Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1647 I always make money silently

The flame spoon was full of excitement, and when she found good things, she put them into Luo Bi's small basket. She put them carefully and arranged them neatly. The considerate behavior was just like Luo Bi's temper. The more she looked at it, the more rare it became.

Luo Bi doesn't like noisy things, like Orange Spoon, when there is no time to calm down, there are still many things going on.

Thinking that Orange Spoon loved to collect interstellar coins, Luo Bi stopped letting Yan Spoon continue to give her the collected things. After thinking about it, she even separated some and put them in Yan Spoon's big bamboo basket.

"Keep what you collect yourself. If you sell the interstellar coins, you can save them." Luo Bi taught Yan Spoon how to save private interstellar coins, and also explained the benefits: "If you save more, you can buy things you like, such as small optical computers. What."

Suddenly remembering something, Luo Bi dug out the refined storage ring from the storage bracelet and gave it to Yan Spoon: "A spoon and a storage container. This is yours. Do you know how to use it?"

The flame spoon is not very useful, and it pokes at the storage ring.

Luo Bi didn't do anything else, but taught it how to use the storage ring. After that, one person and one spoon walked in the bamboo forest. Orange Spoon came over and dragged Flame Spoon several times, but he wouldn't follow it.

Flame Spoon: I will follow my aunt.

The orange spoon slashed with his hand: I will give you half of what I collected.

Flame Spoon: No, we will separate from now on, and we won’t be with you anymore.

Orange spoon:······.

What a spoon soldier! In the blink of an eye, there was no more effort for it. Orange Spoon was unwilling to give in and pulled the Flame Spoon several times. Flame Spoon made up his mind not to follow it, and expressed his attitude that everyone would find his own, and the things collected in the future would also go to his own.

The two spoons had a fight over a disagreement. The orange spoon failed to hit the flame spoon and was beaten and left.

Luo Bi did not participate in this. She carried a small basket and joined He Xiang and Wei Zi. Half an hour later they arrived at a bamboo forest with abundant supplies. This bamboo forest was very large, and several groups of people gathered one after another.

There was a group of family members from Zhihuang Star, a group from Jade Bamboo Star, and a group from other planets. About a hundred people gathered in this bamboo forest and searched quickly. All the pheasants and rabbits were driven out, and there was a burst of people. Grabbing like crazy.

"Mom, hurry up and grab it! There is a mangosteen pheasant." The little fat man Huang Xinling tucked up her gauze skirt and rushed into the pheasant catching team with a roar. After calling Mrs. Huang, she did not forget to greet the others: "Hurry up, everyone is here." It was snatched away by others.”

The others were outsiders, but she was calling the family members of Feizhuxing.

Mrs. Zhu, Mrs. Huang, and Mrs. Luo didn't care much anymore. They put down their backpacks and joined the hunting team. Seeing that it was already evening, catching a chicken before leaving would be a good reward.

Mrs. Zhu and the others thought this way, and so did everyone else. A dozen people came running over from all directions. Everyone was looking for supplies with their eyes wide open, but no one could care about the pheasant-winged rabbit, so they immediately joined the hunting team.

Lan Yingying, Zhou Ya, and Jiang Xi'er rushed over, followed by Wen Ya and other family members from the Emperor Star, plus the Thunder Flame warriors and their children, and the bamboo forest became a mess. Luo Bi was the least likely to fight with others. She looked around and planned to collect something else. After not going far, she went back again.

There were wild eggs in a cluster of bamboos just passed by. Luo Bi looked around and no one was paying attention, so she pushed aside the bamboos as if nothing had happened, and picked them out one by one.

The wild eggs were not big, there were five in total, and Luo Bi picked them casually and spread wild vegetables on them to cover them.

It's better to be careful, Luo Bi has always made a fortune quietly.

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