Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1314 Red Porcelain Spoon Soldier

Robbie got into the sports car and drove a few steps, the rope that tied the earth pig was wrapped around the tree, and the earth pig howled.

In this way, dragging the native pig will not work, so another method is used.

Luo Bi untied the rope, picked the smallest soil pig, held it in both hands and threw it vigorously, onto the bundles of millet. The little soil pig was thrown by a horse fork, and his hooves were poked several times, but he didn't stand up.

Throwing like this was a bit strenuous, and Luo Bi gestured several times before the red porcelain spoon soldier lowered down in a daze.

"Oh my god!"

Luo Bi held her breath, and quickly threw the rest of the earthen pigs up. She was afraid that she would be slow, and the red porcelain spoon soldiers flew high again stupidly. Wu Shaozi was very curious about the soil pig carried by the red porcelain spoon soldier, so he flew over and kicked him.

The native pig "baji" crawled into the millet valley, Wu Shaozi got amused and kicked it back and forth.

Luo Bi ignored Wu Shaozi, greeted him, got into the car again, and left Mishan slowly.

A few millet birds flew out of the forest, flapping their wings and cursing.

Cha Cha: Don't go, keep fighting!

Chacha: Come back if you have the ability!

Chacha: Yes, come back if you have the ability, I can't spray you to death.

Unable to bear the disturbance, the millet mouse jumped out of the tree hole and dragged hay to block the nest. The little bird of prey found a new training ground, and passed by it when returning to the nest, and flew away without looking back when it heard the scolding of the millet bird.

Luo Bi drove the suspension sports car to lead the way, and the red porcelain spoon soldiers carried the millet grain behind and followed them. The earth pig was like a sedan chair in the millet grain pile. It's a pity that this spoon is not easy to sit on, and it was wobbled and turned upside down.

Wu Shaozi is strong in battle and broke behind.

Luo Bi got a good thing and didn't want others to know. She carefully avoided people and left Xiaozhushan. After thinking for a while, she went to the place where she set off in the morning. She planned to wait until the sky darkened before going back to the safe zone.

Luo Hang was worried, so he called her: "It's already half past five, why haven't you come back?"

"I'm back." Luo Bi leaned on the car seat and said, "I've been out of the forest for a while, and I'll go back when it gets dark. There are people coming and going on the road, I'm tired of them watching."

Luo Hang knows his daughter's temperament best: "Okay, come back soon."

When the sky darkened, Luo Bi jumped out of the car, covered the soil pigs tightly with millet, and brought them into the safe zone with a spoon. As expected, some passers-by noticed the flying Migu and looked surprised.

Each red porcelain spoon soldier carried three bundles of millet, and his figure was covered, so passers-by only saw the millet flying, not the red porcelain spoon soldier carrying the millet, which is not surprising.

When Luo Bi returned home, Luo Hang had just walked back. Luo Bi got out of the car and commanded the red porcelain spoon to unload the millet. The yard is large, so it was unloaded in the yard, and fifteen bundles of millet, large and small, were piled up on a small hill.

The five earthen pigs were thrown into the earthen pig's nest in the south, and Luo Bi coaxed and tricked her into pulling the battle robe from Wu Shaozi.

At this time, the sky had completely darkened, Luo Bi thought for a moment, counted out five bundles of millet and threw them on the red porcelain spoon, and sent the five spoons home. Wu Shaozi contributed a lot, but it was impossible to divide them equally, so five bundles would do.

On the way, Luo Bi took the opportunity to teach Wu Shaozi to recognize the way and the door.

Whose house is this, and whose house is that, all the way to the past.

As for the effect? Not sure yet.

Luo Bi didn't plan to teach it all at once. Human children still need a process to learn how to speak. It's similar to a child with a spiritual array. Naturally, teaching things should be done step by step.

When it was delivered to the door of Wu's house, Luo Bi didn't go in. Watching Wu Shaozi and the others enter the door, she turned and went home.

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