Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1351 This Lord Is Very Strange

Luo Bi didn't mean that, and hurried away holding the food in his hand, intending to return the same way: "No more, these are enough to eat."

Wei Tiao straightened up, and just as he was about to open his mouth, Zhu Xingzhi jumped out from the slant, carrying two bundles of millet on his shoulders, and asked Luo Bi, "Where are you going? Back to the valley entrance? Together."

"Okay!" Luo Bi stopped, waiting to be with Zhu Xingzhi: "You all have strong fighting power, I haven't done anything yet, you have harvested two sheaves of millet first."

Zhu Xingzhi immediately said, "I'll give you a bundle."

Robbie shook her head: "No need, I'm just talking."

When they arrived at the other side of the valley, there were already combat team members preparing to load the millet on the suspension transport vehicle. There were many people and strength, and they had harvested a lot of millet just now. The combat team members had smiles on their faces and were talking to their companions. When they saw someone coming back carrying supplies, they greeted them with a smile.

Luo Bi didn't compete with everyone, got on her suspension sports car, and stepped on the ground again.

"Luo Bi, what are you doing?" Zhu Xingzhi asked after a few steps.

Luo Bi slowed down the speed of the car and said in a low voice, "Go step on the ground."

The child understood, nodded and remained silent.

Robbie opened the hood and drove the sports car eastward for more than ten minutes. The emerald green leaves swept by. Robbie grabbed a piece and beat it, enjoying it. Life is so beautiful, she wants to live it well.

Arriving at the new site, Robbie continued to drive east, intending to expand southeast from the border. Encountering two hunting teams on the way, Robbie turned a corner silently and headed south.

You see, this is not good, stepping on the territory and avoiding people.

It's okay if she can't take down the territory, but if she does, there will be leaks everywhere.

Is Robbie the type to take advantage of?

Obviously not, so a detour is necessary.

When Luo Bi took a good look at the place, put Orange Spoon on a rose-red jersey and got off the car, a few second-level alien beasts heard the movement and rushed over. The second-level alien beast was easy to deal with, so Luo Bi stepped back and let the orange spoon take it.

In the end, this kid was too good for nothing, so he ran away wearing a new jersey.

Luo Bi was so angry that she ran along with her, followed by the red porcelain spoon. Obviously, the red porcelain spoon could beat the alien beast to the ground with a single spoon, but because the orange spoon failed to live up to it, it was chased and ran by the inferior alien beast.

After running for a while in a sports car, Luo Bi got out of the car, sat on a big rock, stared at the orange spoon, and scolded for a while.

"If you don't work hard, go back and take off the new shirt, and I won't wear it for you." Robbie said.

Not to mention, this is really useful, after a short rest before going back, Orange Spoon took one of its pawns to attack. It's just that... this master is very strange, it rushes up without patting or beating, and takes the strange beast to the nearby river to wash it off.

This was not enough, after washing for a while, the orange spoon pulled the beast that was full of water to rub against the big rock.

Well, Luo Bi understood at a glance, the master used the strange beast as clothes, and the stone as a washboard, and even rubbed and washed it, so that only half breath was left after rubbing a living strange beast.

Robbie stood aside, speechless for a while.

That's an effort, right?

She had nothing to say about the orange spoon. No matter what method was used, they got rid of the strange beast.

The orange spoon became amused, picked up one after another, scrubbed the beasts clean, threw them on the red porcelain spoon, and went to catch other beasts. Just from the fact that the orange spoon carried a strange beast like a chicken, it showed that its combat power was not weak, it was just lazy.

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