Back at his villa, Qin Yilang called his cousin Qin Cui that night and asked, "What do you usually refine? Besides elixirs and arrays, can you refine anything else?"

Qin Yilang didn't mention the formation disk. With Qin Cui's ability, it's good to successfully refine the formation weapon, but don't even think about the formation disk.

Qin Cui was flipping through medicine refining books, and when she heard this question, she looked down at the communicator, bewildered: "I have just been promoted to a first-level dual-element refining talent pact master, besides elixir and formation weapons, do you think I can also refine medicines?" What? Is it a formation plate? Brother, you think highly of me, I am not good enough in refining."

Li Feng served Qin Cui a supper, and asked in a low voice, "Whose communication?"

Qin Cui: "My big brother."

Li Feng nodded, and put the exquisite small bowls on the table one by one, Qin Cui stood up and talked on the sidelines.

On the other side, Qin Yilang said: "No, what I mean is, besides conventionally refined arrays, arrays, elixirs, etc., will you be able to refine other things, which are generally not produced by others? A sort of."

"What exactly?" Qin Cui was even more surprised.

Qin Yilang coughed: "For example, mud, is it possible for you to refine it by mistake?"

Qin Cui was stunned for a moment, and then yelled: "Brother, you can't hope for better. I have made mud. How can I hang around in the talent circle in the future without being squeezed to death?"

"I won't chat with you anymore. I thought something was wrong at night, but it was because I was angry with you." Qin Cui hung up the communication.

Qin Cui was very angry, the supper that Li Feng carefully prepared for her didn't taste good, and she was still suffocated when lying on the bed. Qin Cui didn't understand that the eldest brother Qin Yilang, who is so stable, asked her such an unreliable question about making mud, which made her mad.

In the morning of the next day, it started to rain on the Emerald Bamboo Star. At first, there were bean-sized raindrops crackling down. Ten minutes later, the pouring rain poured down. Accompanied by strong winds, it fell from morning to noon.

This kind of cloudy and rainy day is the most suitable for sleeping and resting, so Feng Ling slept with Luo Bi all morning when she was not on a mission.

Zhan Di sent Zhan Shaozi twice, but seeing that Feng Ling's house was not open, he turned around and went to the headquarters building of Jade Star. When the Lei Yan warriors saw Zhan Shaozi, they huffed and surrounded him. They were surprised for a while, and each of them gave a piece of supernatural equipment.

Zhu's owner gave small iron balls, the kind you can play with, round and small, as soon as you give them a handful, there are more than a dozen of them. Zhan Shaozi grabbed Xiaodoudou and continued, staring at Patriarch Zhu when it was over, tugging at Xiaodoudou, it wanted more.

Hey, this cute little appearance immediately spoiled Patriarch Zhu's cuteness, and gave another small iron ball with a smile.

"I'll give you these first, and come ask me for them when you run out of them." Patriarch Zhu said kindly.

Zhan Shaozi beautifully went to find the Thunder Flame warrior he knew, wandered around there, and gained a lot. Some give supernatural equipment, some give nutritious fruits, and there are exquisite small stones, anyway, they are all given willingly.

As for the reason?

Wu Shaozi and twenty red porcelain spoons are examples. At critical moments, life and death, these spoons with enlightened wisdom can protect each other with death. Such a sentimental and righteous array is rare everywhere.

Wei Wei finished delivering the fireballs, and then gave Zhan Shaozi a box of nutritious moisturizing small soaps, a box of two pieces, one piece of vegetable type, and one piece of milk soap.

Twelve thousand yuan, just throw it to Zhan Shao.

He took a sniff with the spoon and put it in a small pocket.

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