Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1339 Colored Stones

Luo Bi was at a loss for words again, the old Patriarch Luo praised her, and she couldn't answer.

If she talks to nonsense, she can make a few words.

The old Patriarch raised his eyebrows. He couldn't see through this child. He only knew that she had a good temper when she was a child and didn't like her elders very much. However, Luo Hang was very competent as a father, and the elders didn't like it, so he led the children to live alone.

Luo Feiran was far away in the Emperor Star, and had heard about it once or twice, but it was only heard, and then he left it behind. There are many children in the family, and it is impossible for him to take care of all of them. It is not a bad thing for Luo Hang to live separately.

Besides, the old Patriarch Luo really didn't want to take care of Luo Feifan's housework.

After chatting for a while, Patriarch Luo said to Luo Bi: "You can go and play with your brother and the others."

Robbie got up: "Then I'll go."

Patriarch Luo nodded, and Luo Bi came out of the small pavilion, seeing flowers and plants, rocks and flowing water everywhere. Suddenly, a small head poked out from the crevice of the stone, Luo Bi tilted his head, and the baby beast in yellow clothes crawled out and trotted into the pavilion.

Luo Huan picked him up and teased him, the old Patriarch Luo drank tea without lifting his head.

This is another childless person, Luo Bi smiled as she stepped down the stone steps, admiring the surrounding scenery from top to bottom, and when she arrived in the yard, the rambunctious voices came to her ears again.

The cousin Lu Xi beckoned, Luo Bi walked over and sat down, listening to others chatting.

Luo Huan came down from the hill, took out a purple wooden box from the study, and waved to the younger generation: "Everyone come here, I'll give you some little things to play with."

After the voice fell, those who listened to the elders chatting stopped listening, those who bowed their heads and played with small optical computers stopped playing, and those who were not in the mood and didn't want to be mothers slapped and got up, huffing and clapping around Luo Huan.

"Colored stones? I like this kind of jade the most." Luo Ping dragged the box in front of her without hesitation, and distributed it to others: "Jewelry made of colored stones is in short supply now. If you make jewelry, please let me know. Someone I know."

Luo Huan moved his fingers, but did not speak. Luo Qing, a boy from the side branch, came over: "Don't just worry about making jewelry, you are all grown up, you can't just focus on playing. Colored stones are refining materials, and they are rare in the market. good stuff."

"I know, I know." Impatiently, Luo Ping pushed Luo Qing away and continued to distribute: "Three yuan per person, anyone who hasn't yet, come and get it, if you move slowly, it will be gone."

The ones in the back squeezed to the front, pushed the colored stones to the back, Tong Wan said: "Don't leave after taking the things, get out of the way, Luo Ping, I haven't, my sister-in-law is always nice to you, give me two more .”

"I'll give you a few pieces that are in good condition." Luo Ping picked out five pieces and gave them to Tong Wan.

Luo Yini took a look and said coquettishly, "I'll take two extra yuan too." She stood beside the table and picked out two yuan.

Seeing this, other people rushed to the front one after another and stretched out their hands to pick it out. This box of colored stones belongs to the second-grade jade, and the color is better than the first-grade jade, which is rare in the market. Everyone picked and picked at first, but later they simply grabbed it.

The young master gave it, no interstellar coins, and those who don't take a few more are fools.

Robbie stood aside stupidly, unable to do anything.

"Don't grab it, don't grab it, I'll share it with you." Luo Qing stretched out his arm to block it, and Tong Guan opened it: "The division may not be good. We choose it ourselves. It's nothing to do with you. Fifth Brother, you go aside."

"You really are." Luo Qing was squeezed out of the circle, completely helpless with women.

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