Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1358 Her Kindness

Mrs. Luo paused: "Your elder brother said that there is something wrong with Qi Xing. I was just talking to your grandfather about it. Do you have Luo Yuan's communication number?"

"Yes." Robbie nodded.

Mrs. Luo said: "Then you call her and ask her to come back as soon as possible. Although there may not be anything wrong, it's better to be careful. What if it happens?"

In one case, many things may happen, and it is unpredictable.

Mrs. Luo sighed, and said again: "This child is not sensible at all. If she doesn't stay at home and run around, she will make the family worry about her."

When Luo Bi was told by Mrs. Luo, she was also a little worried. After all, blood is thicker than water. No matter how much she doesn't like Luo Yuan, she doesn't want anything to happen to Luo Yuan.

She is narrow-minded, but not vicious.

"Okay, I'll call her to ask." Luo Bi raised her wrist and dialed out the message.

After a while, the other party picked up: "Hello!"

The man's voice was not Luo Yuan, and Luo Bi cautiously said, "You are?"

Zhan Hui on the opposite side recognized that it was Luo Bi, and said flatly, "I'm Zhan Hui, Luo Yuan's fiancé, what do you need her for?"

Luo Bi heard that it was him, she was not familiar with Zhanhui, she had met him a few times, and it was said that he had a good family background. Currently, Zhan Hui is a soldier of the Fengyao Empire, with the rank of major, and belongs to the same regiment as Luo Yuan's father, Luo Yuan.

This person has a problem, he likes to interfere with Luo Yuan, commonly known as being possessive.

Robbie has a clear heart, but still has to deal with people.

"Is Luo Yuan still in Qixing?" Luo Bi finished asking, and then said: "You let her connect to the express."

Zhanhui said: "She's taking a shower, it's inconvenient to connect to the mobile phone, so if you have anything to say, say the same as me."

Hearing that the two were together, Luo Bi asked Mrs. Luo with her eyes, Mrs. Luo nodded, went out of the house and went into the kitchen area to wash another plate of nutritious fruits.

Luo Bi withdrew her gaze, stopped in front of a cluster of green and delicate flowers, and continued to talk: "Major Zhan, some Thunder Flame fighters have noticed something abnormal in Qi Xing, if possible, you can take Luo Yuan away from Qi Xing and go home! , since someone said so, we'd better be careful."

Luo Bi made some good intentions, but Zhan Hui said after listening, "Don't call Luo Yuan anymore. She came to Qixing this time to participate in a competition. I will try not to disturb her. You are also a gifted student. Don't you understand anything?"

Nima, Luo Bi wanted to scold someone, so she kindly treated her like a donkey.

Zhanhui continued: "My mother asked Luo Yuan about planting, but I didn't let her be disturbed. You don't want to call her anymore. If you call her again and again, it will affect her mood before the competition."

"Oh, that's it!" Robbie said coldly.

"By the way, how was the planting course you took?" Luo Bi couldn't hear her anger through the communication show, so she changed the subject and offered a suggestion: "Do you intend to come to Qixing to participate in the competition?"

If Luo Bi is interested, Zhanhui plans to arrange it for her.

But Luo Bi couldn't take it anymore, so she hung up the communication immediately, and she was still angry after calming down for a while. Who is she for? She dialed this communication when she was full, but she got this thing in exchange for her good intentions.

Robbie walked to the table, trying to suppress her anger.

Luo Yini took the fruit and ran away, Madam Luo asked: "How did Zhanhui reply to you?"

Luo Bi didn't try to hide it for Zhanhui, she said everything, and finally said: "Zhanhui blamed me for calling Luo Yuan, and told me not to call Luo Yuan in the future, and gave me an example, saying that his mother has planting I wanted to ask Luo Yuan the same question, but I didn’t ask, which means I’m not sensible.”

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