Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1386 Who Rarely Looks at It

Luo Bi took a lot of things, and the small storage basket made of bamboo almost fell off the ground, and she was in a hurry to hold it steady. Looking up again, Zhan Di was still standing outside the guest room door, Luo Bi was very suspicious.

Wen Xiao just sat down and ate a few melon seeds, then stood up again when he saw this, walked to the door of the guest room, bumped Zhan Di with his shoulder with a smile: "You didn't change clothes with Zhan Shaozi, why did you come out by yourself?"

Zhan Di's face was paralyzed: "It's shy, it doesn't allow people to stay in front of it when it changes clothes."

Wen Xiao was amazed, a melon seed was brought to his mouth before he could chew it: "What are you talking about? This, this... You can't do it either?"

Zhan Di was depressed: "I can't do it either, there are many problems."

Wen Xiao seemed to have received the breaking news, and hurriedly strode to tell Qin Yilang, Feng Ling and others. After everyone listened, they all looked like you were lying, and you were shy with a spoon, laughing to death.

Luo Bi quickly figured out what was going on, and she was speechless: "It's a spoon, who cares to look at it, and it's so much trouble to change clothes." Bad-hearted, Luo Bi urged everyone: "It's not that we don't want to see it. How about going to see it? Are you going or not?"

"Go." Wen Xiao was the first to support, still looking excited.

Luo Bi looked awkward and walked away first, followed by Wen Xiao. Feng Ling pressed his fist to his lips and coughed, so Qin Yilang, He Yun, and Xue Yue looked at each other in dismay. After a while, several people couldn't hold back their curiosity and followed to watch the fun.

A group of people quietly gathered around the door of the guest room, Zhan Di frowned, and said in a low voice: "They are all busy, aren't they? What should I do now? If my Zhan Shaozi knows that you watch him change clothes, he will definitely be in a hurry with me."

Luo Bi was quite nervous, and lowered her voice, "Let's be careful and try not to make any noise."

Wen Xiao followed, "Just take a look, we're just curious."

Those who spoke in the front were all heartless, while Feng Ling, Qin Yilang, and He Yun in the back said nothing, Xue Yue was a follower of the crowd, he would do whatever others did, and would not take part in taking the lead in negotiations.

To a certain extent, Xue Yue is also a smart person if he does not take the lead or stand out.

Zhan Di didn't let him go here, and Zhan Shaozi in the guest room came out angrily when he heard the movement, and slammed on the door hard, and there was a "bang", which showed how angry Zhan Shaozi was. Zhan Shaozi was furious and glared at everyone, they were all bad guys, bad guys.

Wen Xiao and Qin Yilang were tongue-tied, very embarrassed.

Feeling guilty, Luo Bi hurriedly hid behind Feng Ling. Feng Ling couldn't laugh or cry, stretched out his hand and pulled him into his arms, and said in a low voice: "Like to watch the excitement? Like to make noise? Huh? I'm satisfied now, and I pissed off Zhan Shaozi. "

Luo Bi stayed in the man's arms and didn't speak. She took the lead, was unreasonable, and had nothing to say. She would never do this again in the future. It would make Zhan Shaozi angry.

"Zhan Shaozi, I stopped them. They just came and didn't see anything." Zhan Di tried to appease Zhan Shaozi.

Zhan Shaozi didn't listen to this kind of rhetoric. He saw it with his own eyes, so he still fooled him? It doesn't believe it. At this moment, Zhan Shaozi even angered Zhan Di, he didn't change his clothes, and angrily hugged his shirt and flew to the back of the hill without coming out.

Zhan Di followed, tried to persuade him several times, but Zhan Shaozi just ignored him, bad guys are all bad guys.

Now Luo Bi was honest, finished cutting the fabric, and sat next to Feng Ling to sew the red brocade shirt.

While talking with everyone, Feng Ling looked down at Luo Bi with gentle eyes.

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