Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1515 See what you can do by giving her

Luo Bi tried a few more times, but it didn't blow up.

After exhaling, Luo Bi sat down sideways and looked at the various thoughts swirling in her mind. Each of the arrays she refined seems to have its own method of opening. If you don't think about it carefully, you really can't figure it out.

Luo Bi refined a lot of array weapons, and she went through them all in her head and analyzed how to use them.

Just as a gust of autumn wind blew by, Luo Bi's mind moved and she thought of wind powers, then Warcraft, array weapons, and the small baskets and bamboo baskets she had refined.

Putting these together, Luo Bi soon had a bold idea.

This idea was so incredible that Luo Bi pondered it for a while, analyzing its possibility. After analyzing and analyzing, everything was false. Luo Bi couldn't sit still. She stood up and walked towards Fengling, calling the other Thunder Flame warriors over.

"Stop digging bamboos now, I have something to discuss with you," Luo Bi said.

Wen Yao and He Yun stopped what they were doing and followed them. They were very surprised that Luo Bi suddenly wanted to discuss something, and he wasn't having a good time just now. Fengling smiled, Luo Bi had a lively mind and often had some weird ideas, so it didn't hurt to listen to them.

"Tell me, what are we discussing?" Fengling asked.

Wen Xiao also said: "Hurry up, we have to dig bamboos after we finish talking. There are too many, and we may not be able to dig enough before dark."

Luo Bi thought about her words and asked, "Do you want to catch the imperial concubine pig?"

With this question again, the Leiyan warriors immediately cheered up, changing their indifference just now, and their expressions became serious. After Luo Bi asked this question last time, there was a lot of commotion, and they gained a lot.

This time I asked again, Mom! Wen Xiao was a little excited, but he quickly calmed down and said uncertainly: "You have a way to catch the imperial concubine pig? You can't use the phoenix crown, right?" As everyone knows, the phoenix crown is specially used to deal with the imperial concubine pig.

Phoenix crown? Wen Xiao forgot to mention Luo Bi. She shook her head and said hesitantly: "No, there is no need for the phoenix crown. I have an idea. Not only can I catch the imperial concubine pig, but I can also catch other monsters. I just don't know if it will work."

Not only can you catch the imperial concubine pig, but also other monsters?

Is such a good thing possible?

Fengling and Wen Yao's eyes flashed, and they quickly covered it up. Wen Xiao, He Yun, Wu Shao, Xue Yue, and Hua Ran suddenly felt a little excited and couldn't help but get excited. They wanted to catch the imperial concubine pig so much, and the other monsters also Don’t mind it.

Lan Xun, on the other hand, felt that everyone's reaction was a bit baffling. Looking around, he seemed to know nothing.

Not knowing anything didn't stop Lan Xun from having ideas. He just felt that Luo Bi was talking nonsense. This woman was so eloquent that she dared to say such big things. Look at what she can do, and how can she still catch monsters? Try catching one!

"Tell me, do you have any method to catch the imperial concubine pig?" Wen Xiao urged.

Luo Bi thought again, and the more she thought about it, the more unreliable she became. She struggled and said: "What I just came up with may not work. If it succeeds, you can catch many imperial pigs and even World of Warcraft. If it doesn't work, we have Maybe it’s all in vain.”

Fengling wasn't worried at all that her work would be in vain. He said, "It's okay. Please tell me clearly what preparations you need to make and I will make arrangements right away."

Luo Bi didn't want to say that she only realized how unreliable her idea was after she proposed it. It would be very uneconomical if the result turned out to be different from what she thought after spending manpower and material resources.

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