Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1337 She Thinks Clearly

Luo Bi poked in the direction of the tall grass not far away, and said in a low voice: "There is something, I saw the tall grass over there move a few times, it might be a winged rabbit, I didn't see it clearly, go and have a look."

The child's eyes lit up, he nodded, walked lightly, and walked around with Robbie.

Since yesterday, the child has become addicted to hunting for good things, always looking forward to surprises.

Soon, the rustling sound from the grass startled the other party, and a big white goose jumped out. Luo Bi was startled and stared, she thought it was a winged rabbit, but it turned out to be a goose! The big white goose is also delicious.

Zhu Xingrong held the sickle in a daze, this big white goose weighed at least fifteen or six catties, it was too fat.

A few seconds later, Luo Bi and Zhu Xingrong rushed over, the big white geese screamed, and several geese jumped out of the grass, most of them were white, others were variegated, and they were very fat.

Wu Shaozi called the red porcelain spoon to stop the geese from running out of the circle, while Luo Bi and Zhu Xingrong were gearing up to deal with the geese.

The goose's mouth is very powerful, and it is good at pecking people. Luo Bi knows this very well, so she is very careful when rushing up, if she can shoot if she can, and if she can't, she will run away, she can think clearly.

Zhu Xingrong obviously didn't know how powerful the goose is. He stretched out his little hand and was pecked. Fortunately, the goose is not a strange animal. Apart from the pain, there is nothing serious about pecking.

"Be careful, geese like to peck people." Luo Bi paused, looked around, spotted a small tree, ran over and folded it as a weapon, trotted back and said, "I don't care about you, I'm going to strike Now, whoever catches it belongs to him."

When the child heard this, he quickly broke a branch from the side, and the geese flocked into chaos. A variegated goose took the opportunity to peck at Zhu Xingrong's clothes.

Zhu Xingrong accidentally sat down on the ground, while Luo Bi was thinking about what to do, when he noticed the movement here, he ran over quickly. The goose succeeded in one move, stretched its neck and wanted to peck Zhu Xingrong again.

Nima was still addicted to pecking. Luo Bi made a quick move and used all her strength to grab the goose's neck with one hand to take the initiative. She originally wanted to lift the goose up. In the end, I picked it up a bit, and then picked it up again. Damn, my hands are boring, I can't lift it at all.

It doesn't matter if you can't lift it up, Luo Bi opened the bag with one hand and threw the goose in, the bag is closed, even if you have the ability, you can't use it.

The one that got into the bag couldn't run away, so Robbie ran to catch other geese: "Grab its neck."

Luo Bi taught Zhu Xingrong, the child nodded, his eyes were fixed on the neck of the goose.

After more than half an hour, Luo Bi and Zhu Xingrong finally got rid of the geese. Luo Bi caught ten and Zhu Xingrong caught two. Standing tall and low, Zhu Xingrong is not as powerful as Luo Bi.

Thunder Flame Warrior is also strong when he uses his abilities, playing tricks? Not so much.

Catching geese is all about strategies and means.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Luo Hang went back to the safe zone, and when he came back, he said to Luo Bi: "Your great grandfather from Emperor Star is here, and he still asked you, why don't you go back and meet him?"

"Your great grandfather is better than your grandfather." Luo Hang added later.

Needless to say from his father, Luo Bi naturally knew the character of his great-grandfather. Luo Feiran was an old man who handled family affairs impartially, with means and courage.

The Luo family can have today's status, thanks to the old Patriarch.

Luo Bi thought for a while, then said: "Okay, I'll go see my great grandfather, I'll be back if I have nothing to do."

Luo Bi poked a litter of wild pigs again, got into the car and dragged the geese and pigs, and dragged them all the way back to the safe zone.

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