Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1492 Let’s live together

Wu Cheng ran to Luo Bi's house and told it as a joke. Luo Bi was speechless at first, and then thought about the reason. After thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure out the reason. She taught hard, Zhan Shao studied hard, and achieved this result.

After chatting for a while, Wu Cheng left. He had to continue to find someone to share this interesting story.

Guan Zhuting stewed Wai Wai duck, Luo Hang fed the poultry, and called Luo Bi to come over for dinner. On the way, Luo Bi repeated what Wu Cheng said to his father again. Luo Hang smiled when he saw his daughter's beaming eyebrows. Since Luo Bi got married, there were fewer opportunities for such small talk.

When I got home, it was just getting dark, Guan Zhuting was finishing up in the kitchen, and Hua Ran had already put the ingredients on the table.

After the family sat down, Luo Hang and Hua Ran, father and son, started grilling the meat, leaving all the walking to the women at home. Luo Bi took a sip of the duck soup. It was fragrant and not greasy. She didn't eat the duck legs, so she took a bite of the duck wings, which left a fragrant taste in her mouth.

Seeing that she likes to eat, Guan Zhuting gave Luo Bi the other duck wing: "There is another wing, as long as you like to eat, there are several walking ducks at home, and I will make it for you tomorrow."

"I won't eat stew next time," Luo Bi said.

"Can I eat it with sauce for you?" Guan Zhuting asked Luo Bi.

"Okay." Luo Bi nodded.

After dinner, the family sat in the yard and chatted. In the autumn night, the breeze blew, and insects rang from the grass. In this atmosphere, it was easy to calm down.

Guan Zhuting served the fruit plate and talked about Luo Yuan. The Zhou family was interested in the environment of Feizhu Star and would send Zhan Hui and Luo Yuan to recuperate after a while. The Zhan family does not have a villa here, and they have already agreed that they will live in Luo Huan's villa after coming to Feizhu Star.

Guan Zhuting married later and had little affection for the family. She looked relieved when she heard that Luo Yuan lived in Luo Huan's villa.

Luo Bi also thinks this is good. She often gets to interact with Luo Mao's family.

"Stay at home tonight, don't go back." Luo Hang came back from the backyard and mentioned.

Luo Bi agreed without hesitation. She went back to the room to wash up and go to bed. She rolled onto the bed. The quilt smelled of sunshine and felt comfortable.

At eight o'clock, Fengling drove the hover car to pick them up. Luo Hang said: "I went back to the room to sleep. I just got up, so I probably haven't slept yet."

Fengling picked up some and naturally knew that Luo Bi couldn't sleep at this point. He nodded to Luo Hang and walked straight to Luo Bi's room upstairs. After entering the room, Feng Ling opened the closet and took an animal hair blanket to the bedside.

Luo Bi leaned on the bed and looked at the man. Fengling said, "Are you planning to stay at your parents' house tonight?"

Luo Bi nodded: "I haven't spent the night at my parents' house for a long time."

Feng Ling stared at Luo Bi with sharp eyes, neither happy nor angry, stretched out his hand to pull him into his arms, put on a soft animal fur blanket: "Come home with me, or we will live here together."

Luo Bi hugged the man's waist: "Then let's live together."

Fengling looked down at her, and after a while she said warmly: "Okay."

The animal hair blanket on Luo Bi's body was torn off. Since she wasn't going home, the blanket was no longer needed. Fengling washed up, lifted the quilt and went to bed, turned to one side, and habitually took the person into her arms and hugged her.

The next day, Fengling went to Zhihuang Star and stopped by the garrison family apartment to see the purple grapes grown at home.

The purple grapes in the planting field are already ripe and must be picked within ten days, otherwise they will fall to the ground. When they returned to Jade Bamboo Star in the evening, Fengling mentioned it and Luo Bi nodded. She knew what was going on.

There is no rush to pick purple grape fruits. We will transplant the bamboos first and then come back.

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