Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 163 Can't Be the Master

Luo Bi wants to see how shameless Zhang Cheng is, and he is worthy of a man.

"Why let Zhang Cheng come, he is a very busy man, he may not have time to come here, how nice of you to me." Lan Qiao didn't understand Luo Bi's intention at all.

"Then wait until he has time to talk." Luo Bi's attitude cooled down. She has never seen such a stupid person before, and dealing with such people will lower her IQ.

Lan Qiao stood there faltering and refusing to say go, Luo Bi looked up at the sky boredly, why don't you go, what are you doing here!

The Thunder Flame warrior who was picking shrimp and crabs beside him was chatting, and whoever said something interesting, someone laughed out loud.

They are in groups of two, and each group has a large water basin and bucket. They pick out red claw crabs and throw them into the water basin, and throw jumping shrimp into the water bucket. The jumping shrimp is dishonest. When the bucket is almost full, put the jumping shrimp in and cover it quickly to prevent it from stepping on its companions and jumping out to escape.

There was a bucket and basin at Robbie's feet, the bucket was covered, and the basin was almost full of red claw crabs, each of which was quite big, waving their sharp red pincers looking for a chance to crawl out.

Lan Qiao's gaze fell on the pot full of red claw crabs, and her eyes lit up suddenly: "Why don't you give me some red claw crabs, if I go back empty-handed, Zhang Cheng will show me face."

Luo Bi twitched the corners of her mouth, and finally held back her words: "These things don't belong to me, so what's the matter if I give them to you without permission, aren't you making it difficult for me?"

"I don't want too many, just three or five." Lan Qiao looked at Luo Bi pitifully.

"I can't be the master of three or five." Poor people must have something to hate, so Luo Bi was unmoved: "Why don't you ask Captain Qin, if he says yes, you can take it!"

"Captain Qin!" Luo Bi called Qin Yilang: "Lan Qiao is worried that Zhang Cheng will show her face, and wants us to take some red claw crabs back for business, do you think so?"

Dare to use his wife to plot against her, Luo Bi doesn't mind tarnishing Zhang Cheng's reputation.

Kicking the ball to him, Qin Yilang was the most impatient to deal with women. He twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "These things belong to the collective. It doesn't count if I say it alone. Let her ask Colonel Roger."

Qin Yilang changed hands and threw the ball to Luo Jie. Luo Jie looked at him smiling all day long, but in fact he was the worst person to talk.

Lan Qiao was dumbfounded, she just wanted a few red claw crabs, why she couldn't make decisions about each one, and asked her to go to Colonel Roger.

"Forget it, I don't dare to ask Colonel Roger, I'm going back." Lan Qiao retreated timidly.

You should have left a long time ago, Luo Bi wished for it, and hurriedly sent Lan Qiao away.

"If Zhang Cheng turns down and asks for it, do you really want to give him five catties of Hezhen?" Qin Yilang didn't like Zhang Cheng's style at first, but after Lan Qiao's trip, his impression of Zhang Cheng was even worse.

"Do you believe what I say?" The subtext of Luo Bi's words is that you are stupid!

For this woman, three black lines were drawn on Qin Yilang's forehead, and Luo Bi immediately added: "I fooled her."

Qin Yilang choked, and then stopped talking.

When Lan Qiao came this time, Luo Bi didn't dare to stay at the station anymore, and they all harassed each other in the name of looking for her, it was annoying to think about it.

Seeing women and pregnant women picking shellfish around, she talked to Feng Ling, picked up a twig and ran over to join in the fun.

She kicked here, poked there, followed everyone around, and she couldn't go far anyway, and she would stay there when it got dark.

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