Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 149 Want to Destroy the Disk Array

Fortunately, Zhang Ting didn't use the energy sword, and the attack power was limited. Luo Hualong's left shoulder was only blackened.

At this moment, no one else has the time to care about him, all of them are staring at the defensive shield opposite, with surprise in their eyes. What kind of defense cover is this? It can be both offensive and defensive, taking into account both, when will the empire produce such a good thing.

Zhang Ting and the others didn't react much better, they were all dumbfounded, they all looked at Luo Bi, asking what's going on?

Luo Bi remained calm, feeling everyone's eyes, raised her head from the formation board and said: "As you can see, my defense formation board can not only defend, but also launch supernatural attacks from inside, so don't be shy, Just hit it."

After speaking, he continued to lower his head and poke on the array disk. Luo Bi discovered this function of the array disk on Red Star. At the beginning, she and Qin Cui shot inside the defensive cover and she didn't care. Once she suddenly discovered that Qin Cui shot outside the defensive cover, but she was not restricted by the defensive cover. The energy gun was free for her to use, and only then did she realize that her formation disk had the function of internal attack.

Large and small arrays belong to mother-child arrays, small defensive arrays have this function, and large ones naturally also have this function. Facts have proved that this is true.

"Really?" Never heard of Emperor Star having such a formation, Xia Lang still couldn't believe it.

Xia Lang's thoughts, Zhang Ting and others can understand, and they have never seen this kind of defensive array.

At this time, Yu Rongqing on the opposite side sneered: "That should be a defensive array, just a layer of defensive cover. You concentrate your abilities to attack me, and you must destroy that array for me."

One of his subordinates was pouring elixir on Luo Hualong's shoulders. Luo Hualong hissed and said angrily, "Yes, you dare to hurt me. Pan Sheng, hurry up and destroy that array for me."

Pan Sheng was the most powerful under Luo Hualong's command. He took out the energy sword without saying a word, raised his hand and shot a fireball towards the defensive shield not far away. Yu Rongqing and the others followed closely behind and took out the energy sword, while the wind blade, fireball, thunder and lightning attacked the defensive cover at the same time.

When Luo Bi saw this situation, she also lost her temper. Nima wanted to destroy her array, but it was not so easy. Array pan swept it into his arms, and with the other hand, he took out several handfuls of energy liquid and high-grade energy stones with attributes from the storage bracelet.

"Choose who and what attributes by yourself, and quickly start fighting after you pick it."

Zhou Feng lay on the car window and opened his mouth wide. Zhang Ting and others were dumbfounded. Luo Bi actually has so many energy liquids and high-grade energy stones with attributes?

"There are so many good things that increase combat power, you didn't take them out early, so I thought I was going to be beaten today." Zhang Ting reacted quickly, regardless of the attributes, quickly grabbed a handful of energy liquid and advanced energy stones .

Jiang Yixin held the energy sword and stared at it, reaching out to grab it, Robise gave him a water-attribute energy liquid and a high-grade energy stone: "Don't dawdle, let's hit it quickly." She was so anxious that she lowered her head in the Dots and pokes randomly on the array plate.

Jiang Yixin was happy, installed the high-grade energy stone on the energy sword, took a bottle of water attribute energy liquid, swung the sword and shot a water dragon, which blocked part of the attack for the defensive cover.

After Zhang Ting took the energy liquid of the wind attribute, his combat power increased by three levels, and he swung his sword to create a tornado, roaring towards the enemy. Zhaoshangyun and Xia Lang quickly selected the energy liquid and high-grade energy stones of the same attribute, and then waved the energy sword to help.

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