Everyone heard the movement and looked up.

Wu Shao threw the document to the adjutant, strode over, and asked Luo Bi and Wu Cheng: "Has the spoon used the lightning ability?"

"Just a meeting." Luo Bi nodded, looking at the spoons thoughtfully: "I didn't learn it, this one is a deserter, and I don't know which department I can run here, and I will shoot thunder and lightning as soon as I hit it." coming."

Wu Shao didn't know why, but Wu Cheng said: "I saw it, it learned the supernatural ability of the gold department, stepped on the golden ball into the soil and ran to the stream, hehe, this is interesting, it hits the right way."

Luo Bi was silent, saying that it is not impossible to say that it is wrong to hit the right one, but it may not always be the case. She had a guess, but she didn't know if she guessed it right, she would know if she tried it on the spot.

"Wu Shao." Robbie called out.

Wu Shao was thinking, when he was called, he turned his head, Luo Bi pointed to a group of red porcelain spoons and asked, "Which one is yours?"

Wu Shao was slightly stunned, his eyes swept over the spoons, and he asked without answering, "Which one do you think belongs to my family?"

Luo Bi said beforehand that the small spoon array will not be given away, and everyone has a good relationship with this heart, so it is difficult to ask for it later. But it's different now, as long as Luo Bi says which one belongs to him, I'm sorry, Wu Shao will never be polite.

"The red porcelain spoons are all the same, I can't see it." To be honest, in Luo Bi's eyes, all the red porcelain spoons are the same, and she can't recognize who is who. Wu Shao throws the question, but it can't trouble her.

Luo Bi's gaze fell on the spoons, pointed at Wu Shao and asked, "Which one of you belongs to his family?"

The red porcelain spoon that was pawing gold balls stopped working, flew over, and ran to Wu Shao.

Wu Shao's pupils shrank, and Luo Bi was convinced, and then asked Wu Cheng to claim the red porcelain spoon. In addition to Wu Shao, there was also Wu Cheng who introduced the ability to the red porcelain spoon. That morning, Luo Bi blocked the two brothers.

Wu Cheng was very surprised, looked left and right, turned around, but couldn't see which one was the ability he imported. Robbie is mentally balanced, so she just said it! They're all the same, you can't tell who's who.

"Which one is your brother?" Wu Cheng asked Wu Shaozi.

Without saying a word, Wu Shaozi flew to the red porcelain spoon that gave birth to the plant, and came back with it in his hand. Wu Shaozi pushed the deserted red porcelain spoon in front of Wu Cheng, this one belonged to his family.

Wu Cheng heyed and rubbed his hands together: "I just said why you can't produce plant abilities, so you are of the earth type."

Wu Cheng explained the root cause with a single word, and the Leiyan warriors who surrounded him suddenly realized that it was because of the wrong department that they couldn't use their abilities! Not to mention that the spoons are only enlightened, like Wu Shaozi, if you let it hit a fireball, it can't hit it.

It's no wonder that Wu Shaozi uses the soil to attract people at every turn, that's how it is.

Knowing this, the Thunder Flame warriors all sympathized with the spoon, Luo Bi is too difficult for the spoon, and the business is not right for you, you still let him learn this one, it's fine if you don't force it.

Robbie laughed, it would be easy to find the reason.

She didn't think about it before, the red porcelain spoon was introduced at about the same time, and she usually worked hard, so she didn't think much about it. As soon as she taught the supernatural class today, she discovered the clue.

Luo Bi called her brother Hua Ran by a text message, pointed at Hua Ran and asked the spoon: "This is my brother Hua Ran, which one of you belongs to his family?"

After the question was over, a group of spoons did not respond.

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