Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1626 Someone is chatting with you

Mrs. Zhu: "······."

Luo Bi thought very well, just as she walked to the gate of Zhu's courtyard, she met Mrs. Zhu and several sisters-in-law who came to visit.

Mrs. Zhu said: "It's such a coincidence, don't go, go back and talk for a while."

Luo Bi hesitated, because she likes to get together and chat, and the Taoists are good and bad. Usually, she couldn't find anyone, but today it happened that someone was chatting with her, so she didn't want to leave, but she still remembered to go out of the safe zone to catch pheasant rabbits.

"Stop talking, I'm going out of the safe zone." Luo Bi said.

"Where is the safe zone when it's raining? Let's chat for a while before leaving." Mrs. Zhu advised her.

Several other Madams from the Zhu family also echoed: "There is basically no food in the area of ​​Miushan Mountain. You can pick up some mushrooms on rainy days. It's raining hard, so don't go. It's not worth going out of the safe area to pick up mushrooms." "

Mrs. Zhu who came out took the opportunity and said: "Stop standing at the gate of the courtyard, go home, we will play cards later."

After listening to playing cards, Luo Bi didn't leave, and followed several Zhu's wives back to the Liuli Gallery Hall. After agreeing to play cards, the fruit plate and melon seed plate on the table were pushed aside, and several women sat around to start the card game.

Just after half past ten, Guan Zhuting called Luo Bi: "What's for lunch? I need to prepare ingredients for lunch."

The melon seed plate at Luo Bi's hand was out of melon seeds. A lady from the Zhu family asked Mrs. Zhu for some more and placed them between the two of them. Luo Bi grabbed a small handful and ate melon seeds before returning to Guan Zhuting.

"You can handle a native pig, a winged rabbit, grill a fish, and you can take care of the rest."

Guan Zhuting heard the mess on the other side and asked, "Whose house are you playing at?"

"Aunt Zhu's house."

Guan Zhuting asked to understand, and then returned to the previous topic: "There are two native pigs and a winged rabbit at home. They will be kept for two days to satisfy their cravings. Let's make a millet bird to make soup at noon!"

Luo Bi didn't think so: "I'm just eating because there's not much left. After I eat them all, I'll go out to the safe area to catch them. Mom, you don't have to worry about the ingredients. I'll kill a native pig at noon and eat a goose at night. There's no shortage at home." .”

Mrs. Zhu next to me said: "..." I have never seen such a miserable life! No matter how much money the family has, they can't eat a pig for lunch and a goose for dinner. No matter how rich the family is, they can't afford to eat like this.

Guan Zhuting on the other end of the communication: "...Okay, I'll take care of it myself! I picked cucumbers and cooked some vegetables for you."

Luo Bi was impatient to hear this, so she said a few words and hung up the communication.

At this time, Mrs. Zhu took the opportunity to say: "Let's all eat at my house! I'll prepare delicious food for you at noon. It's a good time for everyone to get together."

Mrs. Zhu San didn't care, but Luo Bi refused: "No, I want to go home to eat."

The rain was still falling at noon, with heavy raindrops falling, and it showed no sign of slowing down. After Luo Bi got home, she had lunch and then went back to her room to take a lunch break. She said it was a lunch break and she slept until dark.

The rain continued the next day, with wind and rain, and overcast clouds. On such a day, everyone stayed at home without going out.

Mrs. Zhu knew that Luo Bi's family was making purple grape wine, so she took her sisters-in-law to help clean the purple grapes early in the morning. Luo Hang found all the pots at home, and the women got together to chat and work. From time to time, there was a loud noise. laugh.

Luo Bi glanced at the kitchen area and was busy studying how to make food, including pheasant, winged rabbit, native pig, duck, goose, and partridge chicken.

After all the purple grape fruits are washed out, the earliest ones are basically dry.

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