Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 153 Can't Run

Zhang Ting, Jiang Yixin and the others really looked stupid at this moment, the defense array actually turned on the attack function? This is so scary, isn't it?

Zhang Ting gave Luo Bi a thumbs up: "You are awesome."

Robbie was quite frightened just now, but now she waved her hand: "It's their bad luck."

She didn't install the magic crystal on the formation disk to activate the attack ability, how did Luo Bi know that the defense formation disk has attack ability! She was just thinking about whether she could strengthen the toughness of the defense layer so that reinforcements could come to rescue them. Unexpectedly, when the blind cat bumped into the dead mouse, it went crazy, and the small fireballs whizzed off, and Luo Bi was also very surprised by this.

It's okay for the two sides to fight and provoke people, even if they don't agree, it's easy to discuss, but the array is not good, it doesn't recognize people! No matter who you are with, it treats it indiscriminately, and it is not polite to attack.

The people present today were also unlucky. They were attacked intensively for no reason, and they had to leave in embarrassment after being injured.

Arrays don't recognize people, but Zhang Ting and Jiang Yixin recognize people! One by one, gearing up for the right moment, they secretly rubbed their black hands together. Yu Rongqing and Li Sihan's team suffered a great loss. They dodged the array attack but could not escape Zhang Ting's sneak attack. After a while, they injured more than a dozen Leiyan fighters.

Luo Hualong had intended to retreat a long time ago, and when he saw this, he wanted to retreat. Yu Rongqing was unwilling, but under the current situation, the only thing left to him was to be beaten. He can't hit people when he hits them, and when they hit them, he can't dodge them.

At this time, it was getting dark, and Luo Bi sat lazily on a small chair to watch the battle. Zhou Feng swaggered down from the suspension vehicle at this moment, sat next to her and licked the river melon seeds, shouting and cheering while eating, his face flushed with excitement.

Luo Bi was keenly observant. Seeing that the other party was about to retreat, she immediately said: "They seem to be running away, stop them quickly."

"Can't run."

Zhang Ting was full of energy, and joined hands with Zhao Shangyun to unleash a powerful tornado, forcefully forcing Li Sihan's men back.

Yu Rongqing saw that he couldn't get out of the attack range of the array, so he had to fight hard. At this time, Luo Hualong regretted it, and hid behind Pan Sheng and dared not show up.

When it was getting dark, Feng Ling and Qin Yilang hurried over with a group of support soldiers. Wen Xiao's elder brother Wen Yao also came with them, and he brought a guard of the Stone Gambling Guild alone.

When Wen Yao saw the small fireball flying towards him on the defensive cover, he backed away in shock: "What the hell is this? Why does the defensive cover still have the ability to attack?"

The people who followed behind were also very shocked, and when they reacted, they all retreated and left the attack range of the defensive array. Good guy, this attack power is too dense, if you don't pay attention, you will get hit.

Seeing the miserable appearance of the teams within the attack range of the array, Wen Yao didn't dare to enter rashly, and turned around and asked, "What should we do? We can't get close."

Feng Ling silently dialed Luo Bi's communication, after a few seconds Luo Bi picked up, he said: "Abi, I'm here, quickly turn off the attack ability of the defense array."

In the defensive cover, Luo Bi heard Feng Ling's voice, her eyes turned red, she stood up and looked into the darkness, and vaguely saw a team outside the attack range through the dense fireballs.

Feng Ling is here? Luo Bi couldn't tell what she felt, but she just felt aggrieved. She nodded and said, "Okay, wait a minute."

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