Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1388 Noble and glamorous in full bloom

After that, Zhan Di went to coax Zhan Shaozi several times, but was stopped by Luo Bi for various reasons, just asking him to wait.

Zhan Di was absent-minded, and when his patience was exhausted, he was ready to coax him again.

Luo Bi reckoned that it was almost done, so he didn't stop him this time, and said, "Go and call Zhan Shaozi, it's been so long, its anger should have subsided."

Just take it easy? Robbie hummed, Zhan Shaozi would definitely come back.

A child is like this, if you get used to it, it will become more delicate, and if you ignore it, it will panic.

As expected, Zhan Di went there, and Zhan Shaozi came back with him. Wen Xiao yelled, and just about to say something, everyone glared at him, and He Yun even stepped on Wen Xiao's foot.

He Yun's meaning is obvious, don't mess with Zhan Shaozi, he is too angry.

Luo Bi is the best at coaxing children, and she pretended to take a half-made jersey to compare with Zhan Shao: "Not to mention, Zhan Spoon matches this color very well, you all have a look, isn't it very handsome?"

Everyone echoed in unison: "Handsome!"

Zhan Shaozi tugged arrogantly, and squatted aside to watch Luo Bi make clothes, so well-behaved that people love him. Undoubtedly, Luo Bi liked Zhan Shaozi very much, and quickly made the red brocade shirt, ready to try on Zhan Shaozi.

Just as Luo Bi stretched out her hand, the spoon quickly moved away, and Luo Bi paused: "Look at me, I forgot when I made a fuss, you don't like to be watched when you change clothes, okay, this time I can remember."

Luo Bi throws the shirt to Zhan Di, and Zhan Di leads Zhan Di to the guest room to change clothes.

Wen Xiao patted the table and said in a low voice, "Hey, I'm going to change again. Shall we play with Zhanzi again?"

He teased for a long time, but no one agreed.

Feng Ling frowned: "You know it's shy, but why did you recruit it?"

Qin Yilang also said: "Just coaxed, if you don't want Zhan Di to be in a hurry with you, then don't mess with Zhan Shaozi."

Wen Xiao snorted and rested his thoughts. In other words, he didn't dare to go to Zhan Shaozi to change his clothes again. It took Zhan Di a lot of effort to coax him just now, if he provokes him again, Zhan Di is very likely to turn against him.

Waiting for Zhan Shaozi to come out wearing a red brocade shirt, which is quite different from his previous image of wearing a small gown. The red shirt is as red as fire, and when worn on Zhan Shaozi, he is full of noble and glamorous aura.

"Like a general in command of the three armies." Luo Bi commented, thinking of something, trotted into the house, and took a small storage ring to Zhan Shao: "I gave Wu Shaozi one, and the other is an orange spoon, this Here you are, any good things can be put in this storage ring."

The eyes of several Thunder Flame fighters lit up. This is a good thing. I didn't know it before. During the battle of Qixing, the storage ring that Wu Shaozi carried with him spread in the military. It is said that it can hold supernatural equipment.

A storage ring that can hold supernatural equipment?

Never heard of, never seen.

If it wasn't for humans being unavailable, someone would definitely grab it.

Even so, there are some people who have the idea of ​​grabbing it, and those who don't have an array in the hands of aristocratic families, even those who have opened their spiritual wisdom. Take the good things back and use them for your own array.

As for grabbing it back, is it useful? That's another matter.

Zhan Shao took the storage ring and played with it, Luo Bi sat down and taught it how to use it, and did not forget to tell the truth: "Last time I asked you to go on a mission with me, your adults were not happy, look, I am good to you! "

Fight the spoon and order the spoon: good.

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