Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1479 Don’t underestimate it either

Luo Bicai didn't listen to the children and urged them to eat quickly and plant crops in the fields. They got up late to begin with, and it would be noon if they kept grinding.

Other people who had planting fields went to the planting fields at dawn. The sun had risen when Luo Bi and others went out. There were not many people on the street, and they were all in a hurry. Zhu Xingzhi drove the sports car, Luo Bi simply drove the sports car out, and Zhu Xingbao climbed into Luo Bi's car.

After sharing a few skewers of chicks and ducks, Zhu Xingbao looked at Luo Bi and felt so close to her that he wished he could never leave her.

When Zhu Xingrong saw it, he realized that he got into Zhu Xingzhi's sports car. It was very troublesome to have such a brother in the car.

Despite the cool nights in autumn, when the sun comes out during the day, it can be poisonous and hot to death. When Luo Bi and others arrived at the planting field, the whole planting field was full of busy people. It was getting dark when the battle ended yesterday, so everyone only took a general look. When they came over in the morning, they found that the entire planting field was in a mess.

Some crops were so badly damaged by the disaster that they broke when they were raised up. The growers felt distressed and carefully gathered up the crops one by one and slowly stood upright.

In this case, there is no doubt that production will be reduced.

Mrs. Zhu and her sisters-in-law were not in a good mood either, sighing as they stood up the wheat fields.

The children of the Zhu family are accustomed to farm work, and they are all very agile. From morning to now, they have planted wheat on half of the field. Luo Bi was very motivated when she arrived. When she got off the car and looked at her three acres of land, she felt frightened.

Three acres of land is not three points of land. When will she finish it? ?

The Zhu family all worked together as a family. Mrs. Zhu took the initiative and assigned Zhu Xingzhi and Zhu Xingrong to Luo Bi. Zhu Xingbao was in vain, and no one expected him to work. The little guy stood up a small piece of wheat, took out a small biscuit and ate a piece, eating and working like this, the speed was about the same as Luo Bi.

So, children born to hard-working families are also exceptionally capable.

Even if he is a foodie, he should not be underestimated.

Lodging conditions of crops vary. It is much easier to stand corn than to stand rice and wheat. Corns stand up one tree at a time. If they fall to one side, they stand up to the other side. Just step hard on the roots and it will be done.

In contrast, vertical wheat and rice are different. The straw and rice stalks are thin and clustered, and the plants are shorter than corn.

Therefore, when erecting, people have to squat down, hug a bunch, slowly erect, and then step on the soil at the root, so as to prevent them from falling back after letting go.

Luo Bi worked for more than half an hour, and her waist was sore and painful. She had to admit that she was really not suitable for farm work.

She is quick to pick watermelons, but she is quick to pick wheat? forget it! She's not the material.

But it was shameful for her own crops to be neglected, so Robbie stood and rested for a while, then continued to work. Zhu Xingzhi, Zhu Xingrong, and Zhu Xingbao seemed to be tireless, and they had already rushed forward, and the distance was getting farther and farther.

There wasn't even anyone to talk to, and the more she worked, the more boring she became. The sun was hot overhead, and it became even more boring when it was drying.

Not long after, Luo Bi had to rest for a while, and when she looked up, her father Luo Hang and Guan Zhuting came to help her erect the wheat.

"You guys are here, I thought you had forgotten me!" Luo Bi suddenly relieved herself. When she saw her parents coming, she came closer and said, "I've looked several times but I didn't see you."

"Did you eat when you came out?" Luo Hang asked.

He loved his children and hated Luo Bi's work. When he entered the field, he rolled up his sleeves and started to erect the wheat. It looked like he was doing farm work a lot.

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