Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1629 Mushroom

"Leave the safe area and go for a walk in Mishan Mountain." Luo Bi asked casually: "Are you going?"

Qi Yan nodded: "I'll go."

Luo Bi raised her chin: "Get in the car."

Qi Yan climbed into the car and shrank to the side without daring to move. The interior equipment of the military suspended sports car was all luxurious, so the child was a little cautious. Luo Bi took a look and continued driving. After leaving the safe zone, there was another heavy rain. After entering Mishan Mountain, the rain slowed down a bit.

The wind was still strong, the trees on the mountain were swaying left and right, and some branches were broken.

Speaking of good luck, Luo Bi was not bad either. This time she didn't just pass by like in the past. She drove through the mountains and forests while carefully looking for traces of mushrooms and small animals.

Qi Yan also leaned his head on the car window to watch. Luo Bi had sharp eyes. He stopped the car and pointed at a thick tree not far away and said: "There seems to be mushrooms on that tree. Qi Yan, go over and take a look."

Qi Yan jumped out of the car to take a look and said loudly: "Sure enough, there is a cluster of mushrooms. Luo Bi, you have such good eyesight."

"I'll pick them off for you." The child let the rain fall on his body, took out a small basket from the storage on his wrist, wiped the rain off his face, and carefully picked the fresh mushrooms.

The child moved very carefully, and the mushrooms of all sizes were damaged at all.

Qi Yan picked half a catty of mushrooms at a time and climbed into the car happily: "Here you go."

Luo Bi didn't answer: "You want it!"

Qi Yan was anxious: "This is what you saw, it should be given to you."

"I asked you to pick mushrooms just to give them to you." Luo Bi drove the car out and walked through the mountains and forests, explaining: "I'll ask for them when I find them next time. I'll give you what I picked this time."

The child didn't speak, and said after a while: "You saw the mushrooms and told me, I'll pick them for you, and the leaves are covered with water when it rains."

The child wanted to contribute, and Robbie nodded, but her eyes kept looking around.

After days of overcast and rainy days, many new mushrooms grew in the mountains and forests. It was not difficult to find a cluster of mushrooms after a short walk. Luo Bi pointed it out to Qi Yan, and the child immediately jumped down to pick it without saying a word.

Qi Yan came back to give it to Luo Bi, and Luo Bi concentrated on driving: "You take it first, I'm not stupid, I won't refuse what's mine."

The child pursed his lips and smiled, holding the small basket in his arms: "We are so lucky, we collected half of the basket so quickly." He lowered his head and estimated the weight, and the child said: "These are about five kilograms."

Luo Bi glanced at it: "Absolutely."

The military hover vehicle shuttled through the mountain forest as if it were an uninhabited land. Turning left and right, Luo Bi found a lot of mushrooms, all of which had just grown, and each cap was round and very tender.

"This kind of chicken stewed with tender mushrooms is the most delicious." Luo Bi didn't take it seriously when she said it. After saying it, she suddenly remembered that the pheasants were coming. Damn it, she forgot about it and turned eastward: " Stop collecting mushrooms, let's go to the border of Mishan Mountain to see, maybe we can catch pheasants."

Qi Yan nodded: "Then let's go take a look."

As a result, after walking for a while, he saw a cluster of mushrooms, and Qi Yan hurried down to pick them.

Luo Bi pointed to this side and that side: "Qi Yan, there are also over there, hurry up."

"Here it is, where is it?" Qi Yan finished picking a bunch, and picked up a small basket to search for it.

"In your eyes, pick it!" Luo Bi was so angry, there was a cluster of mushrooms on the tree in front of Qi Yan, but the child couldn't find it after staring, what kind of eyes are these?

Qi Yan was dumbfounded: "······."

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