Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 105 Dungeon

Luo Bi was relieved, it was not much better to eat pheasants without being an eyesore, she changed her mind and asked, "Is father at home?"

"Are you at home?" Guan Zhuting asked.

Luo Bi pondered for a while and said: "Why don't you and your father come to my place for dinner at noon? There is no shortage of meat at home, but there are no nutritious vegetables and seasonings. I will give you half a million interstellar coins. When I come over with my father, I will buy some vegetables and condiments, and you will prepare something delicious for me at noon."

After saying that, Luo Bi operated the terminal and gave Guan Zhuting 500,000 interstellar coins.

"That's fine. Your father and I will go there right away. You don't have to give the interstellar currency, I have it." Guan Zhuting readily agreed, and her daughter asked her to eat. Parents are not very polite.

"You can take it here." Robbie said.

At this time, the reminder of the account payment beeped, and Guan Zhuting didn't say anything else. She hung up the communication and went upstairs to the study to talk to Luo Hang about going to Luo Bi's for dinner.

Luo Hang was thinking about his daughter, so he went out with his wife without saying a word. There was no car at home, so they took the suspended bus and went straight to the underground city to buy vegetables and seasonings. Every city has a dungeon, which is the largest trading market, selling everything, whether it is a mercenary group or a hunting team, they will go to the dungeon to trade when they harvest supplies.

There are many kinds of nutritious ingredients in the dungeon, and the prices are relatively low, but the order is relatively chaotic. Even so, most people are more willing to come here to buy.

In the vegetable market, Luo Hang only picks up Luo Bi's favorite vegetables and asks the price, as long as the price is low, it also needs to be good looking and fresh. Sometimes Luo Hang gets weird, the daughter is his own, and with his family's conditions, even if she is pampered, how can she be pampered? There are so many problems.

If there are many problems, he can only suffer, who made him get used to it.

Luo Bi hung up on Guan Zhuting's communication and then called Feng Ling again, telling Feng Ling that her parents wanted to come over for lunch.

"You can do what you see." Feng Ling had no objection to this, and turned around and transferred a sum of interstellar coins to Luo Bi.

Hearing the prompt tone, Luo Bi glanced at the terminal, five million interstellar coins, this man gave her a lot of money.

It was already half past nine when Luo Hang and his wife entered. Guan Zhuting washed the handles, put on her apron and started busy picking vegetables and cooking. Luo Bi pointed to the tied Wufeng chicken and said, "We will eat one at noon, father, you can choose the big one and kill it."

Luo Hang pulled them one by one, picked the biggest one and killed it, picked it clean and opened it up to take out the internal organs. After asking Guan Zhuting, he chopped it into pieces and left it alone. He was still busy with the barbecue.

Luo Bi is not interested in cooking, but she likes the way the whole family is busy around the kitchen. She went back and forth a few times, so she chose a small place in the planting field and poured out three bags of sand. .

I shoveled some medicine dregs and ash into it, leveled it, and then removed the honeydew melon seedlings that were planted in the ground yesterday and planted them in the sandy soil. In the end, Robbie poured some water, and she tried her best if she couldn't survive.

Guan Zhuting's cooking skills are good. She used all the frying, steaming and stir-frying, and the tempting food smell wafted out of the kitchen.

Luo Bi came from the side of the planting field. Her hands were covered with mud. She took a few steps to the sink and tapped the wooden faucet, and clear water immediately flowed out. While washing her hands, she took a deep breath of the aroma of the food, Nima, this is what people should eat, let those damn common ingredients go to hell!

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