Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1393 Colored Crystal Stone

Suddenly there was a muffled thunder, followed by lightning across the sky.

Jiang Luo'er twisted her body and drove away in the princess suspension car.

The upper echelons of the interstellar era are used to parties, and there are parties with various names.

Even if there is no reason, there is nothing wrong with gathering together when there is nothing to do. Men tend to expand their network, while women are keen to show off their jewelry, each with its own purpose.

In short, parties are a means of communication for wealthy people.

A family held a meeting, and the familiar circle came to an end, and a month passed. Today, Jiang Luoer's family held a banquet, so she would naturally not be absent, and she arrived at the scene in full attire, and immediately acquaintances came up to say hello.

Women pay attention to his clothing and jewelry, while men inquire about Zhan Shaozi. Jiang Luo'er smiled slightly and told Zhan Shaozi's preferences over and over again. The topic was very fresh, and soon, men and women gathered around and spoke highly of each other.

Jiang Luo'er showed a complacent look on his face, and he was able to do a job with ease among the guests.

On the other side, Wu Chuan's servants rushed from Emperor Xing to Feizhu Xing, and followed the Wu family's connections one by one to find them. Wu Shaozi's energy is exhausted and he needs high-quality elixir to nourish him. The Wu family has almost lost everything, and now they only hope for the colored spar in the hands of relatives and friends.

Wu Shao and Wu Cheng also have them in their hands, and they have already taken them out for Wu Shaozi to use.

As for who else is in the circle of friends?

The Wu Shao brothers were clear in their hearts. Given the preciousness of the colored spar, it was really difficult for the two brothers to ask for it, but now because of Wu Shaozi, they had no choice but to look down and ask for the colored spar one by one.

Wen Xiao gave a colored spar, and Wen Yao also gave one. Wu Xie was relieved, but he was still worried that he would not be able to borrow it. Fortunately, the harvest was more than expected, so he was relieved.

Xue Zhijiao has the best relationship with Wu Cheng. When he was in Emperor Star, he gave Wu Cheng the colored spar in his hand. After hearing about it, all the brothers in the family wished to break his leg, and the clan elders also patted the table. Threatened to beat him.

Xue Zhijiao was forced by his family to be unable to stay any longer, so he took the spaceship and ran back to Emerald Star before dawn, and went to Luo Bi to complain about his grievances.

"I can't mess around these days, and I can't make decisions about my own things." Xue Zhijiao sat on the chair and asked Luo Bi what he wanted to eat: "I just got off the spaceship, do you have anything to eat at home? Just get me some Just feed your hunger, I'm starving to death."

Luo Bi just got up, she washed her face, looked at the heavy rain, threw Xue Zhijiao a snack bag, and dragged the small grill from the kitchen area to the living room under the porch.

"You're stupid! It's raining so hard and you still come to Emerald Star." It has been raining all morning, and the temperature dropped, Luo Bi also sat down, and then she turned her attention to Xue Zhijiao: "You Can't wait until the rain stops?"

Xue Zhijiao greeted Feng Ling first, tore open the snack bag, took a bite of the chicken wing, chewed a couple of mouthfuls and said, "I've been scolded all the time at home, I can't get along anymore, by the way, Huang Xinling also came to Jade Star yesterday. "

"I don't know." Luo Bi trotted and took two pieces of energy wood, threw them into the small grill, lit the fire with a cork first, and said: "Huang Xinling and Bailu are not injured, so I don't care about their condition."

Feng Ling placed the marinated ingredients on the small grill, looked back at the documents, and did not participate in the conversation between the two.

Xue Zhijiao swallowed the food in his mouth, and said: "Don't mention it, it's troublesome for a woman to be timid. The two of them were not injured, but they were scared. They couldn't sleep well at night."

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