Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1602 Who has that free time?

"Bah, bah, bah...!!!" He vomited.

There are also some people who keep coughing and saying: "Damn it, I'm eating grass."

Luo Bi couldn't see it, so she took a few steps back and sat back on the rock: "How did you do this? There are so many monsters and beasts, you can't catch the ones on the ground, but you can also catch the birds and beasts flying in the sky!"

What's wrong with leaving a large group of monsters alone and not catching them, but insisting on picking up pebbles and bushes and weeds? ! ! !

"I can't catch you." A combat team member shouted anxiously.

Who would be willing to catch the wind? It's a waste of energy and energy, and it's not fun at all.

The human aura on the edge of the planet of Green Bamboo Star is too heavy, and a large number of monsters gather along the aura, rushing towards the edge of the planet, and the roar of monsters and other beasts can be heard from far away.

The spoon team couldn't hold on any longer and retreated steadily.

Wu Shao and Zhan Shao stopped giving orders when they saw this. They jumped up and went into battle themselves. They took out the supernatural equipment from their small pockets and threw them away. The World of Warcraft was annoyed. Who didn't have superpowers? He threw fireballs and wind blades.

The spoons were at a stalemate with the wave of monsters. The battle situation was urgent. Qin Yilang withdrew from the team and discussed with Fengling Yi to evacuate Cuizhuxing first.

"Just leaving like this?" Luo Bi looked around and stood up: "We haven't caught a single monster yet. It would be good to catch a little partridge!"

Returning empty-handed?

No matter how hard you think, you won't give in. It's already half the afternoon, and you won't have enough time if you come and go.

Roger looked into the distance and saw a group of birds and beasts flying in the sky. He said angrily: "It's just a windy day if we try to catch them again. We need to retreat first and come back when the tide of monsters recedes."

The small-scale wave of monsters usually recedes in half a day, and the wave of medium-sized monsters takes two or three days to recede completely. Luo Bi stood on the hill and observed that the current wave of monsters has surpassed the tide of medium-sized monsters. Three to five days passed.

Who has the time to wait three to five days? Luo Bi was worried and said loudly: "Don't retreat yet. Tang Shao and I will join forces to help you."

After saying that, Luo Bi glanced at the sky, seeing the mighty team of birds and beasts, she panicked for a moment, and hurried down the hill: "Feng Ling, you go and throw yours, here I will join hands with Tang Shao and try."

Catching one is just one, throwing the monsters is a battle method that must be fought against time.

"Don't try to be brave." Fengling warned, picked up the sword and returned to the small rock mountain.

Luo Bi ran to Tang Shao's side, Luo Jie and Qin Yilang looked at each other, Zhan Di, Feng Zijie, and Guan Wei were curious and looked at each other, wondering what the difference between this colorful bracelet and the two was.

Bai Yan asked: "What should we do?"

Luo Bi felt that Bai Yan was asking too much, so he glanced at him and said, "Just do what you did before, don't worry about me and Tang Shao, when it's time to do it, Tang Shao and I will do it together."

Bai Yan stopped asking. This woman thought he talked too much.

However, at this moment, the procession of birds and beasts in the sky was getting closer and closer. Everyone was so frightened that they had no time to think about anything else.

Roger's pupils shrank, and he made a decisive decision: "We can't hesitate any longer. Let's withdraw quickly. If we don't leave, it will be too late. The birds and beasts will arrive in the blink of an eye. We are not the opponents of birds and beasts."

If the children of the Zhu family were here, they could fight, but the children of the Zhu family were fighting on Qingyao Star and could not help.

Luo Bi rolled up her sleeves and was no longer as weak as before: "It's easy to catch if there are too many. Aren't you unable to catch them? While there are many monsters now, just throw them once and then walk away. Just throw them once."

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