Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1365 More than one crooked idea

Luo Bi doesn't care how surprised everyone is, Wu Shao will take Wu Jiajun to Qixing tomorrow, time is limited, she must arrange everything as much as possible.

Wu Shaozi learned to use the storage ring after collecting it a few times. There is no doubt that this kind of storage ring is specially equipped for the small spoon array.

Robbie couldn't even open it, and she didn't believe anyone else could.

She tried it just now, but it didn't work.

Wu Shaozi had a great time playing. He put away the fireball, threw it out again, and counted it over and over again.

The Leiyan warriors of the Wu family came back to their senses, and they were so excited that they swarmed up, scrambling to send Wu spoons of fireballs, ice blades, golden balls, and water balls. The wind-type, earth-type, thunder-type, and wood-type ones also wanted to be given away, but they couldn't.

The thunder and lightning clicked, and it was gone.

The wind blade hit out, a gust of wind blew, and it was gone.

The vines got stuck in half, and Wu Shao grabbed them out, so I don't want them anymore.

The soil type made a few soil thorns, and before Wu Shao could put them away, they fell apart.

"Go, go, go." Other Thunder Flame warriors with other abilities pulled people aside: "Don't send it if you can't send it out, don't get in the way, you're blocking me, Wu Shaozi, I'll give you some ice sculptures for fun .”

"Let me send more fireballs! Wu Shaozi likes to stir-fry."

"Then you can give it away, put the Wu spoon in the storage ring, and use it anytime."

Then, a string of fireballs was thrown at Wu Shaobao.

Luo Bi looked at Wu Shao: "If your Wu family army is willing to equip Wu Shaozi, you can hit more fireballs, ice blades, gold balls, water balls, etc., and his storage rings can be stored."

Got it right, what else can Wu Shao be vague about? With a greeting, Wu Shaozi has collected countless fire-type, ice-type, gold-type, and water-type equipment. in the object ring.

Patriarch Wu and the clan elders were both surprised and delighted, and they also gave Wu Shaozi some equipment. In the future, don't say that the storage device can't hold abilities, it's just nonsense.

If you don't have knowledge, you can say you don't have knowledge, and if you say no, you have never seen such a shameless person!

There is no rush to collect the equipment. At this moment, Luo Bi asked Wu Cheng to teach Wu Shao and the red porcelain spoon to use their abilities: "You teach first, I will go home to get the fabric, and I will be back in a while."

"How do I teach?" Wu Cheng was dumbfounded.

Luo Bi disliked Wu Cheng's stupidity, and stared: "You can teach it as you have learned it, forget about the most basic ones, just use the ability directly, let Wu Shaozi and the red porcelain spoon watch it once, if it doesn't work once, just do it twice."

Luo Bi ran out the door, in a hurry, Wu Cheng asked loudly: "What are you doing with the fabric?"

"Come to your house to make clothes." Luo Bi turned around and walked backwards: "I want to make battle robes for the red porcelain spoons. Wu Shao's has already been made, and I will bring them here in a while."

Listen, what does this say? It would be evil enough to ask Wu Cheng to teach the ladles their abilities, but they are still adding to the chaos by going home to make clothes with cloth? This isn't too messy enough, let's join in the fun before Wu Jiajun goes out on a mission!

Patriarch Wu and the clan elders hurriedly counted the supplies, and when Luo Bi came back, there might be another moth, one after another, one after another, there were too many crooked ideas, and they were really overwhelmed.

Wu Shao hesitated for a while, and ordered a Thunder Flame Warrior with a supernatural attribute, and asked them to teach courses with Wu Cheng.

It doesn't matter if Wu Shaozi and Red Porcelain Spoon can learn or not, it doesn't hurt to teach.

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