Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1443 Feed the pigs

Huang Xinling came bouncing around, with her braids flying away. After being raised at home for a while, the little girl was fatter than before, and her face was flushed.

Unable to jump up, Huang Xinling climbed onto the plantation field: "Luo Bi, I heard that your mother's sow gave birth to a piglet. I want to go with you to see the piglet."

Luo Bi dug the big one and the small one, nodded: "Okay, wait a moment, Zhu Xingshao and I will finish digging right away."

Mrs. Huang said: "When you go, don't make trouble."

Huang Xinling twisted her body and didn't look at Mrs. Huang. Mrs. Huang saw something to do, so she found a medium-sized Hsinchu basket from the material storehouse, and followed behind to pack carrots. Luo Bi said that she wanted both carrots and carrot tassels, and Mrs. Huang didn't bother to ask why, so she grabbed a handful and put them in a bamboo basket.

There was only a small piece of carrot, which was about the size of two tabletops. Zhu Xingshao and Luo Bi dug it out in just a few minutes with quick hands and feet, and filled a small basket full.

Just as Luo Bi was about to mention it, Zhu Xingshao snatched it away.

Mrs. Huang thought for a while: "I'll go with you."

"I'm going to drive." Huang Xinling was about to show off her newly bought sports car, when she heard that she grabbed the car keys, her pigtails flew to drive under the flower stand.

Zhu Xingshao and Luo Bi came in Zhu Xingzhi's sports car, Luo Bi drove, and Zhu Xingshao sat behind and grabbed the bamboo basket. Behind, Huang Xinling followed closely, the rose red sports car was very dazzling.

Luo Bi went quickly, and came back quickly. When they arrived at the foot of the hill in Luo Family's courtyard villa, the sow had already given birth to fourteen piglets. Under the command of the veterinarian, everyone was busy and orderly.

Luo Bi hurriedly walked, saw Guan Zhuting and Luo Qing busy in the kitchen area, and motioned to Zhu Xingshao to bring the bamboo basket over.

Guan Zhuting raised her head when she heard the movement, and Luo Bi raised her foot and kicked the bamboo basket: "Mom, these are the carrots I dug from Huang Xinling's house, put half of them in the pot, add water to boil them, and give them to the pigs after the sows are done giving birth." , and the other half will be boiled and fed to the pigs tomorrow."

Guan Zhuting thought it was the veterinarian's order, and gave Luo Qing the grill to cook carrots in another pot.

"Eating three nutritious eggs doesn't count, and even carrots are provided." Luo Qing glanced at it and clicked his tongue: "This is driving the veterinarian and breeder into a hurry, and they have come up with all kinds of solutions."

Zhu Xingshao opened his mouth to say something, swallowed his saliva, and swallowed what he wanted to say.

Robbie came back to the production area and just got her footing when the fifteenth piglet was born.

The fourteen in front are big and small, the largest weighs more than three catties, and the smallest can't drop two catties, but this one is unusually small, with dark purple hair and weak cry.

Looking at the situation, everyone knows that this one can't be kept alive.

According to the breeder's wishes, throw it aside, but Robbie disagrees, and she won't throw the little piglet away. Ten minutes later, the sow finished giving birth, and it took an hour and a half to give birth to sixteen piglets.

In the production record of sows, at most one litter can produce 18 pigs, but the survival rate is not high.

So, the numbers are high, with mixed blessings.

Breeding is like this, if there are too few births, you will worry, and if there are too many births, you will also worry about not being able to take care of them.

The piglets in the incubator were howling with hunger, the veterinarian stepped aside and replaced the breeder. The breeder is skillful, and with skillful movements, he lifts the piglets and sends them to the sows to nurse them one by one.

This scene is the most interesting. Adults and children are eager to watch, and the little piggy is so tender, it is gratifying to watch.

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