Luo Bi could see that this man was ingenious, but he was too lazy to think about it, and he could do better than anyone else.

The women here are chasing the jerseys, but the ability teaching there is ineffective, which even makes people laugh and cry. The Fire Element Thunder Flame Warrior shot a fireball and asked Wu Shaozi and the Red Porcelain Spoon to do it again. A group of spoons jumped several times, but they couldn't.

Wu Shaozi didn't have to jump, he waved his little hand a few times, but there was nothing.

Gold type thunder flame fighters, wood type thunder flame fighters, water type thunder flame fighters, Wu Cheng, wind type thunder flame fighters, thunder type thunder flame fighters, and ice type thunder flame fighters played in turn, but the results were not satisfactory.

Luo Bi dropped her work, ran over, and said to a group of spoons: "I told you to shoot out the supernatural powers. I didn't want you to jump around. Why did you jump? Called the supernatural powers to fight them out, but they didn't let you attack. Hit the supernatural powers and you're not allowed to attack." so tough."

While speaking, Robbie made a throwing motion.

The Lei Yan warriors took turns to operate again, the red porcelain spoons were twirling around anxiously, and some were forced to separate their hands as if they were throwing things.

Throw it once, throw it again, do the same thing for a long time, but nothing.

Some couldn't tell the difference, and they still jumped up and down with all their strength, jumping up and down with the whole spoon.

Luo Bi was speechless, and asked, "What is this for?"

A group of jumping red porcelain spoons froze for a moment, one of them had a sudden idea, jumped up, jumped out, and threw itself out. After finishing the red porcelain spoon, I raised the handle to look at Luo Bi, so the head office will be fine!

Seeing this scene, Luo Bi burst out laughing, not knowing what to say.

The Lei Yan warriors were even more exaggerated, they burst into laughter, and some of them fell down.

"That's right, you can throw yourself out by throwing an ability."

"Oh, my stomach hurts from laughing."

"No, I have to take it easy, I'm laughing to death."

Mrs. Wu's work was not far away, and she couldn't help laughing when she saw this, shaking her shoulders with her needlework, and she couldn't do the work anymore. Simply laugh enough, and continue to work after laughing.

The red porcelain spoons followed each other, throwing themselves away for a while, before being yelled back by Robbie.

Being yelled at, it must be the wrong way, the red porcelain spoon that I threw out turned around and learned how to throw it.

what to throw?

After catching up with the small fireball shot by the fire-type Thunder Flame Warrior, he brought it back and threw it out, which made the Thunder Flame Warrior's faces bloody.

"My mother, it's so cute!" The tall and burly Lei Yan warrior fell down with a smile.

Seeing this, Wu Shaozi panicked, and hurriedly chased the little fireballs, picking them up one by one and putting them into storage rings, all of which belonged to him. Wu Shaozi has already saved a lot of small fireballs, so he doesn't have to worry about cooking in the future.

It didn't have a storage ring before, and the little fireball given to it by Thunder Flame Warrior disappeared that day, but now it's all in stock.

After lunch, continue teaching in the afternoon.

Wu Cheng specially pulled Wu Shaozi to teach it to throw soil thorns, but Wu Shaozi was good, and after throwing it a few times, he just stuck it into the soil to dig the soil. He came back with a spoon, gestured the distance from Wu Cheng, and pushed the soil out vigorously.

Wu Cheng: "······?!" No such thing!

Luo Bi couldn't stand it anymore, she threw away her needlework and quit, ran over and stomped her right foot vigorously, and was furious: "Wu Shaozi, I asked you to use the supernatural power, not to dig the soil, the soil you dug is not good. Calculate."

Why not? !

Wu Shaozi didn't accept it, and didn't understand, wasn't he just throwing the soil out?

What Wucheng throws is dirt, and what it throws is dirt, all the same.

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