Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1318 Good She Keeps It To Herself

Robbie hastily cleaned up the battlefield and went out to the valley to find the supplies she had collected before.

She brought obsidian, which is not big, but it is absolutely no problem for lighting a small area. Of course, the coverage of this small-area lighting is much wider than that of lighting lamps. Otherwise, who would pay a high price for obsidian, and lighting lamps are much cheaper than them.

Let a red porcelain spoon hold the obsidian, and when we get to the place, the two red porcelain spoons guarding the supplies are still there. It's just a little silly, turning left and right, a little bit at a loss.

Regarding this, Luo Bi felt a little complicated, this was not the reaction that the array should have.

Wu Shaozi looked at the shiny white obsidian very strangely, and wanted to pull it over to play with it, but he had no hands, and he had to lie flat to get the white obsidian. Instinctively, Wu Shaozi didn't want to lie down and hold things flat, so after some tangling, he decided to forget it.

The red porcelain spoon picked up the millet, and Robbie took the opportunity to throw pigs and vegetables onto the sports car.

When Luo Bi got home, it was half an hour later than yesterday. Luo Hang was planning to pick her up outside the safe zone. When he heard that she was back, he returned the same way.

Here, the red porcelain spoon unloads the goods, saying it is unloading, but it is actually throwing. The soil pig that was bumped all the way was thrown down by the way, and it fell with a muffled sound, but fortunately it didn't fall directly to the ground, there was a pile of millet grains on it, so there was nothing wrong with the fall.

Robbie picked up the pig legs, grabbed two in one hand, and threw them into the earthen pig nest.

The pheasant and winged rabbit were thrown into their respective nests. Both of them fainted and then recovered.

Back in the front yard, Luo Bi counted out five sheaves of millet. Thinking of today's harvest, he hesitated to go to the earthen pig's nest. The native pigs were just getting used to their new environment. Luo Bi stared at them for a while, and then took out a litter of three.

She turned around and went to catch the pheasant-winged rabbits, but she couldn't keep them alive, so she gave them to Wu Shaozi, and she kept the good ones for herself.

People are biased, and Robbie is no exception.

Besides, it is enough that she can distribute these things to Wu Shaozi. If she doesn't say, who knows how much supplies she will get when she goes out. Luo Bi has a bottom line in life, even if Wu Shaozi is like a child, she will not fool him or take advantage of him.

If it's a spoon, Robbie will definitely give it.

After Luo Bi made the distribution, Red Porcelain Spoon picked up the supplies, thinking about what he hadn't forgotten, and got into the car to send Wu Shaozi home.

Along the way, Luo Bi taught Wu Shaozi to recognize the way and the door.

Whose house is this, whose house is that, or what happened yesterday.

As for Wu Shaozi, did they listen? I don't know, Robbie taught anyway.

Even at night, there were pedestrians on the road, each of them turned their heads to look at them, and Luo Bi quickly passed by seeing them. Arriving at the door of Wu's house, Luo Bi watched Wu Shaozi and the others enter the door, then turned to go to her mother's house for dinner.

On the way to her natal home, Luo Bi's communicator rang, and the number was Wu Cheng. When Luo Bi didn't answer, Wu Cheng called again and again.

Anxious to him, Luo Bi saw her father waiting at the door and drove the car directly into the yard. After getting out of the car, Luo Bi made a quick call, Luo Hang stopped what he wanted to say, and went into the kitchen to ask Guan Zhuting to prepare the meal.

Wu Cheng beat him over and over again, just wondering about the supplies Wu Shaozi brought back.

Good guy, five sheaves of millet a day for two consecutive days. He wanted to ask yesterday, but he refrained from asking, but today was a good day, with a litter of native pigs, pheasants, and winged rabbits.

"The supplies I harvested when I went out to play are for your Wu Shaozi." Luo Bi didn't say anything else, hung up the communication, and went to the table to eat.

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