Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1382 Coax the Spoons

With confidence in her mind, Feng Ling opened the food box brought back from Zhihuangxing, picked two cucumbers and cleaned them. Luo Bi tilted her head and smiled. She loves cold cucumbers the most, so she ran over and circled Feng Ling, babbling nonsense.

Feng Ling glanced at her, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, that's all he wanted in this life.

Dinner is prepared quickly, with four dishes and one soup, with balanced nutrition.

In addition, there were barbecued meat and vegetables on the grill, as well as a few strings of small partridge eggs. Robbie pretended not to see them. She didn't like these things, and she wouldn't eat them if they were nutritious. There is no shortage of partridge eggs at home, she has had enough.

Feng Ling didn't force Luo Bi, and reached out to put the skewered partridge eggs on her baking tray. During the meal, Feng Ling dipped the peeled small partridge eggs in sauce and sent them to Luo Bi's mouth. Luo Bi was stunned for a moment, unable to spit it out, so she ate it reluctantly.

Feng Ling chuckled, look, the nutrition that should be there is still replenished.

After dinner, Qin Yilang, Wen Xiao, and He Yun came to find Fengling. Under the wooden corridor hall, the men sat and talked together, and the topics mostly revolved around military affairs. Luo Bi didn't participate in these things, and ran to the front of the stove to touch it, it was warm, not hot, and could be opened.

Luo Bi was still a little nervous, the cauldron lid was lifted, and when she saw what was in the stove, her eyes immediately became straight, Nima, it's better not to be like she thought.

in the case of? Laugh to death.

After being stunned for a few seconds, Luo Bi was about to smile, so she stretched out her hand and pressed it, and there was a small hole in it, the feel was not bad, just like what the fuck she thought. Luo Bi closed the cauldron with a "bang", exhaled and inhaled, and calmed down.

"You're refining again?" Wen Xiao brought his own snacks, crackling and chewing melon seeds, his long legs curled up: "What did you refine? Open it up and let's see if it's something weird again." Bar!"

Luo Bi covered the cauldron cover: "I won't show it to you."

When Wen Xiao became interested, Luo Bi glared at him, walked over to Feng Ling and sat down.

Feng Ling got up and went to the kitchen area, brought a glass of fresh fruit juice to Luo Bi, and said with a smile: "Could it be some gadgets for the spoons to play with?"

Almost, Robbie smiled and didn't answer, and drank juice from a glass. Feng Ling raised her eyebrows, don't ask, what was refined this time must be something weird, otherwise Luo Bi would definitely not have this expression.

He Yun smiled: "I heard that you have refined a lot of bamboo tents, give me one, and I will give it to my cousin in my family later, so that she can also learn embroidery. Maybe it is a good craft."

Nonsense, who will embroider in the future interstellar era? Robbie didn't say yes.

Qin Yilang said sternly: "I don't mean to be joking with you. You can refine anything. The Zhihuangxing military department fully supports it. If you don't have enough refining materials, just ask, and the military department will send it to you immediately."

"The captain is right. Even the gadgets you made are not useless." Wen Xiao threw away the melon seeds and continued to chomp: "You are awesome! You know how to use a roundabout strategy to coax Wu Spoons, war spoons, you don’t have to be afraid of monsters when you go out on missions.”

The topic turned to the spoons, and the Leiyan warriors were full of emotions. Who would have thought that twenty one spoons could protect the Wu family army and retreat in the face of a powerful army of monsters.

Mentioning the spoons, all the Thunder Flame fighters were moved.

Feng Ling lowered her eyes and smiled lightly: "It's not appropriate to go on a mission at the moment, let's talk about it later."

"Alas!" Wen Xiao sighed: "It's just in time for the harvest season, and the supplies in winter are insufficient, so everyone can't hold back if they don't have to do the mission."

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