Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1405 You can't even accept it

As for this sentence, Zhan Shaozi probably remembered it.

Think about it, if Zhan Shaozi can't remember the door, who does it want the little golden ball with? Zhan Shaozi remembered everything he said about his family.

It cannot be said that its brain is not good, on the contrary, it is very easy to use, that is, those who are interested remember it, and those who are not interested have no impression at all. It is so realistic, and it will not work if you refuse.

Zhan Di is quite satisfied with this, knowing one family is not bad, it is better than only knowing one's own family. If it doesn't work, let Zhan Shaozi go to Zhu's house to play every day. Zhan Di has made up his mind and made an appointment to come back tomorrow.

Luo Bi smiled, Feng Ling said: "You can come tomorrow, come at noon, don't be too early."

Zhan Di nodded, as long as Robicon taught Zhan Shaozi, he could talk about anything.

On the other side, Huang Yu was about to cry but had no tears. When the Patriarch called out Huang Xinling's soul, he watched from the sidelines. He didn't even have a chance to watch it a second time. You asked him to do it with a spoon, which is really difficult.

Seeing his reluctance, Huang Chao swiftly brought the cooking spoon, "Here, do you need any other utensils? I'll prepare them right away."

"It's enough to have a cooking spoon." Huang Yu muttered in his mouth. Looking back at the set of words, he remembered it fairly clearly at first, but after repeating it, he forgot half of it: "Brother, I forgot how to say it."

Huang Chao slapped him: "Think about it, if the Patriarch doesn't come, I'll count on you. How dare you forget about it."

Well, Huang Yu didn't dare to forget, took a spoon and knocked on the door, muttering something.

Halfway through the chanting, Huang Yu was amused by himself, and coughed twice. Can't do it all over again, I forgot the previous one, so I had to do it all over again, Huang Chao looked at him suspiciously for a few times, and went into the bedroom to accompany Bai Zhi.

After tapping the spoon three times, Huang Yu asked, "Bai Zhi, are you back?"

Bai Zhi lowered his head and wept, and whispered: "I'm back."

Huang Yu choked for a moment, didn't dare to laugh, continued to mutter, and asked after finishing, "Bai Zhi, are you back?"

"Is it working!" Bai Zhi wiped away his tears.

"Aiyo, my aunt, sincerity is true." Huang Chao hurriedly stopped Bai Zhi from being disrespectful, and urged, "Say it soon."

Bai Zhi felt unreliable, and a sense of grievance came up, sobbing: "I'm back."

Huang Yu continued to knock on the door, murmuring, and waited for Bai Zhi to agree for the last time, then went into the bedroom and pressed on Bai Zhi's head. Huang Yu didn't know how to calculate the standard, so he shook his hand on the top of Bai Zhi's head to complete the calculation.

Huang Yu was relieved, oh my god! But he was exhausted.

As soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, Bai Zhi began to cry, sobbing and crying more and more wronged. Huang Chao was in a hurry, very suspicious that Huang Yu's operation was incorrect, and urged Huang Yu to do it again.

Huang Yu succumbed to Huang Chao's oppression, picked up the cooking spoon and recalled his soul again. After finishing, he looked at the white lily, still sobbing.

"Brother, I've tried my best." Huang Yu was so embarrassed that he wanted to cry with Bai Zhi: "I said I couldn't do it, but if you insisted on letting me do it, I'm only so capable. If you can't, you can invite the Patriarch to come .”

Huang Chao went to invite, the three members of Huang's family were having dinner, Huang Xinling had a good night's sleep, the atmosphere at the dinner table was very happy.

As soon as Patriarch Huang asked him to call the soul, he immediately put on a black face and said, "I didn't tell you, I'm not a professional, so I won't go."

In the future, if people in the circle know that he calls people's souls, and people don't laugh his teeth off, Patriarch Huang will get angry when he thinks of this, and he won't go no matter what.

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