Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1396 It's strange to wait to see him

Luo Bi wanted to laugh for a while, but everyone was so impatient, she didn't behave well, so she pursed her lips and suppressed her smile.

Patriarch Huang looked away from his daughter, and asked Luo Bi: "Tell me how to call the soul with a spoon, and who can do it properly. I will make arrangements to call the soul as soon as possible. I am worried that the child will cry out."

Patriarch Huang and his wife felt distressed, and Luo Bi was purely annoyed by Huang Xinling's howling. Hearing Patriarch Huang's question, he said, "Anyone is fine. Go get a spoon first, and I'll tell you how to operate it when I come back."

Patriarch Huang strode out, Xue Zhijiao glanced left and right, sat on the bench obediently and did not speak.

say what? I'm going to be screaming now, just wait patiently!

Those who don't know how to do it have no right to speak.

Luo Bi didn't necessarily know how to do it, Xue Zhijiao glanced at it, and sighed, what a capable person!

Mrs. Huang brought water to Huang Xinling from the water cup next to the bed, Huang Xinling cried and took a sip, Luo Bi wanted to laugh again, so she turned her head to see the heavy rain.

There was a "boom" of thunder, followed by a flash of lightning, and the sound of branches breaking could be heard faintly.

Patriarch Huang came back soon, and the tall Thunder Flame warrior held a soup spoon in his hand. Luo Bi looked at the spoon and was speechless: "I'm talking about a cooking spoon, the soup spoon is too small, go change it Bundle."

Patriarch Huang looked down at the spoon in his hand: "It's about the same, not too small."

Xue Zhijiao was coaxing Huang Xinling with Mrs. Huang, when he heard the conversation between the two, he turned around: "It's not all spoons, it's almost fine."

Luo Bi was more serious, and said seriously: "Go and change it! To be honest, we are all laymen and don't understand it very well. Let's follow the rules! If it is because the spoon is not right, it will be a loss."

These words were very convincing. Patriarch Huang hurried downstairs and came back with several spoons: "Which one do you think is suitable? All my cooking spoons are here."

Luo Bi didn't know, she glanced at each spoon and said, "You can figure it out, I don't know."

The corner of Master Huang's mouth twitched. He didn't know that you were still directing blindly. He made a complaint, lowered his head, and stared at a few cooking spoons for a long time with his eyes that usually read documents, and picked out what he thought was okay.

Xue Zhijiao came over to add to the confusion: "Is this okay?"

Patriarch Huang and Luo Bi didn't pay any attention to him, originally they had no idea in their minds and thought of giving it a try, Xue Zhijiao also said, it's no wonder Patriarch Huang and Luo Bi waited for him.

The head of the Huang family stood at the door with a cooking spoon and asked, "How to do it, please tell me again."

Luo Bi tilted his head to look at the door, Xue Zhijiao followed out to watch the fun, tilted his head to look at the door, "What are you looking for?"

"Go away." Robbie thought he was making trouble.

Mrs. Huang embraced Huang Xinling, looked towards the door, her heart was pounding, she had never touched the field of soul calling, and she was a little nervous instinctively. After all, Luo Bi didn't look like she knew much, and she felt quite unreliable.

Luo Bi took a good look at the position of the door, that is, after opening the door, the place on the top of the door, she stretched her arms to point to Patriarch Huang, but after stretching several times, she couldn't reach it.

"Go and move a bench." Luo Bi ordered Xue Zhijiao.

Xue Zhijiao trotted over to move the bench, Luo Bi was afraid of heights, stepped on it, then stood up carefully, reached out and touched the top of the door and said: "Do you see this position? This is the top of the door."

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