Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1649 Abundant Materials

The women chattered and vented their anger at not being able to catch the prey on the energy fireball.

The energy fireball joins in the fun and listens to other people's gossip every day, but what can't he hear? It's not angry. Whoever opens its mouth will shoot out a string of small fireballs, burning small holes in women's gauze.

With a crash, the angrily rebuking women dispersed and did not dare to say another word.

The gauze garment originally saves on fabric and is half-revealing. If the holes are permed, it will make you look embarrassed in front of others.

The energy fireball was so proud that it ignored the women and continued to chase the pheasant-winged rabbit. It was not easy to catch, but it just liked to chase the rabbit with the chicken.

Mrs. Zhu San whispered to Mrs. Zhu: "It's not as good as Orange Spoon." Although Orange Spoon is weird and petty, people know how to live a good life and bring things home.

What does the energy fireball do?

Banging the chicken and chasing the rabbit is not doing the right thing. The Wen family's energy fireballs were not like this in the past.

While the energy fireballs were causing trouble, Wu Spoon, Zhan Spoon, Orange Spoon, and Flame Spoon were not idle, chasing their prey to catch them.

The women who ran away tidied up their gauze clothes and returned to the hunting party.

More and more prey are being spied out. Who wouldn’t be jealous? Everyone present was excited. Even the arrogant ones like Lan Yingying no longer cared about their image and started chasing their prey.

Luo Bi also picked up a pheasant. While she was picking up eggs, a pheasant ran over with its wings drooped. If it didn't catch it, it would be a fool if its wings were broken.

What is luck? This was the pheasant that was delivered to the door, and Luo Bi caught it as soon as he caught it.

I picked it up and shook it. The pheasant was half dead and ate it at night.

After a while of chaos, the pheasant-winged rabbits that escaped were finally caught. Those who participated in the hunt had mixed harvests, and almost everyone had one prey. This is the advantage of a planet occupied by Warcraft. There are abundant resources everywhere, and even children will not leave empty-handed.

Everyone took a breath, and some of them planned to leave.

The family members from Emperor Star spent the night at Cuizhuxing. They had no intention of leaving so early. Feizhuxing and Zhihuangxing were packing up and thinking about moving supplies. On the first day of action, there were no roads opened along the way, and the forest trails were not enough to drive the hover vehicle, so material transportation was a problem.

Of course, this is something that those who have money need to consider. Some people just put things in a storage container to save trouble and leave whenever they want. They can also collect more supplies during this free time.

As for energy loss?

Naturally, it is ignored. Not everyone can leave the storage device unused.

Each team has a pile of supplies, those who put bags in bags, and those who put baskets in baskets. Whoever owns the items remembers it, so as not to get confused if there are too many items. Luo Bi looked at her two bags and a big bamboo basket and was worried. She couldn't move them. She pointed out that her father had to carry them several times alone.

When the move is over, I'm afraid it will be dark.

"Don't worry, my guards will move it for you." Mrs. Zhu said, and she came with her guards.

Mrs. Luo also said: "I will move you back sooner or later. We have guards at home."

The Leiyan warriors picked up the supplies and left. Wei Zi and He Xiang, both of whom were able to endure hardships, followed behind with their backpacks on their backs. Although women have little strength, they can still carry things within their capabilities.

It seems impossible to let the Leiyan warriors carry them, but I'm afraid they won't help next time.

No one is a fool, right? Why don't you do your best to work for you?

Do you still expect people to have no opinion?

How can it be?

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