Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1448 This item is more awesome

The three convoys of the Emerald Bamboo Star were dispatched quickly, and the Leiyan warriors also assembled towards the planting field as quickly as possible, followed by courageous women and children, who took all kinds of preparations and rushed to fight the millet bird.

Little Leiyan fighters gathered from all directions with high fighting spirit.

"What's going on in the eastern district? The adults are all dispatched." The leader of the western district asked the little Thunder Flame warrior in the eastern district.

After the establishment of the Emerald Bamboo Star, it was divided into five areas: East, West, South, North, and the central area, and children based on these areas for their own camps. The children in the five districts respect the strong, and whoever is the strongest has the final say. The other children respect the strong, so naturally they follow his example.

"The spitting people are here to grab the food!" The little Leiyan warrior in the southern district answered, thinking that he was running too fast, he braked suddenly.

"Hey, this group of shameless stinky birds, the crops are not growing well, and they come to grab them." The violent North District rolled up his sleeves and ran out of the safe zone: "I'll go first, my family's The growth of the planting field is considered the best, so don’t be snatched by those who spit.”

As soon as the people in the North District heard it, they all followed suit.

The little Leiyan warrior in the central area asked the captain: "There are not many residents in our area who have farmland, should they go?"

The captain of the Little Thunder Flame Warrior in the central area glared and asked, "Do you have a mother?"

"Of course I have a mother?" The child jumped up, blushing and neck thick: "Captain, why are you swearing?"

"You're stupid!" Little Thunder Flame Warrior Captain is not very big, but his words are like adults, and he said solemnly: "What month is it now? Do the math yourself, the cold winter is coming soon, why don't you take advantage of it?" Collect more millet bird meat for your mother to store up for the winter, what do you think?!"

The child suddenly realized, the eyes of the other children in the central area lit up, and they were all gearing up for a big fight.

Millet birds take millet grain as their staple food and are vegetarians. Their meat quality is the most nutritious among birds.

It belongs to a strange beast, but the meat quality is completely different from that of a strange beast. It tastes like a pheasant in the mouth, and its nutritional value is naturally not low. Its combat power level is intriguing, you say it is powerful! Not really.

The attack method of the millet bird is mainly mouth and spitting, and the scratching of the lower paw is also an item, but the effect of this kind of lower paw attack is very magical.

If you succeed, scratching people should not be underestimated, it is normal for people to scratch their faces with flowers.

This is a success, if not, the fighting conditions are not allowed, and the bird's claws are of little use. It is useless for people to create conditions for you to make you unable to scratch.

Compared with the claws, the beak of the millet bird is really powerful. If a suspension car made of ordinary materials is pecked by it, a hole will inevitably be made.

So, make sure not to get pecked when fighting.

As for spitting?


This item is quite awesome, almost breaking the battle records of the three major galaxies.

Let's put it this way, if Thunder Flame Warrior's ability attack is not enough, and it happens to be smeared by the saliva of the millet bird, I'm sorry, it bites the monster like a bug, and the ability attack is completely useless.

In view of this, Mi Niao, whose real combat power is not very good, ranks among the fifth-level alien beasts in the division of alien beast combat power.

In fact, it is only the combat power of a first-level alien beast.

Otherwise, Luo Bi wouldn't have dared to coax Mi Niao into a fight, because the division of Mi Niao's combat power is watery, when it spits, it's level five, if it doesn't spit, it's level one, the ups and downs are too big, and the moisture is enough .

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