Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1455 The two sides are fighting in full swing

Luo Bi looked at it for a while. There was a messy fighting scene all around. The millet birds were grabbing crops and scolding each other. The Thunder Flame warriors and the children were busy fighting the birds. The fight between the two sides was in full swing.

Luo Bi watched for a long time and then remembered that the clay ball was coming. The clay ball was small. With her strength, she could throw it however she wanted, and she would definitely be able to hit the target.

It's just too small, so you can throw it around, but it's really funny to use it against millet birds.

Luo Bi didn't care about this, everyone was busy fighting, and she also wanted to find something to do. The mud ball couldn't kill the bird, so it was okay to interfere. If the bird didn't curse all day long, she would hit the bird with the clay ball to make the bird curse enough.

It won't hurt you if you hit it, but it's still cost-effective to smash a bird feather. After all, mud balls are just for playing.

Luo Bi was happy when she thought about this. She rubbed a lot of mud balls and dried them out. She was worried about getting wet if she left them alone. She dried them every other day. Now they are fine. They are perfect for hitting birds.

If she missed one throw and threw two, she was still practicing her skills until all the throws were finished.

Luo Bi was excited, and excitedly took out the small wicker bamboo basket from the storage bracelet, opened the lid, and found a small basket full of sun-dried mud balls, which were round and fun.

I grabbed a small handful and put the storage bracelet into the small basket.

Luo Bi didn't let anyone watch, lest anyone laugh at her for playing with a clay ball.

Putting all the mud balls in her left hand, Luo Bi moved forward and tried to close the distance. She pinched a clay ball in her right hand. Luo Bi waited and watched, eyeing a millet bird high up, and then threw the clay ball out with her hand.

It's not blowing. If it wasn't for lack of strength, Luo Bi would have had a good shot.

There was only a "bang" sound, and the millet bird didn't even open its mouth to curse. It flapped its wings and fell into the rice field. A group of millet birds, without one, is inconspicuous.

Besides, the explosion of mud balls doesn’t make much noise.

But Wen Xiao saw it with sharp eyes, but he didn't see clearly what was going on. He turned around and asked Luo Bi: "What did you throw?!"

Luo Bi was dumbfounded, but she reacted quickly. She held the clay ball in her hand and pretended to be stupid: "I didn't throw anything."

Wen Xiao was hesitant and still murmured in his heart when he looked back. Nothing thrown away? He clearly saw a small thing flying out, and with a "boom", a millet bird was blown up.

Luo Bi was happy to know that the mud balls could fry birds. She had made a furnace of mud and thought it was useless. Who knew that the mud balls she made were a good thing and could actually fry birds? !

Fried birds are great, she has a lot of dried mud balls, and she can fry as many birds as she wants.

Let these spitting birds curse, and everyone will explode.

I just don’t know whether the fried cornbird fried with mud balls can be eaten. It’s not delicious if it’s fried. She can see a lot of half-cooked things, which is not delicious. Then I thought about it, half-cooked is fine, as long as it is not mixed with soil. The food mixed with soil will be even worse and taste worse.

Because of the angle, Fengling and Lan Xun didn't notice Luo Bi's little moves. Luo Bi happily played by herself, grabbed a mud ball, and threw it out happily.

As a result, it missed.

"Ouch!" Luo Bi was angry with herself. She was so excited that she threw the ball away. The mud ball disappeared and the millet bird didn't hit it.

Wen Xiao looked back at Luo Bi. Luo Bi was happy and asked with a smile: "What are you looking at?"

Wen Xiao laughed and turned back silently without saying a word.

Luo Bi stood on her feet and watched. A mud ball fell into the rice field and was really hard to find.

It's a pity, I could have fried a millet bird. Luo Bi was a little reluctant and let out a long breath.

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