Before Luo Bi got into the car, Luo Qing walked over, glanced at the place where the wind blade passed, and exhaled: "Luo Bi, Luo Heng is out of tune, don't be as knowledgeable as him, I will talk about him later, the car Good car, no scratches."

What can Robbie say? Get in the car and leave.

She was angry in her heart, and she didn't let it out to feel aggrieved. As a result, she drove slowly, and drove slowly towards the outside of the safe zone. Luo Bi is not like other people, who will vent his anger by speeding the car. At the beginning, he should be more calm and drive slowly.

It can be seen that her self-control is very strong.

Huang Chao happened to be leading a small team to patrol outside the safety zone. He saw Luo Bi's sports car from afar, and he paused. It was already half afternoon. He didn't understand why Luo Bi was leaving the safety zone at this point.

Most of the combat team members recognized Luo Bi's car, and they all looked at it eagerly, wondering.

Soon, someone was confused: "Her, what is she going to do?"

No wonder the man made such a fuss, Luo Bi spotted a rain curtain of a waterfall in front of the mountain, wiped the water and flew over. It is true that the suspension car is suspended in the air, but Robbie is the first one to fly around the waterfall in a car.

There is no reason!

If they didn't understand, everyone kept thinking about it, and the whole team racked their brains from a distance away.

After Luo Bi had had enough flying back and forth in the waterfall, Huang Chao and the others didn't figure out why until they drove away. In fact, Robbie just used the waterfall to wash the car and had no other ideas.

As far as these people's brain circuits are concerned, it's strange to be able to figure it out.

Luo Bi drove away, and the combat team members were still muttering, scratching their heads and scratching their heads. One couldn't figure it out, so they asked the other, and they asked again and again, and after some exchanges, they stayed up all night wondering.

You see, it hurts people a lot, just because of such a little thing, it can suffocate people.

Luo Bi went back to her mother's house, Luo Hang saw that her complexion was not good, he stopped chopping the ears of corn, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Luo Bi took a deep breath, and told what Zhan Hui said, as well as Luo Heng moving her car, the more she said, the angrier she became. If it's an outsider, she can take action without any scruples, but once it involves the family, she can't ignore her father's feelings.

She is married and has her own life, but her father will always be from the Luo family, and this can never be changed.

She choked people, pissed people off, and did everything she could. How would her father deal with his clansmen? One cannot be too selfish, her father loves her and spoils her, so she must also have a conscience.

But she is aggrieved! Robbie's heart hurts.

Luo Hang frowned, Hua Ran got up from the chair: "I'm going to chat with my grandfather."

Hua Ran walked for a while, and when she saw Luo Heng with a hippie smile, she beat her up. Luo Heng is so smart, he immediately tasted it when he heard it, he searched through the small treasury, found a few items that women like, and gave them to Luo Bi.

Luo Heng is a smart person, he came to eat dinner and left, and he didn't point out the reason for his visit from the beginning to the end.

In this way, everyone will look good, and they will not be embarrassed when they meet again. Whoever told him that he owes him money, his cousin's car was touched by him, and Hua Ran beat him up. It would be shameful to come to the door to pay for it.

Luo Heng was able to think about it, and his mind was active. He turned around and thought about another cousin, Luo Yuan, and dialed a message at night. He wanted to remind people to pay attention to safety, and if the situation seemed wrong, they should leave Qixing immediately.

In the end, just like Luo Bi, it was a thankless effort, Zhan Hui said: "You will disturb Luo Yuan if you call, try not to call for a while."

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