Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1334 Finally a successful refining process

After entering the safe zone, Hua Ran took the supplies home, while Luo Hang and his wife went to Luo Bi's house to collect the ears of grain that were drying in the yard.

Most of the ears of corn are dried in the sun, and they need to be dried for another day. The wheat harvest is like this in autumn. It is harvested at night, and it will be spread again the next morning when the weather is good.

In this way, collect it before the dew falls at night, and spread it out the next day until it dries.

The crop work is boring and tiring, but that's how the delicious rice comes.

Or you can buy food grown by planting robots, that kind of food is delicious, and you will remember it for a lifetime after eating it once. It's cheap on the market, and it looks good, so there's no one who has eaten it that doesn't remember it deeply.

Just a little bit, it's a mouthful.

Qi Yan took advantage of the time in the evening to water the vegetable garden at the door, glanced at Luo Bi's house from the door, and went home with a small wooden shovel to help. After entering the door and saying hello, the child began to pile grain ears from the beginning to the middle.

Luo Hang raised his eyebrows. He was surprised that the child knew how to do farm work, which shows that he usually does a lot of work.

"You're only five years old!" Guan Zhuting had a good impression of the child and asked.

Qi Yan said "Yes" and replied, "I'm five years old."

"Your mother is really blessed to be so capable at the age of five." Guan Zhuting said nicely.

The next thing I heard was the sound of grain ears brushing. Luo Hang and Qi Yan picked it up with a wooden branch and pushed it with a small wooden shovel. Guan Zhuting found a broom and followed behind to sweep the millet grains on the ground.

Luo Bi didn't care about these, she took care of the Lingzhi, threw it into the furnace for refining, turned around and put the brocade rags on the table, thinking about how to cut the scissors.

After brocade made two small shirts, there was not much fabric left, and it was not easy to cut out a new dress for Orange Spoon from them, which required splicing or designing a new style.

For example, a small gown with a small skirt, it should be enough to make a living.

As for the gender of the orange spoon? Is it suitable to wear a small skirt? Robbie didn't care about it, because there was not enough orange spoons in the fabric and he insisted on clothes, a small skirt would be nice.

With a preliminary pattern in mind, Luo Bi was still reluctant to cut it.

Even if she is proficient in this area, she can't help worrying before cutting the scissors, after all, the fabric is not abundant. It's not impossible to cut the hair and scissors, as long as she is not afraid of ruining the only fabric she has, and let the orange spoon hang the rags to go out.

Robbie wouldn't do anything to cheat children, it's too wicked, even if Orange Spoon doesn't know what to do.

Luo Bi cut the small pieces of cloth first, and put the useful ones together to make up the fabric.

As a result, Luo Bi was happy with this piece. There were three relatively large pieces of the remaining brocade fabric, which were almost enough to make a small shirt, and the remaining pieces of fabric could be made into a belt by splicing them together.

As a result, the small gown and skirt were stillborn.

After cutting, Luo Bi took the needle and thread and sewed. Halfway through, she turned her head to look at the stove.

According to the past, the furnace should have been fried long ago, but it has not been fried until now. What does this mean? Luo Bi put down the work in his hands and walked over to guide the fire source to continue refining. After half an hour, if the furnace does not explode, the furnace will be successful.

Half an hour later, Luo Bi withdrew the fire, feeling indescribably happy. After refining for so long, she finally succeeded in one furnace.

It doesn't matter if she is happy, she ran to Luo Hang and his wife and chattered endlessly.

What can Robbie talk about? Complaining about this, talking about that, she can even complain about the faults of the orange spoon. And her grandfather, Chen Zhima rotten millet, all pulled out to criticize.

Robbie picks on his grandfather's faults, one fault at a time.

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