Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1363 Long Spirituality

Luo Bi was disturbed, walked around the yard twice, and went out to Wu's villa.

Wu Shao was discussing with the head of the Wu family and others in the study room. In the yard, Wu Cheng was eating watermelon alone, watching behind a bunch of red porcelain spoons. The Wu spoons were missing. Mrs. Wu and other female relatives were packing the luggage for the Wu family brothers in the room.

Luo Bi entered the yard, and Wu Cheng raised his head while eating the watermelon: "Why do you always catch up with me every time I eat watermelon? Come and eat a piece, they are all busy and have no time to grab watermelon to eat, the middle piece has few seeds, you can eat that piece."

Robbie waved his hand: "No time."

Sitting down, Luo Bi said to the business: "This time I go to Qixing, let your brother take Wu Shaozi and them, I'm not afraid of 10,000, just in case, the planet falls every year, I don't feel at ease."

From last year to now, as far as Robbie knows, two planets have fallen.

Wu Cheng stopped gnawing on the watermelon, and nodded: "It's already agreed, let Wu Shaozi go together, and the red porcelain spoons are fine! Qixing is just a little abnormal, and there may not be a strange beast attack."

"What if?" Luo Bi and Wu Cheng looked at each other.

Wu Cheng: "...." He couldn't answer, held back for a while, and then said: "It's unlikely, my brother and the others are just an extra layer of protection, and it's not that there are really strange beasts agitating."

Luo Bi obviously didn't care about this, she stood up, looking for Wu Shaozi everywhere: "Take all the red porcelain spoons, even if there is no abnormality in Qixing, it's good to take them to learn a lot, you have learned a lot about the array, long spirituality."

Regardless of whether it was nonsense or not, Wu Cheng responded: "Okay, my elder brother should be willing to bring all of them, and bring a team of small spoon arrays, he is very powerful."

Listen, these words are so sour, maybe Wu Cheng wants to take a troop of spoons out to show his prestige.

Several Thunder Flame warriors from the Wu family came back from the outside, greeted Luo Bi when they saw Luo Bi, and carried things down from the car one by one. Wu Shao, Wu Patriarch and others came out of the study to count the equipment and elixir. Wu Cheng ran over and told Luo Bi what he meant.

Wu Shao nodded, and he had no problem with bringing a red porcelain spoon.

Wu Cheng ran back and continued to eat watermelon. During the time Luo Bi came, he had already eaten more than half of a six to seven catty watermelon. There was a pile of watermelon peels in front of him, and the seeds were placed on the watermelon peels.

"Where is Wu Shaozi?" Luo Bi looked around the yard, but couldn't find Wu Shaozi.

"I don't know what it's doing these days. It hides every day so that no one can see it." After muttering, Wu Cheng shouted: "Wu Shaozi!"

After shouting, Wu Shaozi flew down from the canopy of the tree. Luo Bi glanced suspiciously, always feeling that Wu Shaozi was playing tricks behind his back. Wu Shaozi was very calm, Luo Bi took a few glances, but didn't see anything.

"Where's your storage ring?" Robbie asked.

Wu Shaozi is wearing a small jacket, where can he hide? Robbie hasn't seen Wu Shaozi's storage ring since that day. Nima usually didn't notice that Wu Shaozi also likes to hide things.

"What storage ring?" Wu Cheng was taken aback.

Obviously, Wu Cheng hadn't seen it either, Luo Bi stared at Wu Shaozi, Wu Shaozi touched his body, and took out the storage ring from his small pocket after a long while. It is worried about putting it elsewhere, and it is safest to hide it on itself.

"Ha...!" Wu Cheng was surprised, he didn't even know that Wu Shaozi had hidden a ring: "What is it? A storage ring? Can it be so small that you can put things in it? Could it be a gadget for holding and playing with?" Let's go!"

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