Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1604 A puff of dust rises

At this time, Qing Yaoxing was in a state of panic. How could the combat teams have thought that Bai Yan and Qin Yilang would be so promising and would just scrape off a layer of land and throw it over if they didn't take action.

It smashed into the small bamboo basket and raised a cloud of dust.

Fortunately it is wet soil, dry soil is more sandy and dusty.

"Ouch!" The combat team members all retreated.

Through the flying dust, everyone looked intently. When they saw what it was, their noses almost became angry.

It doesn't matter if the monsters can't catch a strange beast. Fengling and Wenyao threw them one by one. But a different group of people actually threw such a large area of ​​soil to fool them.

Everyone was stunned for a while. At this time, Bai Yan and his group were not idle either. They threw soil several times to Qingyao Star. The piles took up one third of the area of ​​​​the small bamboo basket, covering Feng Ling and eight others. The colorful monsters thrown by individuals were so smashed that they could not get up.

Wei Wei succeeded and attacked with a fireball, killing the colorful monster with broken wings: "Archon, come here and get out the colorful monster and a little partridge chicken."

Archon Pei Jing held his sword and controlled the wood power to extend a vine and fly into the small bamboo basket. He quickly pulled out the colorful monster before throwing dirt at the Cuizhu Star.

The little partridge was frightened and ran around, but the vines couldn't catch it, so it had to give up.

"Small things are hard to catch." Archon Pei Jing explained, the smaller they are, the harder they are to handle.

After the vines were removed, the sergeant moved the colorful monsters to the storage area. After a burst of crackling, Bai Yan and the others threw over a pile of shrubs, stones and weeds.

The children looked at it with wide eyes. There was not a single monster or beast, it was just a bunch of messy things.

Zhu Xingrong snorted: "Why are you throwing these things away? They are of no use at all."

"That's right, what's the use of pebbles!" The child Zhu Xingbao washed his hands, took a piece of cake and ate it loudly. It's good to throw away the dirt! He and his brothers could take a breather and get something to eat.

Zhu Xingzhi opened the bottle of milk, sat aside to rest, and did not participate in the conversation.

Mr. Zhu gave Zhu Xingrong three red fruits: "Go and wash at the spring, and you three little brothers will share the food."

Zhu Xingrong took the Bifei sword, ran away holding the red fruit, Zhu Xingbao chased after him: "Wait for me, wait for me, what are you doing so fast? I'll go too."

"Isn't this adding chaos?" Lieutenant General Mi Yue was angry. He poked the military communicator with his fat hand and shouted at Roger on the opposite side: "Colonel Luo, what are you doing? Look at what you have thrown. thing?"

The communication video was aimed at the small basket, and Lieutenant General Mi Yue didn't even laugh: "Look for yourself, in addition to throwing soil, you are throwing pebbles, shrubs, and even grass. What else are you going to throw next?!"

Roger was stunned for a moment: "... I won't throw dirt anymore."

"You try throwing it again?" Lieutenant General Mi Yue hung up the communication.

Roger never dreamed that they worked hard for a long time, threw a lot of soil to Qingyao Xing, and after hanging up the communication, their expressions were a little indescribable.

Qin Yilang was surprised: "What's wrong?"

Roger then explained the contents of the communication. For a while, everyone's expressions were so beautiful, and they changed back and forth. Who would have thought that such elites would make such mistakes.

Luo Bi couldn't help but laugh, she just said it! It looks like a layer of ground has been scraped, and it turns out that this is really the case, which is fun.

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