If some individual navy officers were turned against the government and corruption occurred, it would be fine, but it is ridiculous that the entire 65th branch was turned against the government and all became the umbrellas of pirates.

If this is true, why hasn't the navy received any letters of complaint in these years? This is unreasonable...

Vice Admiral Tsuru did not particularly believe what Luo Jiu said. She stared at Luo Jiu with sharp eyes:"Can I trust you, Luo Jiu?"

"Haha... I know this is outrageous, it's normal for you to suspect that I'm exaggerating"

"But the fact is that this is a drama, Lieutenant General Tsuru……"Luo Jiu spread his hands, with a look on his face that said,"I don't care whether you believe it or not.

Vice Admiral He could not see any nervousness or embarrassment on Luo Jiu's face, but she didn't know if it was an illusion. When she looked at Luo Jiu, she always felt that he did not belong to the navy.……

"I believe you, but I still want to interrogate you in person, do you have any objection?"

Didn't Vice Admiral He make it clear that she didn't believe Luo Jiu? But Luo Jiu didn't care. Perhaps it was because her philosophy was different from hers.

Vice Admiral He believed in pure justice, while Luo Jiu believed in a slightly selfish justice.

This kind of selfishness should be a stain in Vice Admiral He's eyes.

Luo Jiu chuckled:"Okay, Vice Admiral He, as long as you like it.……"

After that, Luo Jiuta flew to Xiaoyao with Moon Steps, grabbed Colonel Shuihou and others, and flew back to Vice Admiral He's warship.

"The person you want is here, please go ahead."

Luo Jiu left the man behind, pulled out a chair from the warship and sat down, casually eating some melon seeds that he didn't know where he came from. He wanted to see Vice Admiral He, interrogate him, and then deal with these people.

Colonel Shuihou's eyes were blindfolded. When he landed and heard what Luo Jiu said, he thought it was his elder brother who came to save him.

He hurriedly shouted:"Hadef... Is it Brother Hadfu who is here?"

"Hahaha, great! I warned you, you damned little devil! You'll be in big trouble if my big brother Hardev comes!"

"It's too late for you to let me go now!"

Colonel Shuihou even thought about how to deal with Luo Jiu. He laughed wantonly.

"Haha, cough-cough!" Luo Jiu was made to laugh by Colonel Shuihou's pig head, and he was almost killed by the melon seeds.

Coughing out the melon seed shells, Luo Jiu asked:"Is it necessary to interrogate this? Lieutenant General He?"

Lieutenant General He snorted lightly, which was regarded as a response to Luo Jiu.

Hearing that Luo Jiu handed him over to Lieutenant General He of the headquarters, Colonel Shuihou was inexplicably panicked.

He stammered and said in disbelief:"What...what? Why is Lieutenant General He here?"

"Don't ask me! Don't ask me anything! I know nothing! I know nothing!!"

Luo Jiu turned his head away and looked elsewhere. He was too tired to complain about Colonel Shuihou.

It would have been fine if he didn't say anything. Once he spoke, he betrayed himself. It was like confessing himself. Under the questioning of Vice Admiral He, Colonel Shuihou still refused to answer. He believed that even a vice admiral of the navy would not do anything to him without clear evidence.

However, Colonel Shuihou really underestimated Vice Admiral He.

Seeing that normal interrogation was fruitless, Vice Admiral He sighed:"Alas, there is really nothing we can do to you.……"

Luo Jiu looked over and saw that when Vice Admiral Crane raised his hand, Colonel Water Monkey and the others immediately became like freshly washed clothes, and were hung on a clothes drying rack that appeared out of nowhere.

This clothes drying rack might be something Vice Admiral Crane brought with him when he used the fruit to wash clothes. After all, washed clothes must be dried, so it makes sense for him to have a clothes drying rack, right?.

Colonel Water Monkey and the others were washed clean, and they looked very happy. As they talked, they emitted a shining light.


"Got exposed to the sun!"

"But it’s so refreshing!"

"This feels great!!"

Lieutenant General He had anticipated this scene, and she said to Colonel Shuihou and others:

"I am the cleaner who ate the cleaner fruit. Now your hearts should be much purer, right?"

"Okay, tell me everything about Branch 65."

Although Colonel Shuihou and others were hung on the clothesline and could not move, this did not affect their conversation at all.

"Hey! We must tell you everything we know, that's it.……"

Colonel Shuihou and others just kept talking about everything they did in Branch 65.

Colonel Shuihou even took the initiative to expose the bad things done by his elder brother Hardev, including but not limited to colluding with pirates to collect protection fees and robbing women...

Hardev is now the branch chief of Branch 65.

It is said that the Wash Wash Fruit can cleanse the sins in people's hearts. Judging from the performance of Colonel Shuihou and others, it is indeed well-deserved. It is no wonder that Doflamingo ran away when he saw Vice Admiral Tsuru. If his sins were washed away, what would be the difference between him and death. The information from Colonel Shuihou is similar to what Luo Jiu said. Some of them also include the figures of other branches, pirates and kingdom nobles.

It is really a case of pulling out carrots and bringing out mud. The darkness of the North Sea is far beyond Vice Admiral Tsuru's imagination. She doesn't know if the Celestial Dragons will be involved if she investigates it in depth.

Vice Admiral Tsuru sighed heavily. This is the first time she felt so powerless.

Luo Jiu walked to Vice Admiral Tsuru and asked,"How is it? Vice Admiral Tsuru, are you satisfied?"

"Luo Jiu, you already knew all this, right? Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell Zhan Guo?"

"Alas, isn't it because I'm afraid that it will embarrass you and Marshal Zhan Guo? Look, now that you know all this, aren't you looking so worried?"What Vice

Admiral He felt from Luo Jiu's words was not concern, but Luo Jiu's dissatisfaction with the navy.

Vice Admiral He finally understood why she felt a sense of disobedience when looking at Luo Jiu. Luo Jiu was a man who saw too much. He was different from ordinary navy men. He was not bound by outdated ideas.

Although Vice Admiral He saw the future of the navy in Luo Jiu, she still asked tentatively:"Are you doubting the ability of the navy by what you said?"

"No, no, no, I never said that... I still believe in the navy."Luo Jiu didn't dare to respond to Vice Admiral He's words casually, he quickly replied.

Just kidding, if he agreed to Vice Admiral He's words, how would Luo Jiu survive in the future? He was still thinking about getting into the high-level navy and using the power of the navy to overthrow Im? Vice Admiral He didn't delve into Luo Jiu, she was silent for a long time, and now she herself felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

However, Vice Admiral He quickly recovered. She decided to throw this trouble to Zhan Guo. She just needed to do her best and deal with the problems of the navy.

Without further ado, Vice Admiral He received Colonel Shuihou and others from Luo Jiu, and by the way, he made a plan with Luo Jiu to clean up the 65th branch.

The plan is very simple. If you can't convince people with virtue, convince them with reason. Anyway, it's just a naval branch, and its highest combat power is only the level of the branch vice admiral.

Bringing back Carl and Clo, Luo Jiu and the other two followed Vice Admiral He on the Xiaoyao and went to the 65th branch together.

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