Upside-down Mountain, a pirate ship modeled after a flamingo travels from the North Sea to the East Sea via the reverse current.

A blond man wearing a pink feather coat and cropped trousers, wearing sunglasses, lies on a bench on the deck and laughs.:


"A new era is about to begin! I want to be the king of the new era!!"The man put down the newspaper and raised his hand as if he had grasped the future.


Suddenly, a subordinate reported:"Young Master! Someone came through the Calm Belt! Only one person!"

"Crossing the Calm Belt? Still alone? Is Hawkeye Mihawk here too? Fffffffffff~"

"Report to the young master! It's not Hawkeye Mihawk, it's a newcomer that we don't know."As people from the intelligence department, they still know Hawkeye Mihawk.

"Newcomer? Fffffffffff~ Interesting, bring the boat over!"

As soon as Luo Jiu passed the doldrums, he found a boat blocking the way ahead. Looking at the slightly showy flamingo-shaped pirate ship, he also knew who was coming.

Standing on the deck was a blond man wearing a showy pink feather coat. He could wear the showy pink clothes in a domineering way. Except for Doflamingo, almost no one could do it.

"Hey! You little brat down there, are you here to join the Don Quixote family too?"Doflamingo's men asked.

In their opinion, Luo Jiu didn't flee immediately, but came towards them instead. He was either a fool or he wanted to ask Doflamingo for something. After all, the Don Quixote family was also a big force in the North Sea.

Luo Jiu didn't know where Doflamingo's minions got the courage from. It was indeed enough for Luo Jiu to look at them with a higher regard, but only a glance.

Luo Jiu recruited them in return:"Join the Don Quixote family? Otherwise, how about you become my retainers together?"

Even if he was invited to become a Celestial Dragon, Luo Jiu might not go, not to mention that the Don Quixote family is just a small family now.

Doflamingo has been in the North Sea for more than 10 years, and he has never seen such a guy who didn't give him face. Unexpectedly, he met such a guy in the East China Sea.


"Want to recruit me? Let me see your strength!!"

Doflamingo exuded a powerful domineering aura, washing around, without caring about the feelings of other people on the ship. It can be seen that he was a little angry.

Luo Jiu's eyes flashed, and the two domineering auras collided with each other, and black and red lightning-like airflows surged everywhere.

The weak pirates were knocked unconscious by the domineering aura, and only a few who had a little strength were left to resist with difficulty.

"I say, I say, that... that guy is just like Dover, he has the qualifications to become a king……"Torrebol said in shock with snot on his nose.

Torrebol was one of the few pirates on the ship who could temporarily resist the erosion of domineering. He was very shocked to meet the owner of Conqueror's Haki as soon as he arrived in the East China Sea.

It is said that the East China Sea is the weakest sea area, and Conqueror's Haki only appears in one person in a million.

Why would such a guy appear in the East China Sea? Even the Pirate King was born in the East China Sea. Torrebol didn't know. Is the upper limit of the East China Sea so high?

Indeed, how could a person dare to cross the doldrums be a normal person? Doflamingo was slightly surprised that Luo Jiu had Conqueror's Haki:"Fufufufufu~"

"Overlord Haki! Who are you?"

"I am just an adventurer who is interested in adventure. Remember this!!"

Luo Jiu used all his strength to launch the Conqueror's Haki, which directly dispersed Doflamingo's Haki. Doflamingo was shocked and was knocked away by Luo Jiu's Haki, knocking down the rudder in the process.

Doflamingo spat out the blood in his mouth, stood up, and found that he was the only one left in the entire pirate ship. Everyone else had fainted with circles in their eyes.

"How is it possible? How could I lose? I am Doflamingo!!"Doflamingo was furious. He could not accept that he lost to a guy of unknown origin.

Luo Jiu jumped onto the deck, looking down at the messy pirate ship, and apologized:"Sorry, the force was a little too strong."

"A little too strong? You! Are you mocking me?" Hearing Luo Jiu's tone, Doflamingo felt insulted. He turned his hand into a claw and waved at Luo Jiu:"Five-color line!!"

Luo Jiu shook his head and lamented that Doflamingo was still too young.

Luo Jiu snapped his fingers, and Doflamingo's five-color line attack instantly stopped in the air, and he had no place to move except his mouth.

"Damn it! I can't move. What on earth did you do?"

"It's just a little trick, Doflamingo, let's do business."Luo Jiu jumped in front of Doflamingo, loosened the space force that bound Doflamingo, and planned to discuss cooperation.

Doflamingo had suffered in front of Luo Jiu before, so he didn't dare to act rashly. He didn't understand why a powerful lone ranger like Luo Jiu needed to discuss cooperation.

"What do you want to do?"Doflamingo asked.

Luo Jiu said casually:"Nothing, I just want to overturn this sea."

"I need you to be my helper! Former Celestial Dragon, Don Quixote Doflamingo!"Luo Jiu stared at Doflamingo and said seriously

" did you know?" Doflamingo was shocked at first, then he laughed uncontrollably:"Fffffffffff~Fffffffffff~"

"You want to overthrow the world? Fufufufufu~ So interesting!"

Luo Jiu stretched out his hand:"I'm serious, be my helper, right? Doflamingo"

"I refuse!! Even if I die, I don't want to be someone else's retainer."Doflamingo sat on the ground, looking ready to die.

Although he had been stripped of his identity as a Celestial Dragon, Doflamingo was still proud. He was a local hero after all, and it was impossible for him to be inferior to others.

"Oh, don't be so hasty to refuse. You don't want to make things difficult for the Celestial Dragons and the Five Elders, do you?"

According to his memory, Luo Jiu knew some of Doflamingo's experiences and knew that he hated the Celestial Dragons as well. After much persuasion, Luo Jiu still threatened Doflamingo a little.:

"Our goals are the same, so you should consider it. After all, you are not my only choice."

"" What on earth do you know, you guy?" Doflamingo said in shock.

Luo Jiu was afraid that there were ears on the other side of the wall, and it would be troublesome if there were navy's eavesdropping Den Den Mushi on the ship, so he put his index finger to his mouth:"Shh~, this is a secret."

Doflamingo always believed that except for the core cadres of the family, no one knew his past. After all, those were his shame.

The more mysterious and powerful Luo Jiu was, the more reliable Doflamingo felt he was. After thinking about it, Doflamingo finally agreed. He took the initiative to stretch out his hand:"Fufufufufu~, I agree! How do you want to cooperate?"

"Let's start subverting the world from the North Sea. I need you to help me control the North Sea.……"Luo Jiu made a fist movement, as if he had already seized the North Sea.

But according to Luo Jiu's meaning, Doflamingo would not only give the current territory to Luo Jiu, but also work as a laborer for free.

More or less, Luo Jiu did not express his opinion first, and Doflamingo was a little dissatisfied:"Helping you control the North Sea? What benefits can I get?"

"Benefits? Then the heads of the Five Elders will be left to you."Luo Jiu thought that the heads of the Five Elders should be enough, after all, Doflamingo had lost face in front of them before.

Doflamingo looked unhappy.

Yes, people always have to eat, and it would take a long time for Doflamingo to control the North Sea alone.

Luo Jiu originally wanted to get it for free... no, he wanted to get the highest benefit at the lowest price, but in order to quickly control the North Sea, it is not impossible to give Doflamingo a little profit.

"By the way, if you help me control the North Sea, I will give you 50 billion Baileys as start-up capital. How much you can get depends on your ability."

"5...50 billion Baileys?" Doflamingo had disbelief written all over his face. He thought Luo Jiu was joking. Could it be that Luo Jiu was richer than the Celestial Dragons? Was 50 billion so easy to say?

Luo Jiu threw a space ring to Doflamingo:"The thing is inside. Use your Observation Haki to take a good look at it."

"Fffffffffff~! Fffffffffff~! I've already anticipated the day when the Celestial Dragons are pulled down from the altar!"

Doflamingo used his observation Haki to check the space ring, and indeed saw a lot of gold in it. Even though he was once a Celestial Dragon, he was indeed shocked.

Why is Luo Jiu so arrogant all of a sudden? It's because of the love of Silver-haired Luo Jiu! He knew that Luo Jiu liked to spend money lavishly, and deliberately left behind useless"garbage" when he left.

At first, Luo Jiu thought it was really some garbage, but after seeing it, Luo Jiu just wanted to ask, is there any more garbage like this? Where is it? I'll pick it up myself.

Who would dare to believe that the"garbage" that Silver-haired Luo Jiu was talking about was actually gold, and some devil fruits with no side effects.

Why is there no side effects? According to the methods that Silver-haired Luo Jiu used to deal with the space-time demons, Silver-haired Luo Jiu has special exorcism methods, which are all the spoils of Silver-haired hunting other fruit demons.

Luo Jiu once deliberately observed the devil fruits without demons deposited in them, and found that the fruits only had pure power left, and���Something similar to a curse was found.

This fruit is a completely bug-level item and cannot be exposed for the time being. After all, it is something that subverts cognition. Luo Jiu must keep it for his confidants to use. Doflamingo needs to be examined, so Luo Jiu has not given it to him for the time being.

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