Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1621 Emerald Bamboo Star

Purple grape fruit is a fruit with a high price. Since it can improve combat effectiveness when paired with partridge chicken, its value has increased even more. Mrs. Zhu refused to accept it.

"I'm full, how can I eat and take more." Mrs. Huang refused.

Huang Xinling stretched out her hand, but Mrs. Huang opened it with her hands without leaving any trace. She glared again. Huang Xinling pursed her lips and was unhappy.

Luo Bi saw this in her eyes and remained calm. She opened her mouth and told the truth: "I won't give it to you if it's less. I haven't seen a good harvest from the fruit trees. I've divided it all and everyone will take one."

After everyone accepted the call and exchanged a few words, Mrs. Zhu and Mrs. Huang went home respectively.

After Luo Qing asked Luo Bi if there was any work for him to do, he followed Mrs. Luo back for a quick meal and returned to Qingyao Star overnight.

After sending everyone away, Guan Zhuting turned around and boiled water in a large pot.

Luo Bi and her father went to the supply warehouse and got twenty millet birds. When Guan Zhuting boiled the hot water, the sergeants took over the work of processing the ingredients with great discernment. They threw the millet birds into the basin and scalded and plucked their feathers.

The last time we fought in the planting area, no one was short of millet birds, but few people used them to entertain guests.

Luo Bi didn't care and fell down after eating.

Take out all the steaks and other things from the refrigerator in the kitchen, and prepare new ingredients after eating. She and Fengling are not at home. These ingredients will lose their nutrients if they are left in the refrigerator for a long time, so it is better to take the opportunity to get rid of them all.

Fruits and vegetables were also brought out. With the appetite of Tang Shao and the sergeants, it was no problem to eat them all in one meal.

"What are you doing with all the fruits and vegetables?" Guan Zhuting quickly prepared onions, ginger, garlic and other ingredients, peeling a green onion in her hand and walked over: "You don't want to eat at home? Lei Yan Warrior mainly uses meat ingredients. You don’t need vegetables for cooking, and you don’t need to prepare so many fruits.”

"It's been a while since I prepared it before going on the mission. Prepare new ingredients after eating them." Luo Bi still took them out, put them in the basket, and moved them aside to sort them: "These vegetables look fresh to you, but they have actually been lost. part of the nutritional energy.”

"The vegetables I grow in the field can be eaten. They are fresh in the ground. You can eat them when you want and pick them when you want."

Guan Zhuting thought the same thing, turned around and patted the garlic, chopped onions and ginger and put them into the pot for stir-frying. Luo Hang was responsible for the barbecue.

Luo Bi's family's food was enough to satisfy them. After the soldiers were full, they didn't bother to rest. They left the table and went to clean the purple grapes. More than a hundred baskets could not be washed in a while. The sergeants were in a hurry to invite Qing Yaoxing to go on a mission, so they hurriedly started without being urged.

Guan Zhuting cleared the dining table and went to the spring with Luo Hang.

Luo Bi did not plan to return to Qing Yao Star soon. As soon as she told Tang Shao her thoughts, Tang Shao couldn't stay any longer. He was busy until ten o'clock and left with the sergeants, and drove the spaceship to Qing Yao Star overnight.

Luo Hang and his wife did not go home that night and stayed with Luo Bi.

As soon as I lay down, there was a strong wind outside. I could hear the strong wind whistling in the house. Soon there was lightning and thunder and it started pouring rain.

As soon as the lightning passed and the thunder rumbled, Luo Hang got up and went to the yard to take a look. The purple grape fruits were placed under the porch. Because of the strong wind, less than the rainwater fell on several baskets of purple grape fruits next to it.

Luo Hang moved inside, observed the rain for a while and returned to the house.

It was windy and rainy that night. A rare heavy rain continued until dawn. The temperature dropped in the morning. When people got up, they felt the cold weather and went back to the house to put on another layer of clothes.

Those who planted the field were worried, and hurried to the planting area outside the safe zone.

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