasts fell to the ground one after another, foaming at the mouth, and stars in their eyes.

Xiao Hei opened his big mouth and swallowed the monkey.

Seeing the beasts fainted, Carl and Clo also knew that Luo Jiu had taken action, and the two of them slumped to the ground:"We are... saved."

They used to think that the beasts on the nameless island were just strange-looking food, because Luo Jiu had entered the forest before, not only was there nothing wrong, but he also killed a lot of prey.

The enemy can go where I can go, so they went to provoke the beasts. Those beasts were very scared at first and ran around everywhere.

Unexpectedly, at a certain moment, those beasts seemed to realize that the two people behind them seemed to be weaklings.

While running away, a monkey that looked like a hyena noticed that the terrifying breath had disappeared, and looked back at Carl and the others. The monkey immediately became angry and embarrassed. It was too embarrassing for it to be chased by a weakling.

The strange monkey yelled, as if saying:"The ones behind are just weaklings, we have been fooled!"

After the beasts realized that they did not feel Luo Jiu's breath, they became angry and ashamed, and all of them reacted.

The news of being chased by a weakling cannot be spread out, as they are beasts that want to save face.

However, no beast dared to fight back, and no beast dared to be the first to do so. They also had some brains. What if it was Luo Jiu who was fishing?

The monkey continued to roar, as if to say:"Come on!! Come on!"

Seeing that the beasts were indifferent, the monkey's cry became obscene, as if threatening the beasts.

That expression was like the protagonist in a certain movie saying,"Madam, don't you want your husband?……"Same.

Then, there was an extra star in the sky, and the monkey experienced the joy of flying.

The dead monkey dared to threaten them, and the beasts could not bear it at all. This matter could only rot in their stomachs.

The beasts looked at each other and exchanged information, and found that the eyes of each beast were redder. Oh, the match was successful.

They used pigs to rush forward and meat and eggs to attack, first knocking the monkey away, and then rushing straight to Carl and the others.

At this moment, the offense and defense changed!

Carl and Clo also noticed that something was wrong. The beasts united and broke out a beast tide to counterattack.

They were chased all over the mountain, and the beasts did not stop, so they naturally did not dare to stop.

Sure enough, in dangerous situations, people's potential is infinite. They were forced to"shave" and almost"moon step" came out.

Luo Jiu clapped his hands and praised the two:"Good progress."

The time in the space that Luo Jiu just entered was more than 20 times faster than the outside world. He estimated that only about half an hour had passed in the outside world.

In the light ball, Luo Jiu also learned about the bug-level ability of the time and space fruit, an alternative"life selector".

As long as he is willing to spend some energy to find the time point he traveled to before and travel back, then a simple"reset" can be completed.

Carl and Clo were panting, and they felt that if they said one more word, they would go to heaven.

Seeing this, Luo Jiu used the power of time and space to give them energy to go back.

"Luo Jiu, your ability is really a bug."

Klo also echoed Carl:"Indeed, fortunately we are not enemies."

In their opinion, Luo Jiu's ability can easily make them recover, and they are really envious.

They just think that Luo Jiu has eaten the devil fruit with healing ability.

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