Although Luo Jiu was angry, he was still rational, and his arrogance did not hurt Hancock's sister.

"Time freeze!"

In order to prevent things from getting out of hand, Luo Jiu sealed this space, and the people in other cells were instantly frozen.

Si Ye Zhu Sheng was frightened by the aftermath of the domineering aura, and some yellow and white stuff flowed out between his feet. He said tremblingly:"This... this is impossible, how could I be afraid of a mere inferior person.……"

Luo Jiu put Hancock down, pulled out the Black Soul, and slowly walked towards Siye Zhusheng:"What kind of inferior people are you, a mere wild boar, qualified to say? You should go down and accompany your son!"

"Son? What do you mean?!" Hearing Luo Jiu's inexplicable words, Si Ye Zhu Sheng couldn't help asking.

Luo Jiu said nothing, cut him in half with a knife, then cut off his head and kicked it away.

Looking at the pig's head spinning in the air, Luo Jiu felt much happier, and he deliberately explained:"It means literally……"

Unfortunately, Siye Zhusheng couldn't hear it, but at the moment of being cut in half, Siye Zhu seemed to see his son Sifei Zhu coming to pick him up.

Hancock sat on the ground, covering her mouth with disbelief in her eyes:"Tianlong actually killed Tianlong people……"

She thought Luo Jiu was brave enough to fight the Tianlong people, but she didn't expect Luo Jiu to dare to kill them.

"I just killed a scumbag. You hate these rubbish too, right?……"

After that, Luo Jiu sheathed the Black Soul. He didn't have to worry about the blood on the Black Soul because the Black Soul would absorb it all by itself.

"Of course, they are the ones I hate the most.……"Hancock burst into tears when she thought of the experiences and tortures she had experienced over the years.

At the same time, she was very curious about what kind of man was in front of her, who was so bold as to go against the Celestial Dragons.

Looking at Hancock with a pitiful face, Luo Jiu went forward and touched her little head.

The moment Luo Jiu touched her, feeling the warmth from his big hand, Hancock seemed to have crashed. She didn't move, and her little face was as red as a ripe apple.

When Luo Jiu reacted, he looked at Hancock with a blushing face, and quickly withdrew his hand:"Hang... Sorry, I couldn't help it.……"

" doesn't matter……"Hancock said in a low voice.

For some reason, after Luo Jiu's warm big hand left, Hancock suddenly felt a little disappointed.

It seemed that they were affected by the noise of Luo Jiu killing the Celestial Dragon just now. Sandasonia and Marigorude had woken up at this time.

As soon as they opened their eyes, before they had time to think about why they died, they saw Luo Jiu touching their sister. They quickly protected Hancock and yelled at Luo Jiu:"You guy, what did you do to our sister?!"

Looking at the two people with flaming eyes, as if they were going to skin him alive, Luo Jiu suddenly felt a little guilty. He quickly waved his hands and said:"I... I didn't do anything.……"

They pointed at Hancock, whose face was as red as if she had been poisoned, and said with a grin:"Do you think we are children?"

"Didn't do anything? Then why did our sister become like this?……"

Luo Jiu simply perfunctorily answered them, then whistled with his mouth tilted, trying to ease the embarrassment:"This... this is just an accident."

Hancock's face returned to normal, and she looked at her sister who had woken up, and said happily:"Sanda Sonia! Marigold!"

Marigold helped Hancock up and said with concern:"Sister! What did this guy do to you? Tell us quickly! We will not let him go.……"

"Yes, we will not let go of the guy who bullied my sister!" After saying that, Sandasonia held the knife in both hands and stared at Luo Jiu.

Seeing them jumping around and protecting themselves like this, Hancock was moved. She immediately hugged them:"Nothing happened.……"

"Great, I'm glad you're all right.……"

Feeling the body temperature of the two, Hancock finally felt relieved. She was really afraid that all this was just her fantasy before she died.

Seeing Hancock with tears in her eyes, they also calmed down and leaned on Hancock:"Woo woo~ Sister……"

"We thought we would never see you again, were we dreaming?……"

Hancock wiped away their tears and cursed softly:"You two are really fools.……"

"Don't do this again next time, or your sister will be sad.……"

Hancock burst into tears and hugged the two tightly. She almost lost her family. At this moment, she really cherished this time.

Looking at the warm three people, Luo Jiu smiled from the bottom of his heart. It turned out that no matter what time, family affection is the most touching.

"You must be hungry, I have some food here, I'll give it to you."

Although Sandasonia and Marigorud's stomachs were rumbling, they still said stubbornly:"No... I'm not hungry!"

"You still say you're not hungry. You're really a stubborn kid."Luo Jiu shook his head slightly, and then his fingertips slid across the air to untie their chains.

Then, under the shocked gazes of Hancock and the others, Luo Jiu just waved his hand, and several large cloth bags appeared on the ground.

Luo Jiu opened the cloth bag, laid out the large and small foods neatly, and said with a smile:"Come on, eat with confidence."

It is said that girls like to eat desserts, so Luo Jiu's bag was full of desserts.

Seeing that they were so alert, Luo Jiu expressed his understanding. After all, they were captured by human traffickers and tortured by the Celestial Dragons in Marijoa for nearly four years. It was normal to be alert.

Seeing that they were indifferent, Luo Jiu patted the floor:"Eat! Why don't you eat!"

Seeing Luo Jiu's action, they instinctively shrank:"How scary!"

Luo Jiu just wanted to play a joke suddenly, but thinking of their big reaction, Luo Jiu touched his head and smiled awkwardly:"This... Sorry, sorry……"

However, in order to prove that he had not tampered with anything, Luo Jiu ate a small cake himself and said loudly:"Hmm~, soft, glutinous, sweet, it's really delicious!"

Although the two of them slurped their saliva, they still said stubbornly:"I...we will not compromise.……"

Seeing her two sisters talking so much to outsiders for the first time, Hancock laughed.

Then she explained carefully to her two sisters, and they accepted the fact that Luo Jiu was their savior and dispelled their inner guard.

"Thank you...thank you"

"For my sister's sake, let's just take a small bite.……"

They picked up the pudding, took a small bite, and were instantly attracted by the taste. They hadn't tasted this for a long time.

""Hmm~! Delicious!"

Seeing them finish the pudding, they dared not reach out for other desserts, so Luo Jiu took the initiative to leave this space for them.

"Take your time to eat, these foods are for you, I have something to do, so I have to leave for a while."

After Luo Jiu set up a safety barrier for them, he left the cell, and Tezuolo was waiting for him.

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