Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1645 When did she become a grandmother?

Luo Bi didn't ask any more questions after hearing this. After everyone's transaction was completed, they boarded the spaceship and returned to Cuizhuxing.

Everyone was hungry at noon, so they took out the food they brought and ate it, and everyone continued to collect supplies. The stocking season is different from the past. Everyone is busy and has no time to prepare food, which is usually prepared at home and taken with them.

There are people in the combat team who are responsible for cooking, which is different from the family team. After a simple meal, they go back to their respective positions and continue throwing monsters. The ones who threw the monsters were Fengling and eight others. The five thousand elites headed by Bai Yan threw river water and river fresh food. Leng Buding might also bring one with wings.


The five thousand elites were almost pissed off, but they still didn't make any progress.

If it’s fresh from the river, just be fresh from the river! The headquarters is not strong in anything, and the five thousand elites adjust their mentality by themselves.

The team of family members packed their backpacks and prepared to disperse. Those with whom they were close friends and those who liked to live alone had already left. Luo Bi looked around, and Wu Shao and Zhan Shao were about to leave together. Orange Spoon called Red Porcelain Spoon and left.

This was another trick to trick this honest child into working. Luo Bi couldn't stand it: "Red porcelain spoon, come here."

The orange spoon greeted the red porcelain spoon: Don't talk to her, let's get together.

Luo Bi was so angry that she shouted again: "Red porcelain spoon, come here, I will take you to collect supplies."

Others looked over. Guan Zhuting put her basket on her back, took a sip of water and asked, "What's wrong? Isn't it good to have two spoons together?"

"What's good?" Luo Bi told the story about the orange spoon fooling the red porcelain spoon. Everyone laughed when they heard it. Luo Bi said angrily: "We agreed to share half of it. The red porcelain spoon is so honest. It earned 5,000 interstellar coins. 100 for each red porcelain spoon."

Luo Hang: "...This kid." There was nothing to say next. It was obviously an array weapon, but it was full of evil intentions. What could Luo Hang say? There's really nothing to say.

Mrs. Zhu shook her head and said before leaving: "The red porcelain spoon may not listen to you."

Indeed, as Mrs. Zhu said, the red porcelain spoon obeyed the orange spoon and did not listen to Luo Bi at all.

Luo Bi became anxious and said, "I'm your aunt, come here."

Mrs. Zhu and Mrs. Luo were walking. When they heard this, they staggered and almost fell. Guan Zhuting just took a sip of water and squirted immediately. When did she become a grandmother? ? ?

He Xiang and Wei Zi looked at Luo Bi dumbly, their expressions hard to describe.

Luo Hang glared at Luo Bi: "What are you talking about?"

"I'm not saying anything stupid." Luo Bi retorted. The red porcelain spoon's superpower was introduced by Hua Ran, so it was okay for her to call it red porcelain spoon.

The red porcelain spoon was confused. It didn’t know what it was, so it followed the orange spoon in a daze. Luo Bi didn't call the spoon over, and angrily followed Mrs. Zhu and others to the new bamboo forest.

The red porcelain spoon had something on her mind. She walked out all the way and was still thinking about who she was. It didn't matter if she couldn't figure it out. The red porcelain spoon sneaked into the group of women and listened to the chat, and she understood it as soon as she walked back and forth.

The red porcelain spoon was excited and nervous. It was absent-minded all afternoon. It hid aside and wiped a handful of tears. It was aggrieved and sad. It thought that only Wu Spoon, Zhan Spoon, and Orange Spoon had a home, and no one had a home. Thinking that I also have a family.

But why doesn’t the family want it?

The red porcelain spoon burst into tears again. Unable to resist its longing for its family, it went to find Luo Bi without saying a word.

I called it just now, probably because I want it. From now on, it will be obedient and can go home.

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